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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When you switch to 64-bit system only because of KSP memory issues

...only to realize it had pretty much zero effect on a 32-bit application.

If you're running out of RAM due to mods, go get the Active Memory Reduction mod. It compresses the various textures into a format that's more "native" to your video card, and drastically cuts RAM usage in the process. I have all the big packs and a ton of other various add-ons. I was running near 3.2GB constantly. After I dropped in the AMR mod? 2.4GB.

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Given that on x86 it crashes at 2 GB (I know about that trick with getting exta gigabyte, but it crashes graphics drivers on this PC) that is rather good upgrade. But after the 0.23 "optimization" it seems to eat even more memory... It was pretty stable for several versions, but now it returned to "over 2 GB" again.

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When you dream you are a rocket that can be successfully built in KSP.

(also, I already dreamt of a SSTO design which could work in KSP(at least, if flown by scott manley: I dreamt of a design he used for the new RAPIER engine).


Scott Manley???

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