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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When you right click on screenshots to rotate the camera.

When you start thinking if you can find a mod to actually allow you to do this.

When you spend all day on the KSP Forums while you are meant to be working, preparing for your "work" on KSP.

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When you refer to parallel parking as docking; eg "This spot is pretty small. I don't know if we'll have room to dock".

Worse, far worse if you has to remind yourself that the Oberth effect don't work on turnabouts.

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When you are building with legos or watching someone build with legos and think: he's gonna need some struts on that.

When you see an 18-wheeler and think that it's thrust to wheight ration is far too low.

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