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Blue Origin Thread (merged)


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Meh - they were running out of room in that hangar anyway. :)

Oh well - more data is always good, launch rate is stepping up nicely, minimal reschedules to this launch and they got both satellites where they needed to go. Still a win in my book.

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Just now, icedown said:

Those who play this game are very familiar with this type of event.

I know, I just thought it was funny. :) 

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1 minute ago, Frozen_Heart said:

That was quick. Wonder how they will do that?

By taking a bigger whip to the coders.  :D


Doesnt sound too difficult, I'm kinda surprised it wasn't in the software already. Throttle up the middle engine if one of the sides are bad & vice versa. 

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4 minutes ago, Frozen_Heart said:

That was quick. Wonder how they will do that?

Probably by throttling up the other two engines. Depends entirely on how big the thrust shortfall is. Running 5-10% above spec for two or three seconds probably doesn't faze the Merlins, especially if they shut down right after anyway.

Reddit suggests that they started working on this after SES-9 already, which may have had similar issues (unconfirmed). Which is why Elon calls it "underway".

Edited by Streetwind
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9 minutes ago, icedown said:

That has to be really frustrating for the team. Things are steadily getting better though.

He's intentionally pushing things to the limit, once you establish a failure you establish a boundary, which you can improve upon or verify. There is no other reason because it appears they are not going to use any of these overstressed cores. When they used the word experimental it sounded like they were going to push the landing a little be further than previous.

I think they are doing this so that they can estimate the minimum amount of fuel they need for safe return, therefore giving more capacity to the second stage. Obviously if there is underperforming engine, then they had remaining fuel either ejected or unsupplied. And like the other posters says they have two many used core at the moment to recycle and only one is from non-GTO.

They've got pics, we just don't yet have them.

BTW falling into the ocean is one way to cool things off, though water cannons are a much smarter approach, if you have a fuel system failure then the tanks may fill with water and your experiment ends up at the bottom of the Atlantic.

Edited by PB666
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8 minutes ago, PB666 said:

He's intentionally pushing things to the limit, once you establish a failure you establish a boundary, which you can improve upon or verify. There is no other reason because it appears they are not going to use any of these overstressed cores. When they used the word experimental it sounded like they were going to push the landing a little be further than previous.

Yea, but someone in the team is screaming to themselves "We just fixed that, I swear!"

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2 minutes ago, icedown said:

Yea, but someone in the team is screaming to themselves "We just fixed that, I swear!"

Nah, they are saying 'damn we just lost some cool crash video, I hate waiting, better go play some KSP.'

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