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Contract doesn't 'see' cupola

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That's very strange.  Excellent screenshot, it provides precisely the information we need to see, and yeah, I'm scratching my head, too.  It makes no sense that it wouldn't complete.

I'm guessing that the answer to this question is "no", but just as a sanity check:  you didn't launch this mission (and accept the contract) in a previous KSP version before 1.0.5, did you?  Sometimes contracts can be kinda flaky if you accept them before a patch and then try to finish them afterwards.

Other than that, about the only thing I can think of is "what mods are you running?" (hard to imagine what could cause this symptom, though), and maybe check out the Alt+F12 debug log to see if there's anything telltale in there (there probably won't be, but it doesn't hurt to check).

Looks like a good chance it may be a bug.  Suggestions for moving forward:

  • Report it to Squad.  They're in heavy bug-fixing mode for 1.1 right now, maybe they could fix it!  But they can't fix a bug if they don't know about it.  (Attach a copy of your game save file to the bug.)
  • Go ahead and give yourself the contract.  You've earned it, it's not your fault if the game doesn't recognize it.  Just open the alt+F12 cheat menu and find the contracts section, there's a place where you can tell it to complete the contract and you'll get all the credit for it.


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9 hours ago, Reinoud said:

Everything is accounted for, but it somehow does not acknowledge the cupola I (clearly) have. Does anybody have an idea what's wrong? Thanks!

Welcome to the forums!

As @Snark says, use Alt-F12 to complete the contract.  As to reporting it, I THINK somebody has already reported something similar, if not the same.  Check the bug list to be sure, and add your input if necessary.  I seem to recall something along these lines from a few weeks ago.

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Before you take the [F12] way out there is another option you could try. Quicksave, shut KSP down, restart KSP and return to the contract craft. Good chance the contract will now complete without issue.

The contract system is still buggy and is known to not recognize completed contract on the first attempt.

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43 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

...The contract system is still buggy and is known to not recognize completed contract on the first attempt.

Same experince here, without mods or with very few mods.

I have lots of contracts responding correctly after a certain scenechange or restart, i don`t care anymore it is somtimes late to refresh status.

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It looks like there was a fairing over the cupola, I'm wondering if that is causing your issue.  

If you still have the vessel saved in the VAB, try the following:

Launch the same vessel, and look to see if the cupola requirement is checked while sitting on the launchpad.

If the cupola requirement wasn't checked, return to the VAB and remove the fairing.  Send it back to the launchpad and again see if the cupola requirement is checked.

Please report back.  If the fairing is causing the issue, it shouldn't be.

Posting a link to your craft file may be helpful.

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