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Hey there community! I'm new!


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Hey there my fellow mates! I just brought this game, so please note that I am bit noobish.

I always had an interest in aerospace and astrophysics, astronomy and space Philosophy. I was always trying to find something from which I can explore and be lost. At first I downloaded space engine, but it didn't seem the "stress" was there to get in space. So someone on the inter-webs told me about KSP, and I gotta say, it's been 6 days and I am insanely addicted to it. Fact, I haven't slept for 2 days :mellow:

I also play Minecraft a lot :P

I love Kerbal space program, the math and the brain you have to use, the stress and the winning feel which you get when completing missions is amazing. Humor and the music is awesome. Kerbals are funny and I love killing them. I didn't try career mode, but I am playing in sandbox like it is career mode :P by making different designs because I was always the ideologist and designer type. Im a hobbyist so I actually study such stuff, though I just started with Aerospace, I have 2 huge diaries where I always note about space and my interests, study a lot so you can call me a geek. I also want to start a YouTube channel as well as I already have a site for my articles. Might sound childish but I have a dream of making an international space organisation and community so that we all can unite as species, combine best of the technology, put aside politics and  concentrate on our place in the stars and development of new tech.

Back to topic, I am finding this game a little to hard because I have failed 34 times total, and would like some tips. I have successfully orbited the kerbin, but failed to send something to mun or Miranda (that's what's it called, rite?) I don't use any mods because I just feel to play the original game.

I have several questions -

1) What designs types should be made for getting to outer planets other than mun and Miranda? Or to both of them at least :P

2) How do you make those "long solar panels" on ships?

3) Can you get out of Kerbal system?

4) Why is kerbin so... Dead? No one is there and it just feels dull...

5) Are mods actually good? How to install them and how do you activate them in Game? What are the most useful? All I heard is of mechjeb...

6) Any tips and interesting ideas can you give me?

7) Could someone explain me the "post squatting" rule?


Also I hope this community is friendly and not too criticizing, because I already had enough from other hypocritical and satirical communities...

Love ya all!


Edited by RenegadeRad
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Hello RenegadeRad and welcome to the forum!

You have come to the right place to learn more about the game and enthuse with other addicts.

I'll try and answer your questions as best I can.

  1.  Ships designs for getting to a place like Jool are quite different than what is required to get to the Mun or Minmus.  These can both be reached fairly easily with pretty simple designs.  There are huge numbers of example craft to view (and even download) on the forum.
  2. The game has six (I think) different types of solar panels.  The largest are the Gigantors, maybe those are what you're asking about.
  3. No, not really.
  4. That is one area of the game in which some of us are hoping for a bit more to be added at some point.  The game is still under development and, in fact, a new version is expected to be released within the next few weeks.
  5. There are numerous excellent mods.  i encourage you to explore the stock game until you are ready to install mods.  They are very easy to install.  You just download them, extract the files from the zip, and place the resulting  folders in the 'GameData' folder which is in the original game folders.  Once they are installed, you just start up the game and the mod will be active.  There are many, many mods.  The most important one I would recommend is Kerbal Engineer Redux.  This gives important data readouts both when building ships and when flying them.
  6. Take a look at the Tutorials section of the forum.  There are a huge number of tutorials to teach various aspects of the game.  There is also a huge amount of info in the KSP Wiki. The game has changed a lot over the course of time, so there is some info around that's obsolete..
  7. I believe that people have occasionally tried to post a message with no content with a plan to add some content 'later on'.  This is post squatting as I understand it.

We tend to be mostly very friendly and helpful around here.  There's the odd curmudgeonly person around but they also tend to be mostly helpful.

I think you will enjoy your time here a lot.

Happy landings!

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Hey thanks for the heads up Starhawk! Your answers were really helpful and I hope I enjoy here. I have just another little doubt, I first played on version 0.25, but then switched to the new one as I had disabled auto updates, I don't know what to think about these new updates. Yea they add more realism, but now the game's rocket parts and stuff feels a bit clustered... I dunno is it my feelings doing this or something because Im not able to decide a good rocket design, as some parts are WAAAAY too advanced and some are WAAAY too primitive... This somewhat ruins the aspect of having "raw materials" in game to build something for me. idk lol if you could motivate me or something 

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Hi @RenegadeRad, and welcome aboard!

As the game became more developed, some different parts were added. Personally, I like the feel of the new parts, but I understand that they're not for everyone. I am sure that there are some mods which revert them back to their old look, and, if you really want to, you could go into the Game Data folder and delete the parts.

I agree with Starhawk that KER is a must-have, especially because the stock game does not have a ∆V calculator.

To make large solar panels, I sometimes use the I-Beams with Gigantor solar panels on the sides.

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Dman nice to meet ya, but my point is not to remove parts, it just feels clustered and there is a difference between all of them, and a man always chooses the best. There is no feel in equality of all the parts, so I can make a legit design thoughtfully. I just need some motivation so that I don't be bored by this update :( 

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I'd suggest trying the game in "science mode". Sandbox mode makes every part available right from the beginning, and that can be a bit overwhelming for new players. Science mode introduces a tech tree and gives you the various parts a bit at a time. I found it easier to learn the game that way. 

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I'll second @Ten Key here and suggest starting in science mode.  Many of the parts are balanced for a game progression in which you unlock nodes of the tech tree as you gather more science.  Unlocking new nodes allows access to more advanced parts and adds to the possibilities for designing craft.

In these modes, you start with very small, simple craft and progressively create larger and more capable ones as you advance through the tech tree.  Creating ships with only a few parts to choose from is both simpler and allows the player to better understand the (often subtle) differences between parts and why one would choose a particular part in one situation and a different part in another situation.  It can also add to the fun of the game significantly as you succeed in unlocking that next part that you really want to use to build some particular design.

Happy landings!

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10 hours ago, Starhawk said:

Hello RenegadeRad and welcome to the forum!

You have come to the right place to learn more about the game and enthuse with other addicts.


In actual fact, this is the welcome forum, the game help area is elsewhere.... :)


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