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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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I was taking a bath and I was so lazy I wanted to hit "X" to turn off the water. Yes that happened.

Then there's you're diy project! Get a waterproof flexible membrane keyboard, buy up some raspberry pi's with waterproof external enclosures, and get that soldering iron ready! And don't forget the debugging for that code! :D :D

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Today I tried using the ">" button on the keyboard that would normally speed up time-warp to fast-forward a youtube video...

When I try to use right-click to roll around to see the other side of photos of actual spaceships!


When stacking tupperware in the kitchen makes you think of rocket staging.

When you look at your gas gauge, and think "I have enough fuel to complete this mission."

When you look at a bug flying, and think "look where that center-of-lift is!"

Seriously, I think I spent $16 for this game on Steam, I'm sure I've wasted 100 times that in billable hours since. Worth every penny!

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When you wince after hearing how high they were dropping the Philae lander from. And after hearing it bounced, thinking "I bet they wish they had KSP back then to try a few Gilly landings before designing that lander".

Yup, it went through my head.

Also, KSP ruined all sci-fi films for me. I keep saying "What the heck are they using as a fuel source!?!? A star!?"

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I actually started making fake gravity assists when I walk.

Columns? I use them to change trajectory, based on my distance relative to them.

Sometimes I find myself walking on hyperbolic or parabolic trajectories...

Edited by Agost
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Watched guardians of the Galaxy. Saw a spaceship tumble as it fell, then regain stability, and fly straight back up when the throttle was pulled. Literally my first thought was he must be using gimbaling engines for control authority.

I actually started making fake gravity assists when I walk.

Columns? I use them to change trajectory, based on my distance relative to them.

Sometimes I find myself walking on hyperbolic or parabolic trajectories...

You should learn to Rollerblade. Get close enough to a column, grab it with your arm, then you can change trajectory.

Edited by Tw1
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you should learn too rollerblade. Get close enough to a column, grab it with your arm, then you can change trajectory.

I usually do that on the end of a handrail at home, or with wall angles... while walking, or running up/down the stairs

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what's the weight of that thing, and how much did it put into orbit?

I have so far not used any mods besides a radial decoupler fix, and don't know a single numerical value of what I did there. I wanted to get a feeling for the game in its stock state first, and learn the basic functions before modding.

Needless to say, I didn't just put that stuff together to see it working on the first attempt. This is the sixth iteration of my Tylo hardware, this took some effort (see also "Best Explosions"). Rule-of-thumb estimates for the lander and ascent stage performance were obtained by flying the stuff on Kerbin. But actually flying Kerbonauts there I did only twice: the first time I killed them, and then I started building Tylo-specific hardware.

I got very far with the beginner approach of gradually making my standart rocket/lander stuff bigger for each new destination, before Tylo I never left anything in orbit but returned with part of the stuff that landed. Mun, Minmus, Duna, Pol, even Vall worked this way, and up to this point I had always brought my Kerbals back. This changed on Tylo, were three Kerbonauts impacted at a scary speed. So I had to solve Tylo, it would suck to see it whenever going to Jool and feel defeated. :)

But doing Tylo without knowing what the stuff I was putting together could actually deliver is STUPID. I have just found this out. Besides, the guys haven't even returned yet. So I guess I will soon go for an engineering mod to no longer be stupid. First thing after installing will be looking at this stack!

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