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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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My day has suddenly improved greatly. That is so encouraging to hear.

My son loves to watch me build stuff in the VAB, and even more so he likes planes and tells me what to do, but he refuses to let me launch them: "No no, I just want to look at them". He will actually start to wail when I start a launch. I think he is afraid that they crash, and even me showing him how I can bring them back did nothing to soothe him.

He´ll turn four soon, maybe I can try again then.

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You know you've played too much KSP when you wake up in the morning, start playing KSP, and get really involved in making a new spaceplane. Just a few hours later, or at least, what seemed like a few hours, you decide to check the mailbox. A five-foot high by three-feet wide pile of newspapers greets you, and the most recent one reads: January 29th, 2137.

[in reality]

You know you play to much KSP when you start looking at real-life spacecraft and parts of said spacecraft and think, "Oh, hey, that's an R-10 solid rocket motor!"

(Like this one here)


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I've had the KSP dream too O_O

In fact I think I had it twice now. The more recent one was about the ARM patch coming out. You know you play too much KSP when you check the forum five times a day for news about the next patch and then have a dream that the next patch came out!

Help, I think I've gone insane......

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You know you play too much KSP when you check the forum five times a day for news about the next patch and then have a dream that the next patch came out!

Help, I think I've gone insane......

It sounds nearly like FOMO for me. You may try to check forums only once a day (same for Facebook and other webpages) or less... this should help a bit.

During 2 years of playing KSP I catch myself couple of times on trying to use time-warp keys in other games or when computer was slowing down... of course it didn't worked :rolleyes:.

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After finishing a physics exam I drew an in game blueprint for the 0.23.5 asteroid patch with the delta v calculated and with a science assignment on planetary alignments and eclipses I see a place in Australia named ceDUNA. KSP why do I write Mun not Moon, Kerbol not sun, Eve not Venus, Duna not Mars and Kerbin not Earth? Why did I only realise that after I got it back! Well, I still only got an A- (Next time my precious, next time.)

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Uuuh, having so many of these happening to me, in addition:

- Several times during a work day, you go and reload forum pages to see if ARM or 0.24 is out.

- You are already planning for a sick leave when that happens

- Contact a former school friend for the first time in 10 years just because he knows Scott Manley...

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breaking up with your girlfriend gives you nightmares of falling though Jool... forever until you wake up so sweaty you think you pissed the bed... I need therapy....Duna has done this to me also, but I cant slow down enough and I end up crashing into the surface, in my dream.

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