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Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread.

Whirligig Girl

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'Twas hypey and the whiny trolls
Did flail and fumble 'hind the train
With whimsy did the hearty souls
Elect and choose to lose the pain.

Beware the anti-hype my son!
The trolls that moan and foster hate
Beware the entitled and shun
Those who would the devs berate.

He took his hypey meme in mind
Not long his horrid foe he sought
He typed his mind and from behind
Came forth the thing that filled his thought

And, as thoughts he typed and read,
The ugly beast with hate aflame
Posted rudely in the thread
Spewing bile as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The hype was swung just like a blade
The troll shrank back from the attack
Then fled from all the good posts made.

And hast thou bested the Troll, my son?
The riders toasted the golden boy
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
They chortled in their joy.

'Twas hypey and the whiny trolls
Did flail and fumble 'hind the train
With whimsy did the hearty souls
Elect and choose to lose the pain.


With deep apologies to Lewis Carroll.

Happy Hypey landings!

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My hope is that once the game is available on the store and other outlets there will still be a period of bug gathering and bug elimination leading to, as with 1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and maybe even 1.1.5.

If they get the patcher working then that process would be much easier.

I dream of a day where one of the first pieces of help offered is "Have you run the KSP patcher lately? OK run it now and tell me what it says"

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My hope is that once the game is available on the store and other outlets there will still be a period of bug gathering and bug elimination leading to, as with 1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and maybe even 1.1.5.

If they get the patcher working then that process would be much easier.

I dream of a day where one of the first pieces of help offered is "Have you run the KSP patcher lately? OK run it now and tell me what it says"

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Hype people!! The bug tracker is is getting there based on the progress I would say would could see a proper release as early as Sunday. That would be really nice. Even though the devnotes said one more week. Tuesday is more likely. 

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6 hours ago, John FX said:

My hope is that once the game is available on the store and other outlets there will still be a period of bug gathering and bug elimination leading to, as with 1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and maybe even 1.1.5.

If they get the patcher working then that process would be much easier.

I dream of a day where one of the first pieces of help offered is "Have you run the KSP patcher lately? OK run it now and tell me what it says"

Proper patcher which can update necessary files, not the whole game, would be awesome.

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9 hours ago, qromodynmc said:

Proper patcher which can update necessary files, not the whole game, would be awesome.


I agree ... this would benefit us both ... the user as well as Squad ... as it reduces the load on the download server of the store

Edited by Godot
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Nice, I'm thinking about going back to ksp if it'll support X64 version and I'll get back to developing my engines mod !

Lost the KSP hype because of the 1 ips I had as soon as I reach the 200 parts...I hope it's a resolved issue now


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15 hours ago, ISE said:

Hype, it isn't just a phrase anymore, it,.... it has more meaning than that..its simply to much to comp.r..e.hend.____[communications lost:confused:

Welcome to the forums, ISE, and I hope the acceleration to Hypetm speed wasn't too rough on you. Nice job, having 2 rep on 1 post!

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I've been looking at the bug tracker periodically, and I think that maybe, just maybe, we've passed through max bug.  Now we'll really start to get moving.

Release is definitely smelling closer!

Happy Hypey landings!

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