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Don´t delete other vessels while flying in atmosphere

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KSP has a nasty habit of deleting other vessels near the active vessel, while flying inside an atmosphere and quickloading. The fastest way to see this happening is just by launching a rocket, staging something away and immediately quicksaving/quickloading. You will see, after quickloading, that the dropped stage is still where, but gets deleted within a short period of time. This problem can happen during "normal" gameplay when:

1) Flying multiple planes in formation and quicksaving/quickloading at any point during the flight (Granted, there is not much use to doing this, but it is fun :) )

2) Landing multiple parts of a lander on any planet with atmosphere, and quicksaving before touchdown. For example landing on Duna, your main lander does a powered landing while your rover is parachuting down ~100m away.

These are just 2 examples that happened to me. That this mechanic is in place, is understandable, it improves performance. But now, that 1.1 is coming out soon, bringing performance improvents, we might not need this anymore. I suggest: Only delete, if there´s no way to control the other vessel and if there are no kerbals on board.


Edited by rudi1291
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3) Regular cruise airlines on Kerbin

4)  Air dockings at 4 MAX.


I suggest: Only delete, if there´s no way to control the other vessel and if there are no kerbals on board.


How about KOS still driving your plane around the planet ?

Edited by _Astra_
how to make a quote without selection, using the tags only?
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2 hours ago, Kerbart said:

And then someone will complain that when landing their 800 part battlecruiser, after spawning of five 300-part troop pods, that the game becomes sluggish. :)


Have docked two 1,700 part ships in 0.9 ^_^ No troops, no weapons, sorry. It was a slideshow.

I suppose a modern CL card is far more capable doing this without lags.

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1 hour ago, Alshain said:

Really?  Source?

It was in one of the devnotes. I'm not quite sure which one, but it was there. It may have been two or three back.

Got it. 

"Even better, vessels in atmosphere within range of the active vessel are no longer deleted during quickload, and he adjusted the “switch to” logic so users can cycle between nearby craft upon quickloading."

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
Buahaha! I found the source!
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9 minutes ago, Ehco Corrallo said:

It was in one of the devnotes. I'm not quite sure which one, but it was there. It may have been two or three back.

Got it. 

"Even better, vessels in atmosphere within range of the active vessel are no longer deleted during quickload, and he adjusted the “switch to” logic so users can cycle between nearby craft upon quickloading."

Ah, nice.  Not sure how I missed that.

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That just means they won't vanish if they're less than 22(ish) km from your ship when you quicksave and quickload. If they get more than 22(ish) km from your ship, they're still going to be deleted.


Oops I thought you all misread the devnote, but it was ME who misread the OPs post. I apologize.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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4 hours ago, Ehco Corrallo said:

It was in one of the devnotes. I'm not quite sure which one, but it was there. It may have been two or three back.

Got it. 

"Even better, vessels in atmosphere within range of the active vessel are no longer deleted during quickload, and he adjusted the “switch to” logic so users can cycle between nearby craft upon quickloading."

Nice. Missed that too.

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11 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

That just means they won't vanish if they're less than 22(ish) km from your ship when you quicksave and quickload. If they get more than 22(ish) km from your ship, they're still going to be deleted.


Oops I thought you all misread the devnote, but it was ME who misread the OPs post. I apologize.

I thought I misread the devnote, too. (At which point I grew worried that I might be spreading an unsubstantiated rumor: "The physics bubble is gone, guys!") Then, likewise, I realized that I'd misread the OP. 

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