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Taught someone KSP - they like it!


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So. My sister saw me playing KSP about a week ago and wanted to try it. I explained the basics, and built a ship to see how well she could fly it a few days later, and this is the result.


#proud XD

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3 minutes ago, Findthepin1 said:

So. My sister saw me playing KSP about a week ago and wanted to try it. I explained the basics, and built a ship to see how well she could fly it a few days later, and this is the result.


#proud XD

You two look adorable :)

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It's always great to see stories of people introducing family members to the game-- especially when there's any dynamic of "older player teaching young'un" involved (a younger sibling, offspring, niece or nephew, etc.)  That said, tell the sister that she's welcome in the community!

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15 minutes ago, Findthepin1 said:

So. My sister saw me playing KSP about a week ago and wanted to try it. I explained the basics, and built a ship to see how well she could fly it a few days later, and this is the result.


#proud XD

I remember teaching my kids how to play KSP. They went absolutely nuts over it, and modded the hell out of their own installs. Well, my daughter only uses Roverdude mods, but they all love the game. Sometimes they even have little wars with each other :D


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3 hours ago, Aetharan said:

It's always great to see stories of people introducing family members to the game-- especially when there's any dynamic of "older player teaching young'un" involved (a younger sibling, 

I introduced my older brother....  we kinda learned concurrently, and taught each other as we both figured out different aspects.  I.e.  I taught him dV, he recently helped me understand where gravity assists were useful.


Congrats to your sister, I hope she has metric tons of fun! 

Edited by Kyrt Malthorn
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13 hours ago, Findthepin1 said:

So. My sister saw me playing KSP about a week ago and wanted to try it. I explained the basics, and built a ship to see how well she could fly it a few days later, and this is the result.


#proud XD

I'm proud - of you.  Good job :)

I've only ever made one real convert (not for lack of trying though) - and he's a guy around my age, who majored in physics heh.  Not exactly a hard sell there :S 

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14 hours ago, max_creative said:

I tried to teach my brother to fly a rocket because he likes space. 

The result: a giant explosion, half the ksc wrecked, and me = FACEPLANT. 

Maybe not the best idea... 


Isn't that how it's supposed to go the first time?

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Ive tried with a lot of my friends but none are interested though. Their children however are forever wanting to play. Max, 9 year old son of my friend listened to every word I said about simple rocket building and the launch technique. He didnt quite make orbit, but as the trippy music came in, it didnt matter.......he was in space, and a new player was born :)

Edited by maceemiller
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I'm a freaking missionary--3 players here (Hong Kong), four more back in the US

On April 8, 2016 at 9:02 PM, zuuhis79 said:

Tried to teach it to my kids, they didn't like it. Might be because they are too young (7 and 9 years) Maybe later when they learn physics in school...

Please note.you must teach them before school starts about it.  Otherwise, it will forever be related to school.

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I tried to introduce KSP to a friend once. He immediately became OBSESSED (like, as in it dominated our entire relationship for months) with the idea that "we" should set up a website that charges people a subscription to get access to a store of mods and other content.

I tried to explain things to him...he wasn't even interested in playing :(

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16 hours ago, Rath said:

Please note.you must teach them before school starts about it.  Otherwise, it will forever be related to school.

Thanks for the tip. Better to start trying again...

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On 07/04/2016 at 11:37 PM, Aetharan said:

It's always great to see stories of people introducing family members to the game-- especially when there's any dynamic of "older player teaching young'un" involved (a younger sibling, offspring, niece or nephew, etc.)  That said, tell the sister that she's welcome in the community!

heheh I introduced my Dad to it... I'm 32, he's 65... He plays a helluva lot more KSP than me. Maybe being retired is a good thing? I think my mum thanks me, he's stopped project managing her and just project manages his KSP saves... Parents huh?

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My great-uncle thought it was really cool when I showed him a flight to Minmus and back.

I often reference KSP to my friends, and it doesn't bother me when they don't get it. Some of them do play it, though. I've occasionally done the stereotypical reference to a KSP body instead of it's real-life analogue, but it's rare that I actually say it (I think it every time, of course).

Side note: One of my life goals is to give a presentation at NASA talking about, say, Mars, then put in a picture of Duna in the slide show. Same goes for the other planets. Or maybe I could edit in Ike into the sky of a real Mars photo...

While I haven't gotten many people into KSP, a lot of my friends have started cubing.

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On April 13, 2016 at 11:34 PM, Table said:

I see HyperEdit in the pic........

So do I...


Am I supposed to discover some alarming --oooohh--.

Wait, nope. Still nothing.

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10 minutes ago, Andem said:

So do I...


Am I supposed to discover some alarming --oooohh--.

Wait, nope. Still nothing.

THE PERSON HE taught used HyperEdit :P

That's what I think...

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