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Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread.

Whirligig Girl

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Er I thought that we weren't supposed to launch UNTIL experimentals?

Oh well I'm hyped about the opt-in and some of the upcoming features (shiny new orbit lines, which hopefully fix a bunch of orbit-line related bugs).

Note: if this were OpenTTD, I would have probably just have accidentally deleted the one-way path signal in front of the station, and we'd be on course for a head-on collision with a coal-carrying double-headed freight train going the other way D:

Edited by Renegrade
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4 minutes ago, Maximus97 said:

I can't wait for the new wheel physics, myself.

I'm looking forward to tryin' em out too.

By the way doing donuts like that is immature and irresponsible and something I always do when there's enough snowfall.  And it's decidedly best with rear-wheel drive.

Err did I say always?  I meant always.  I mean I meant NEVER!  *cough* >.>

I really did mean 'always'.  Oops did I say that out loud?

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Just now, Renegrade said:

Err did I say always?  I meant always.  I mean I meant NEVER!  *cough* >.>

I really did mean 'always'.  Oops did I say that out loud?

Did it in front of a high school teacher once, no biggie :cool:

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Just now, Maximus97 said:

Did it in front of a high school teacher once, no biggie :cool:

On the school lot? Hehe.  Couldn't do that at my school, the lot was all nasty and pothole-y. :/

It's actually really good practice - you learn a lot about skid control doing that.

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2 hours ago, CliftonM said:

Well, we can increase font size.


2 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

One ticket please (I'm in second class because I bought from the store). :D 

I think we're actually in steerage.

Trains have steerage, right?


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