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Remove one letter from a movie title and describe the new movie in a single line

John FX

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Guardian of the Galaxy: One man must defend the galaxy from space invaders.

Super Mario Bro: With Mario dead, Luigi must - I don't know what he's supposed to do.

Men in Back: a bunch of heads growing out of someone's back.

Men in Back 2: See above.

Men in Back 3: Etc.

Me in Black: I try on black tuxedos all day.

Men in Lack: There is a severe shortage of men...

WarRaft: A raft goes to war!

Through the Looking Gass: Someone goes through a Gas giant. I vote Saturn.

Ten Age Mutant ninja Turtles: Ten Ninja Turtles do something at age 10.

Beauty and the East: Belle goes to the East. She doesn't find anything.

That's all.

Wait: Not technically following the rules of this thread, but:

Herbal Space Program! Power your rockets with Tea!


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a clockwork range: a film about what you can reach

a clockwork ornge: a film a bout rng and random stuff

a clockwork orage: a film about capacitor and electricity

a cockwork orange: a film about fruitophily

a lockwork orange: a film about orange stuff in jail

clockwork orange: film bout film with missing crcters

a clockwok orange: a film about cooking in an orange wok

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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Jules Verne's "Rocket to the Moo":  The cow couldn't make the jump without assistance. Solution? MOAR BOOSTERS!

Fantasi Voyage:  scantily-clad women on a boat...

The Andromeda Stain:  an eyepiece smudge causes the entire telescope to be dismantled and cleaned

Fantastic Panet: Alternative-history flick where Francisc and Lili are successful saboteurs in WW2 Romania.

Wetworld: Yul Brynner gets stuck in a rather large puddle...


Edited by Xorth Tanovar
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Moo: Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is a cow repairman in the desolate Milk-3 mines. For the last three years, his only companionship has been that of his electronic dog (voiced by Kevin Spacey). When he crashes his truck into one of the giant cows, things begin to turn weird(er).

(now go enjoy the movie and try not to picture giant mechanical cows spurting milk upwards :D )

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Universal Solder:  Tale of an unemployed TV repairman that still has dozens of old circuit boards to repair

Emesis:  A trip to an ancient Roman vomitorium...

Tan Girl:  Our heroine spends a day at the beach

12 Moneys:  I have a dozen different currencies in my pocket, guess what they are?

The Cel:  Animation artist eschews CGI in favor of old-school painting on transparencies.

28 Days Late:  Uh-oh, someone forgot her Pill!

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Toll hunter, a documentary about the socioeconomic impact automated toll booths have had on the toll booth attendant workforce (troll hunter. If you havent, see it. Unintentionaly funny b grade)

Meet joe back, an independant film about a coma patient who awakens and tries to track down the nurse (josephine) who cared for him for 15 years. She has met him, now its time he met her. (Meet joe black)

 Angled, third instalment in the finding nemo series.

Theres something about may, documentary about climate change

0 first dates, drama about a socially inept young mathematician and his search for companionship.

50 fist dates, sequel to fight club

Fight cub, a film about underground caged baby animal fights as told from the perspective of a young lion.

Lod of the rings, an informational short released to help budding game developers understand  the benefits of using low resolution models for distant object rendering.


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Ton: a documentary on the history of the  imperial unit (Tron)

Snakes on a Plan: these snakes are fat, they go on a diet to lose weight.

The Little Price: Black Hat opens a store where everything is ridiculously cheap, but a total scam. He puts tiny cameras in the boxes so he can watch people's reactions and frustration when they open their "product".

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