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Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread.

Whirligig Girl

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Choo chooo~!

Random aside: When I was growing up, my grandpappy gave me a Wilesco D455 steam engine.  I wish I knew where that ended up, I loved that thing.  Ran on little bricks of fuel and distilled water, was very neat.  Very nice build, double acting and everything.

(All this train stuff is a constant reminder of that little engine, even though it was a stationary kind)

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sound of the hype train accelerating

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Welcome to our fortress tall
Take some time to show you around
Impossible to break these walls
For you see the steel is much too strong
Computer banks to rule the world
Instruments to sight the stars

Possibly I've seen to much
Hangar 18 I know too much

Foreign life forms inventory
Suspended state of cryogenics
Selective amnesia's the story
Believed foretold but who'd suspect
The military Intelligence
Two words combined that can't make sense

Possibly I've seen to much
Hangar 18 I know too much

I think KSP is becoming the Advent's programming to the outer worlds.

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  On 3/4/2016 at 2:27 PM, Rthsom said:

I'd like a ticket as well! Also, this may be an interesting ride, to say the least. A huge dump of media not a couple days, but two weeks before release.

Also Gregrox, mind adding this gif of the new landing gear to the OP? I don't think they have been pushed back to an update after 1.1.



personally, the old small landing gear was the BEST gear for rovers (that do not use electric wheels) for ages in the game.  It was sturdy, didn't sink thru the ground, and pretty much kraken-proof.

I hope the new one will be just as good, and that someone (Necrobones?) add it to a legacy pack for me to keep using.

I really love that landing gear.


Everything else with the update, I am in 100%. 

  On 3/5/2016 at 3:53 AM, MaxxQ said:

Now THIS is a hype train!



Sauron's train allright !

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