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Everything posted by Catatau_27

  1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hwwnN67Hppj4y8k4XNoU6RlzSkijMpp9/view?usp=sharing Now is possible see. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t2yaE03tP-z0DMP8t3_uKvdSzmYBUglj/view?usp=sharing, and i never do anything like that, so i don't know how i fix this problem for my self.
  2. First, my bad i use the wrong text format to talk and yes i send my log and a image error to him, second: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t2yaE03tP-z0DMP8t3_uKvdSzmYBUglj/view?usp=sharing this is the image, and this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hwwnN67Hppj4y8k4XNoU6RlzSkijMpp9/view?usp=sharing is my log, third: Can you help me ? Four: Sorry again, i'm not screaming! If I remove the B9PS the error will disappear, but I cannot change the functions of the HX parts of my ships. And this is the practical effect of my problem, which is derived from the error images I received, if anyone can help me I am grateful!
  3. quase o mesmo problema, a diferença é que o meu problema é "Nenhum tipo de tanque chamado" Argônio "existe" Erro fatal, o jogo continua, mas se eu clicar em sair do jogo, feche-o.
  4. Hello, all informations from MFD has been inverted on screem and be totaly up side down. DD: Help Me
  5. Same error for me, the game don't load, i use manual form and not Ckan, the OPT original need work wht 1.7.3 or more oldest EVA archives. This problem happen when i download updade OPT reconfig and OPT legacy.
  6. I already knew it, but I'm literally walking inside the ship, and not floating inside it without any gravity pinning me to the ground, if I can walk inside the ship normally as I walk in Kerbim it's already worth the financial investment, $ 60.00 on my country is almost 160.00 so it has to be very worth it ..
  7. I'm talking walking like in Star Citizen.
  8. I have some questions that may be decisive: 1° In ksp2 will I be able to walk inside the ship? 2° With simulated gravity? 3° Will I be able to access internal and external controls manually and electronically? 4° Can I walk the hull of the ship? 5° Get in and out of the cargo bay and walk to the cockpit? If the answer to these questions is yes, it is worth every hard earned penny spent on purchasing this game.
  9. Hey, I'm developing a new type of texture that does not fate the lines or details of the pieces, as was the case with DCK, it's still not finished, I still have to be able to make the new texture not break the EMM files, but that proves my point, that there are a lot of people who like the metalized texture, more than the standard white texture of the KSP, fortunately being OPT I'm getting all the help from the creator of the mod, he was informed about my project, however I still lack time and a little of help to finalize and then launch as a texture alternative, and no is not texturesunlimited. =) Soon if it is the will of more people with the help of @JadeOfMaar can leave the paper.
  10. Well i made this craft: Avalon, https://imgur.com/jB8FKPq , https://imgur.com/K6DOxbw
  11. Entendo, no início do jogo lá em 2013 que não tinha muita coisa, jogar em 32b era de boa não tinha muita exigência, hoje tem MUITA COISA BOA, eu só aproveitei a maré xD, Meu sonho para um melhor KSP são peças melhores de stock que não seja apenas de coisas espaciais, isso reduziria e muito meu uso abusivo de mods, mas o que eles fazem é sempre remodelar a mesma peça isso é bom e ruim, é bom pq melhora consideravelmente a peça, mas é ruim pq só fica nisso tb acho que vc entende meu ponto. Nota: O SQUAD não cria peças novas de stock tem MUITO TEMPO, quem faz isso são os criadores de mod, porém os únicos que ganham com isso é o próprio Squad pois são poucos que possuem computadores para rodas os melhores mods...
  12. Eu, só posso colaborar com montagem nos finais de semana, porém eu tenho muitas ideias durante a semana (eu anoto tudo), dude eu uso cerca de 160 mods, meio que demora uma hora pra carregar tudo, sendo assim para uma estação espacial Brasileira descente e funcional, é preciso de uma lista de mods específica que TODOS devem ter, isso me favorece pois são menos mods da minha parte, minhas construções de hangar no Kerbalx são geralmente militares, apenas recentemente tenho variado para construções normais, o record de construção com mais mods de todo o KerbalX é meu com aproximadamente 35 mods em uma única criação. Mas voltando ao assunto da estação, de cara todos os mods Near como Near Future eletrical e etc... devem estar na lista, mods visuais como Scatterer, SVE, EVE, KS3P, Astronomer visual pack e etc.. devem fazer parte para uma melhor apresentação, o mod SSTU, Bluedog e etc para definir melhor a aparência da estação, são mods pesados diga-se de passagem, mas como o objetivo é apenas criar uma estação, quanto mais peças de estação ou mods ligados à estação e melhoramento visual, mas real e legal vai ser, por último gostaria de citar o Magic Smoke Industries para fazer as partes robóticas como braços e garras para docas. É preciso fazer uma lista funcional de preferência que rode em todos os nossos computadores, o projeto final poderá ser compartilhado no KerbalX como uma colaboração Brasileira. =) Abraços! Nota Importante: Meu PC é parrudo, consigo rodar todo o RSS de boa, é um sistema 64b 16 GB de ram, duas placas de vídeo e refrigeração líquida :p no meu ponto de vista usar só mods para estação reduz muito de 160 mods fica até suave xD (O objetivo dessa nota não é querer aparecer, mas de fornecer informação das minhas limitações, grato pela compreensão) Nota importante 2: O KSP funciona assim: quanto mais peças forem usadas mais pesado fica o jogo quando se abre uma criação com mais de 400 peças, ao passo que isso não acontece quando o que aumenta é o número de mods.
  13. Eu já sou ótimo construindo coisas, porém eu uso mods, é muito difícil eu fazer tudo stock, pois depois na hora de abrir fica extremamente pesado, com os mods é mais tranquilo.
  14. Obrigado, vou tentar! Na pior da hipóteses vou precisar de ajuda. xD Sou apenas um maldito builder AUHAUAH Ok thanks, i will try. =D
  15. Good afternoon, look I use many mods, more than 150, your mod is wonderful, but even running on 64bit on windows I still have trouble making the whole game open. There must be a series of incompatibilities with my other mods or I'm doing something wrong. PS:I'll give you the log.
  16. xD Really ? I have 16GB ram for 157 mods, it takes an hour and a half to load everything, considering that I use accurate visual mods, I just do not use mods for the buildings as this far exceeds the level of ram I have.
  17. I have many questions, how does this add-on work? How can I configure? For apparently no sequencer appears in SPH, and even when it appears it is empty and without actions, I could never use this add-on for real, it would be great a tutorial of how to do everything from how to install to how to make it work. (PS: I'm using version 1.6.1 of the game)
  18. I would like all Restock and Restock Plus parts to follow the same pattern in the color palette that you used, a white, a standard gray, a black and a black and white, would be great, besides combining, would leave that SQUAD pattern that we already see the years, their choice of colors are perfect, they pass a very real and attractive metallic impression.
  19. It was perfect, the internal solar panels, I can not wait for the next update where these modifications are available =)
  20. I have no words to describe how incredible this mod and its additional version are, but it would be great to have more color options as the mod DKC did, however the DCK problem is that it overcame the whole piece with a solid color and the details of the piece disappeared, I am a super fan of the creator of AirplanePlus and his works the parts for airplanes are perfect, I built many military planes with the parts of Airplane Plus, and gave life to several of them with the DCK, I hope that in the future all the pieces Restock plus Restock plus have at least the option of 3 basic colors: Standard gray, Black and White, I know that for military airplanes there is a different military gray, but if there are at least 3 options it would be much easier and pleasant to build, and both I and other DCK users could retire the same. Who knows in a future update, congratulations To everyone involved in the Restock / Restock Plus project, ladies / gentlemen, you have changed the way you see the game, forever.
  21. In fact, but I guarantee that if it were possible to translate everything referring to the piece we would have many happy Brazilian users. xD However, I only used the example.
  22. Would you like to translate into Brazilian Portuguese? Fortunately I'm Brazilian and I can help if you want, it's going to be good, because I'm a mod user. =) Example: The text of screen: "::128k RAM AVAILABLE:: KEROS V.301 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRESS ANY KEY WHAN READY " Translate: :: 128k RAM DISPONÍVEL:: KEROS V.301 TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS PRESSIONE QUALQUER TECLA QUANDO ESTIVER PRONTO:

    Good afternoon, I know how hard it is to do things in the way you do, but when will some of these new structures be available for use in the game? I really need some parts at the moment the one I need the most is the one that can lift loads.


    Please continue with your incredible work, and if I can help in any way, just call.

    PS: The forklift and the crane and the is also very important to me!

  24. Teach me how to make flight plans for airports from @ for Kerbinside Remaster ? DD:
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