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Squadcast Summary (2016/03/03) - Mod it till it squeals edition


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5 minutes ago, regex said:

Man, the tinfoilery surrounding an obvious logistical decision is hilarious.

Agreed ... and TBH I do not remember this kind of outrage when Steam users got hosed by Squad when the devs decided to erase the official 64bit client of all the Steam installs of KSP in 0.90, that is pretty much a mirror situation ( and in strict sense, actually worse ) of the current issues.... a more distracted person would almost think that this was just a excuse for some anti-Steam people to vent out :/

Edited by r_rolo1
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23 hours ago, Sandworm said:

Don't have steam = no play KSP.


It's a mandate to use a third party service.  And that third-party service is deciding who is and isn't allowed to play.  And steam tracks player time/location, along with other metrics.  It's DRM by another name.  Steam should remain an opt-in option for those who want it, not a mandate for those who do not.

Steam is great Sandworm, I have had it for many, many years with zero issues. It's a good thing.

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1 hour ago, Majorjim said:

Steam is great Sandworm, I have had it for many, many years with zero issues. It's a good thing.

Well, it is the platform that made it viable to release games purely with integrated DRM and made region locks on pc easier than ever before, so it's not just a good thing.

That said, doesn't make much difference for a digital game like KSP: You have to log into a service anyway, either KSP store or steam, and the latter is more comfortable when you got to use it for other stuff anyway. Buying is more attractive on store because more revenue gets to the devs tho.

Edited by Temeter
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