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Do you have any pranks for April Fools?


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Well, they haven't arrived yet, so it's gonna be late... but I bought a 2 pound bag of Sugar-Free Haribo Gummy Bears for my school's candy bowl at the front desk. I kinda feel sorry for the janitors... ;)

I think that the fact it's late makes it even more devious, it's like a senior prank-April Fool's remix!

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27 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Well, they haven't arrived yet, so it's gonna be late... but I bought a 2 pound bag of Sugar-Free Haribo Gummy Bears for my school's candy bowl at the front desk. I kinda feel sorry for the janitors... ;)

I think that the fact it's late makes it even more devious, it's like a senior prank-April Fool's remix!

Oh...The ones that give you...well...'gastric distress' if you know what I mean...

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2 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Well, they haven't arrived yet, so it's gonna be late... but I bought a 2 pound bag of Sugar-Free Haribo Gummy Bears for my school's candy bowl at the front desk. I kinda feel sorry for the janitors... ;)

I think that the fact it's late makes it even more devious, it's like a senior prank-April Fool's remix!

Ooh....that's good. Very good.
Better than my salt cubes......very good... ^_^

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Well, I haven't tried this, but...how about picking a random, distracted person on a crowded street, quickly approach them from behind and whisper quietly : "you are being watched" before disappearing in the crowd, if caught, feign innocence.

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On 1 April 2016 at 3:57 AM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I have seen the great and worthy successor to @Green Iron Crown himself, the loading screen nyan cat! 

But no real pranks this year.  Last year I stuffed a pant leg full of newspapers, and attached a shoe.  Then I set it up inside a cabinet so it looked like my leg had been cut of by the door.  That is, the pant leg and shoe were on the outside.

I believe you have heard of @sarbian's little MM joke?

I did nothing on Aprils Fools. Why? Because I am smart.

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