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Fallen Kerbals Memorial Post


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To honor those who have been killed for science and exploration.  And a note to future Kerbonauts of what "not to do" in order to avoid the same faith as their fallen colleagues, so it may never happen again. Let this post help others in guiding them on their future builds and missions and avoid going *PUFF*.

Please Include: Kerbal's (or Kerbals') full name(s)

Date of incident: Aproximate, Month and year is enough, the more detailed the better.

Description of incident: Tell us what happened.

Anything else like images or videos is considered a plus but not mandatory.  Just tell us what happened so other players take note of what "not to do" (or "must do" for you senseless monsters out there LoL!)




Ribvis Kerman - 14 April 2016 - Ran out of fuel during landing on Mun, crashed +300m/s on surface

Jeanette Kerman - 12 April 2016 - +1500m/s speed record @ altitude of 20 mts, aircraft incinerated.


Edited by HMIC
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My kerbals never die. They just have horrid visions/nightmares about how things are about to go horribly wrong for them, before they wake up or snap out of it and proceed to do the mission properly. Sometimes they have several similar visions of the same mission  failing in slightly different ways, usually while attempting to land. 

Sometimes they have nightmares about how the mission will never leave the atmosphere, or even the ground!  This usually gives them some insight into problems with the rocket being built in the VAB, and they are able to get them fixed before the mission ever launches. 

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RIP Jebediah, Bill, and Bob Kerman. Died simultaneously on crashing into the Munar surface at 300 m/s after a landing program failure fired the engine nearly a minute too late. Jeb, bill, and bob were presumed dead and given several posthumous awards. 50 days later, during a grand, elaborate state funeral, they spontaneously appeared, giving a loud "BANG", knocking over the memorial statue, and otherwise making a wreck. It was later revealed that someone had gotten overzealous with the posthumous awards, and that Jeb was now, through an obscure legal quirk, the official king the Mun, and that Bill and Bob had been made earls. They later successfully completed a Mun landing and claimed their titles, however they returned after only days on the surface, citing fear of assassination attempts.

Edited by RocketSquid
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Dilfrod Kerman
Duddred Kerman
Donbart Kerman
Dobrett Kerman
Adfry Kerman
Haddin Kerman
Donfrid Kerman
Billy-Bobner Kerman
Gregfred Kerman
Derrie Kerman
Enford Kerman
Adbald Kerman
Dergee Kerman
Corbin Kerman
Fredbin Kerman
Cambert Kerman
Deshat Kerman
Chadmon Kerman
Adlorf Kerman
Dobus Kerman Camely Kerman
Bilbald Kerman
Anald Kerman
Dergun Kerman
Gusry Kerman
Gerdin Kerman
Dudkin Kerman
Ernie Kerman
Ferfurt Kerman
Derby Kerman
Derfrod Kerman
Enley Kerman
Geneman Kerman
Gregcan Kerman
Erbus Kerman
Gerberry Kerman
Enler Kerman
Eleny Kerman
Gusbro Kerman
Aldger Kerman
Donrick Kerman
Desemy Kerman
Dilgas Kerman
Gregrim Kerman
Caldrin Kerman
Burfrey Kerman
Scott Kerman
Anberry Kerman
Chaddan Kerman
Donfrod Kerman
Gusdun Kerman
Gilry Kerman
Burdin Kerman
Genecott Kerman
Fermal Kerman
Buzz Kerman
Burger Kerman
Anmin Kerman
Bargee Kerman
Coroly Kerman

RIP, Kerbals (Todays list)

You all served my space program well....

Edited by worir4
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  On 4/15/2016 at 6:50 PM, worir4 said:

Dilfrod Kerman
Duddred Kerman
Donbart Kerman
Dobrett Kerman
Adfry Kerman
Haddin Kerman
Donfrid Kerman
Billy-Bobner Kerman
Gregfred Kerman
Derrie Kerman
Enford Kerman
Adbald Kerman
Dergee Kerman
Corbin Kerman
Fredbin Kerman
Cambert Kerman
Deshat Kerman
Chadmon Kerman
Adlorf Kerman
Dobus Kerman Camely Kerman
Bilbald Kerman
Anald Kerman
Dergun Kerman
Gusry Kerman
Gerdin Kerman
Dudkin Kerman
Ernie Kerman
Ferfurt Kerman
Derby Kerman
Derfrod Kerman
Enley Kerman
Geneman Kerman
Gregcan Kerman
Erbus Kerman
Gerberry Kerman
Enler Kerman
Eleny Kerman
Gusbro Kerman
Aldger Kerman
Donrick Kerman
Desemy Kerman
Dilgas Kerman
Gregrim Kerman
Caldrin Kerman
Burfrey Kerman
Scott Kerman
Anberry Kerman
Chaddan Kerman
Donfrod Kerman
Gusdun Kerman
Gilry Kerman
Burdin Kerman
Genecott Kerman
Fermal Kerman
Buzz Kerman
Burger Kerman
Anmin Kerman
Bargee Kerman
Coroly Kerman

RIP, Kerbals (Todays list)

You all served my space program well....


You....you....you are a monster! Although I am sure I haved killed plenty. When my astronauts fall, I planet a flag, have a memorial service, and play some somber music. Let me guess, drive a bunch of habs into the ground filled with kerbals?:wink:

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Today was the biggest disaster in my Space Program's history. We attempted to land the largest rover ever launched on Slate, in orbit of Sarnus. It impacted the surface at 2000 m/s, so uh...we miscalculated something, and lost some of our most distinguished Kerbonauts.


Karjorie, Roette, Kervy, Karelyn, Charlie, Kasy, Joice.



Edited by Kaiser82
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Current save hasn't perma-killed anyone yet. 'Revert to launch' stops most screwups from being permanently lethal. Quicksave/quickload covers the rest, as I justify that as simulated testing.

Anyone who dies far enough into a mission/from the last save is staying dead. I'll land a rescue mission to recover the body, maybe the craft, and to plant a memorial flag there, though. Or at least nearby if it's somewhere you can't land flags. And they get a 'X kerman memorial mission' named after them.

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Sidra, Tebie and Gemalla Kerbal - 16th April 2016. They will never be forgotten! First trip to a different planet outside of the Kerbal SOI. Sucessfully orbitted Duna and managed to have enough dV to get back home to die a horrbile death when the Command Pod crashed into the Kerbin Highlands at arround 320m/s because they forgot to bring parachutes on their trip

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In my current career save... not a single one. In the one before... not a single one... I lost a crew of 2 during a Duna descent back in .25... ;)

At some point you start to launch unkerbaled, until the design is sound. Or you just waste some life o´green to feed mighty Jool, Gatherer of Kerbal Souls... didnt you notice that Jool grows, from update to update? (Damn... i should had that idea on April 1st)...

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In my "KSP Randomness" YouTube series Merton Kerman died from his pod hitting the water too fast, Kirgar (the other crew member, who was in a different pod) survived.

This is the video, it starts at around the time he dies. (This specific URL, not the entire video).

In a moar recent mission using the Real scale Sea Dragon mod by @NecroBones I killed 7 Kerbals in one launch I will add the video here one I get around to uploading it.

EDIT: If you include Kerbals that are stranded, then LOTS, 2 of them being Bob and Val, none of the Kerbals stranded in that save will be rescued, probably because that save is 2 years old, the astronaut complex is broken.

Edited by CAKE99
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I actually don't have any fallen Kerbals in any of my saves (except the special 'drink-and-play'-save).

But I have (just counted) 26 Kerbals in deep yoghurt spread over 5 saves that awaits the tech/funds to save them right now :wink:

(Just relax Tedbart, yes you're out of fuel and EC. But you're in a stable orbit and you've got snacks. We'll get you home, sometime ...)

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Let s start with the hard one

Jeb Kerman

Died ... !00's of times. Sometimes serval times in the same day

Date: 2013 to present Lets just assume every week of every month in the years included some times alone usually with bob and or bill.

How he died: Exploded at launch, exploded in ascent, trans atmospheric loss of control, controlled flights into terrain, Ship tipped over and crushed him (don't ask), slammed into the mun, slammed into minmus.. let's just say slammed into everything at some point, fell off the roof of the VAB, Bill ran over him with a mega rover (again, don't ask), skidding across the mun, rolling down a hill on Duna, "landed" on Jool, "landed" on the Sun, burnt up on Eve approach, missed Eeloo and kept going, drowned on layth, on eve, on kerbin... nasically in every liquid source in the system, KAS base explosions, Kraken station deconstruction, starved to death, dehydrated, froze to death, Slamming into a ladder at ballistic speeds, trapped between two docking ports, forgetting parachutes, breaking parachutes, poorly staged parachutes...


Tomorrow I start my Duna Direct testing so if I missed a way to kill him I will find them



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Valentina Kerman - Career Mode - November (??) 2015 - Missing In Action due to no player interaction during re-entry


(To clarify, I tried to re-enter Kerbin's atmosphere, but I ran out of time for playing KSP and so I left Valentina in her sub-orbital craft. And when I returned the next day I forgot about the re-entry process Valentina was going through, hence when I went to see what Kerbals I killed (according to the Astronaut Complex) Valentina was listed as 'Killed In Action'…)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Minmus has become a graveyard...

My outpost violently exploded as a result of its incompatibility with 1.1 (I'm RP'ing it as a fuel tank explosion). My 1.0.5 folder has been mysteriously deleted, so I can't revert to an earlier version. The original four had taken a trip home on the Minbus when it happened, so I couldn't use any special treatment. Nobody knows if there are any survivors, as communications with the base cut out almost instantly after the explosion. Plans have been made to drop Minmus into Kerbol as punishment.

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  • 2 years later...
May 7, 2018
Elisa Kerman
Bobdun Kerman
Dondorf Kerman
Alster Kerman
Kerxie Kerman
Fredbas Kerman
Lamal Kerman
Jebediah Kerman
Valentina Kerman
On the deep space mission to Jool, "The Moonlet Express,"
The Mothership was placed in a parking orbit of Bop,
Her Perioapsis was 20,064 meters,
While Bop's tallest mountain was 21,758 meters.
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Rolley Kerman - missing presumed lost, November 1st 2014

While on a mission to investigate anomalies on the runway island, part of his vehicle, including its Mk2 Lander Can, mysteriously vanished. At that moment an object appeared approximately 7,000km above Kerbin and moving away from the planet at extreme velocity.

It is presumed that the object was the lander can, along with it's sole occupant.


An artists impression of the doomed kerbonaut.



Edited by purpleivan
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In my current save no kerbal has died. However in my save named 'Randoboi' which is my Danny-time save...hohohohohoHOHOHOHO.....

LIST of deaths in chronological order:

Jermy Kerman

Susa Kerman

Tribbles Kerman

Robbas Kerman

Dilfrond Kerman

Tarali Kerman

Simon Kerman

Bill Kerman

Valin Kerman

Debemone Kerman

Billy-Bobfred Kerman

Valentina Kerman

Egron Kerman

Dudfrin Kerman

Gilby Kerman

Hilbie Kerman

Joemy Kerman

Carus Kerman

Sienna Kerman

Robty Kerman

Anna Kerman

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