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Locking threads


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How many users agree that the moderators are being way too enthusiastic/strict about locking threads and telling us all to just post every single opinion and fleetingly seen event on the bug tracker as feedback and bug reports? They don't really want to be flooded with that kind of spam, do they?

The description of this forum clearly states that it exists as a place where "The 1.1 prerelease can be discussed." We are discussing it, aren't we?

We can post a nicely thought out post to the bug tracker after we've discussed things a bit, can't we?

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Dev weighing in here. :)

The response to the pre-release has been...enthusiastic to say the least. That means the forum for it is filling up incredibly fast, and the forum is also far less useful for tracking, categorizing, prioritizing, and otherwise wrangling bugs than the tracker is. For that reason, discrete bug reports should go on the tracker, and the tracker alone, as otherwise they will drown out all other threads in the forum. Generally discussion of broader issues people have had (like wheels, or the new contract weighting, or the serious Linux-specific issues) is fine for the 1.1 forum, as is discussion of new features, but in order for that even to be possible, the forum needs to not be drowned out with (often-duplicated) bug reports.

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19 minutes ago, Hobbes Novakoff said:

Yes, actually. They do. That's why the pre-release exists.

I really doubt it. If everyone doing pre-release testing posted all the bug reports and feedback that the moderators are suggesting, we'd be talking about tens of thousands of posts on the bug tracker. We are at 387 currently. I don't think folks are realizing how much the efficiency of the bug tracker would drop if we bumped that number by a few orders of magnitude?

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1 hour ago, bewing said:

I really doubt it. If everyone doing pre-release testing posted all the bug reports and feedback that the moderators are suggesting, we'd be talking about tens of thousands of posts on the bug tracker.

Please tell me where you get this "tens of thousands" number. Also, there are not "tens of thousands" of bugs to be reported.

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6 hours ago, bewing said:

Massive duplication is part of the problem when you create information overload.

You aren't supposed to log a new bug on the tracker if it's already been reported. You are supposed to add your findings to that one. This helps the devs see that this is a real issue, and how many people are affected (that is, how high priority it should be).

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As careful as I've tried to be, I've already accidentally filed two duplicates. The more reports you get, the harder it is to avoid duplicates -- even for people who try to do so, which is not everyone. At some point, it breaks down and nobody can reasonably spend the time looking through the entire list. So you either get almost all duplicates, or you get nothing more (depending on how hard you try to discourage duplicates).

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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