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Submission: sinking to the bottom


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I've never actually done any sub missions (I've been meaning to, but haven't gotten one of those "round tuits" which are apparently required for any mission) - I'd be nervous about those panels breaking off.  Maybe ox-stats instead?

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Test it by dropping near KSC first. Then add more ore tanks until it sinks.

I don't think the solar panels will do much underwater, they may well fall off during descent, water is like an atmosphere only much denser, try using an RTG.

Oh, rockets and jet engines work underwater in KSP the same as in atmosphere, just expect LOTS more drag.

Edited by pandaman
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From my experience that's not enough ore containers. I'd go for at least twice the ratio ore container-non ore container.

Personally I've made special versions of the Fuel Cells that turn Electricity into Ore (or gradually turn Ore into nothing). This makes subs a lot easier, as you can get to where you want to go while still buoyant and not too heavy. Then you can let the ballast fill up. I can send the cfgs if you want. 

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7 minutes ago, Renegrade said:

I've never actually done any sub missions (I've been meaning to, but haven't gotten one of those "round tuits" which are apparently required for any mission) - I'd be nervous about those panels breaking off.  Maybe ox-stats instead?

Newbie on subs to...I was planning to open the panels once I landed on the bottom.

This will take my a while, haven't even build a plane to take it to sea yet. ^_^

EDIT : "round tuits"  ?

Edited by Triop
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Round Tuits...   I'll do that when I get 'around to it' (a round tuit).  Once you have one you have no excuse for not doing anything.

I've been doing stuff with underwater probes the last couple of days, subs work as if they are above ground, just with WAAAAAAAY more drag.  If you want them to stay on the seabed add enough ballast (full ore tanks work fine).  With tweaking the ore amounts you can adjust your buoyancy and balance so that you only just sink, if that's what you need.

Rockets and jets work as normal underwater too, so you can effectively drive on the seabed and 'fly' normally, just a lot slower, and you need a lot less lift.  Just remember that as you use fuel you gain buoyancy, so check that you sink with the fuel tanks empty.

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1 hour ago, nosirrbro said:

Damn, that worked well, my subs never sink!

Still live, I had to restart because I dumped the ore by accident, but that proved we can get back up !

I noticed that time accelaration does not work under water...:rolleyes:


2 hours ago, pandaman said:

Test it by dropping near KSC first. Then add more ore tanks until it sinks.

I don't think the solar panels will do much underwater, they may well fall off during descent, water is like an atmosphere only much denser, try using an RTG.

Oh, rockets and jet engines work underwater in KSP the same as in atmosphere, just expect LOTS more drag.


2 hours ago, CaptRobau said:

From my experience that's not enough ore containers. I'd go for at least twice the ratio ore container-non ore container.

Personally I've made special versions of the Fuel Cells that turn Electricity into Ore (or gradually turn Ore into nothing). This makes subs a lot easier, as you can get to where you want to go while still buoyant and not too heavy. Then you can let the ballast fill up. I can send the cfgs if you want. 

Totally missed this, doing forum and game simultaneously ^_^

Mission is still going...

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22 minutes ago, Findthepin1 said:

How on Earth does that thing not float? XD

You're an engineering genius, then.

I don't know, my first time (edit, fill your ore tanks before launch ^_^ )

So I made it to the bottom, dumped the ore and came up safe, mission succes !





(All stock, no mods)

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24 minutes ago, Findthepin1 said:

How on Earth does that thing not float? XD

You're an engineering genius, then.

There were a bunch of this kind of subs when 1.0.5 dropped.  It's just that some parts float, and some don't. 

@Triop nice mission!  The design is nice and compact.  Oh, and holding ALT while trying to timewarp will engage phsy-warp just about anywhere.

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8 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Oh, and holding ALT while trying to timewarp will engage phsy-warp just about anywhere.

Thanks, you learn something new everyday ! :lol:

34 minutes ago, Findthepin1 said:

How on Earth does that thing not float? XD

You're an engineering genius, then.

I just made a sub that uses fuel, it won't sink..Is that also your problem ?


I guess fuel is keeping it a float.



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