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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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If you're riding your road bike on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and you keep thinking, "Hmmm, my bike is only about 10 kilos, and I only weigh around 42 kilos, that makes 52 kilograms, hmmm, and I'm pedalling furiously at around 33 km/h, and yet I'm not even yet at peak heart rate--looks like my TWR is DAMN GOOD!" :D

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I had a few to add but forgot them. I think one had something to do with randomly humming the different background music in the game, like the "muzak" in the VAB. :) Though it does seem to be lacking background music for launch. I'm thinking maybe Steppen Wolf...something having to do with magic carpets (I'm sure someone gets the reference :) ).

Why don't you come with me little girl? :)

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You know you've been playing too much when you're browsing the net and either try to zoom in by pressing the middle mouse button and pushing forward on the mouse, or if you try to change the perspective of a picture by right-clicking and dragging...

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I was laying on the floor next to my daughters while they were playing in their ball-pit. I picked up one of the balls and started throwing it towards the ceiling and catching it again. I caught myself trying to throw it higher to extend it's 'Apoapsis'...

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You know you play too much KSP when you remember all the planets and moons in the Kerbol system from memory and can't remember a single planet from the Sol system (our solar system)

"But Sherlock! It's the solar system!"

I know I play to much KSP because when I am playing I cant make myself stop until it is 3am and my alarm clock tells me I have less then 4h left to sleep. :P

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While waiting for your code to compile at work you just have a "quick look" at the KSP forums. An hour later you realise it only took 90 seconds for your code to compile. Then, on top of that, you waste an extra couple of minutes writing posts like these.

Guilty... :P

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Out for dinner with friends, discussing overseas trips, accommodation, and food and such.

In my mind, I picture myself landing in Paris in a Mark 1-2 capsule, with enough food to last the trip.....

Walking about in the city, when I came across signs that said:

"Bill posters will be prosecuted"

And thought:

"What's so bad about Bill?"

Waking up to go to church, and I start imagining the parts needed to get me there. Then stripping away the unnecessary ones.

I was left with nothing, as there would be no launches, landings, or burns required. And the rover car was pre-made.

I later realised the shape I was making in my head resembled a pair of pants and shoes. Didn't get around to assembling a shirt though.

And I saw Vall when I looked at a blue spiked ball one of the kids was holding today.

Edited by Tw1
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Driving home from a friend's place last night.

Very tired.

Every time a traffic light I was stopped at turned green I would monitor my acceleration to ensure an optimal ascent profile.

Throughout the 40-minute drive kept wondering how much longer my transfer burn was going to take.

I have an older car with a cassette-to-audio jack adapter for playing music from my phone... I had to resist the urge to try and deploy solar panels so my batteries wouldn't run dry from playing the cassette tape.

I am no longer in control of my life. O_o

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