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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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5 hours ago, Zhuchara said:

sorry for Google translator.
maybe someone thinks this is a bad idea, but it can be done optionally, or explain to me just how radiation accumulation and.....

The radiation get better when you have "Shielding" to consume.

The stress is RuleData.stress, the factor = (living_space, comfort, pressure), the rules define what is necessary to kerbal survive.

  • If you want to add this information on panel as tooltip (like O2, EC, Food, Water.....), this is totally possible to do.

You can find all radiation properties in Radiation.cs and Emitter.cs


  • RadiationBody  - radiation in which planet
  • RadiationModel - This is the radiation that you can see when you press "B" on MapView.
  • Radiation - This is the radiation handle, this control everything about radiation.
    • Radiation.Compute - This calculate the radiation that vessel is receiving from the environment (radiation is applied to vessel, after vessel received radiation, it apply to the crew)
      • If you want to alter the kerbal radiation to get better when the kerbal is inside the lab and the , this is totally possible to do!
  • Emitter - This is the partModule that handle radiation "resource"(Shielding) for the vessel.

Sorry, but I don't have much time right now to do those changes, I have been busy.

Please, try to code those changes and share with all to see if we like.

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9 hours ago, HaullyGames said:

Please, try to code those changes and share with all to see if we like.

thx =) 
I'll try to do it one of these days


3 hours ago, NomenNescio said:

Quick question, how do you open the body info window in mapview?

if I understood correctly, then "B"

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10 minutes ago, NomenNescio said:

When you get the config file for Stations Parts Expanded Redux done, will the cargo containers be able to store food, water and oxygen?

Could you give me a list of partname that still missing?


  • kerbalism-greenhouse or you can type the name on game (what you see in game call partTitle) = Greenhouse.
    • missing greenhouse function
  • xxxx
    • missing container module.


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5 minutes ago, HaullyGames said:

Could you give me a list of partname that still missing?


  • kerbalism-greenhouse or you can type the name on game (what you see in game call partTitle) = Greenhouse.
    • missing greenhouse function
  • xxxx
    • missing container module.


Uhm... Could you elaborate a bit? I'm not sure I understand the instructions.

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On 2/4/2018 at 5:39 AM, Dr. Jet said:

Speaking about greenhouse-related resource chains, I see thing like this:

Waste = "organic waste", which  is kerbal feces + uneated food remnaints + inedible plant parts.

Food = mostly hydrocarbons (let's take sugar, which is C12H22O11) and proteins (NH3-R-CO-OH, where R is a few CH2) and some different minerals (about 4-5%).  For the sake of simplicity we can just assume that kerbals are vegetarians and use element mass percentages for plants I already wrote.

Fertilizer = minerals + nitrogen in some bound form (easiest for our case is (NH4)2CO3).

What we want from greenhouse is to convert Water, Fertilizer and CO2 into Food and O2. But we should also consider that not all plant parts are eadible. About 30-50% of Greenhouse biomass output will be Waste.


How to reprocess Waste?

There are 3 main methods:

  1. Pyrolysis in oxygen. Input: Waste, O2, EC. Output: CO2, Water, either Nitrogen or Oxidizer (N2O4), Minerals. Jettisoned mass is about 2-3%. Low EC consumage.
  2. Pyrolysis in vacuum. Input: Waste, EC. Output: Carbon (most likely jettisoned), CH4, CO2, Ammonia(NH3), Minerals, possibly H2,. Jettisoned mass is quite high and depends on how much free carbon is left. High EC consumage.
  3. Bioprocessing. Input: Waste, Water, EC. Output: Biomass (algae + bacteria). Possibly should not be implemented because it will call for second type of fertilizer.


How to produce Fertlizer? 

Input: Minerals, Ammonia (∝2 mol), Water (∝1 mol), CO2 (∝1 mol). Output: Fertilizer.

Remember, Nitrogen is only 30.4% by mass from Ammonium_carbonate. Considering this and plant dry mass table, Fertilizer should consist of 50,5% (by mass) Minerals and 49,5% of Ammonium_carbonate. Let's convert it to inputs mass percentage.

Input: Minerals (50,5%), Ammonia (17,5%), Water (9,3%), CO2 (22,7%). Output: Fertilizer.


How much Fertilizer do we need to produce food? 

Generally, Fertilizer should be 9,9% by mass of total greenhouse input. (5% / 50.5% = 9.9%)

Hi @Dr. Jet

I was reviewing the CommunityResourcePack and there have the following resource:

  • Fertilizer 
  • Minerals
  • Organics
  • CH4(Methane)

With resource from that mod, is it affect your first ideia?

If yes, please send me the new formula.

if not,  just confirm that I will start work on it.

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12 minutes ago, NomenNescio said:

Uhm... Could you elaborate a bit? I'm not sure I understand the instructions.


You said asked 


will the cargo containers be able to store food, water and oxygen?

Can you give me that partname for SPPXR containers?

I know they are into StationPartsExpansionRedux\Parts\Containers

Could you confirm which container should receive the life support container?

if you open the .cfg for which part, you will see title that contain the real name from a dictionary (StationPartsExpansionRedux\Localization\en-us.cfg), this title is the name that you see when you are playing.

Then you task should be:

  • Run KSP, mount a vessel and check which SPPXR container should be a food\water container.
    • Create a list with all names and send to me.

Thank you for your help.

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@HaullyGames So I went into the game, isolated the modparts, and wrote down the names of the parts. Here's what I got:

KRDA-O200 Cargo Container
KRDA-O400 Cargo Container
KRDA-O800 Cargo Container

KRDA-T400 Cargo Container
KRDA-T800 Cargo Container
KRDA-T1600 Cargo Container

KRDA-XL4000 Cargo Container
KRDA-XL8000 Cargo Container

PPD-CRG-1 Logistics Module
PPD-CRG-2 Logistics Module
PPD-CRG-3 Logistics Module

PXL-CRG-1 Logistics Module
PXL-CRG-2 Logistics Module
PXL-CRG-3 Logistics Module

I hope this is right?

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On 1/29/2018 at 11:11 AM, Dr. Jet said:

Well, I could do that... I mean, defining somewhat realistic greenhouse model... Just 2 questions need to be answered beforehead:

  1. How resource units are calculated in Kerbalism? I can calculate proper numbers for different processes either in mols or in kilogramms, but units seem to have no constant rate of conversion. For water it's 0.25 u/kg and for food it's 1.77 u/kg, not speaking of other resources.

Hi @Dr. Jet

Following the answer for your question.

The unit of measure for resources in Kerbal is (metric) tons

  • water density = 1kg/m3
  • food density = 0.281g/m3
  • Kerbin day is 6 hours long (21600 seconds) Kerbal Time
RESOURCE_DEFINITION {name = Water, volume = 1, density = 0.0010000000 }
RESOURCE_DEFINITION {name = Food , volume = 1, density = 0.00028102905982906 }
RESOURCE_DEFINITION {name = CarbonDioxide, volume = 1, density = 0.000001951 }
RESOURCE_DEFINITION {name = Ammonia, volume = 1, density = 0.0000007690 }


  name = eating
  input = Food
  output = Waste
  rate = 3.145 		// 1.77 Kg per-day
  interval = 10800.0 	// 2 meals per-day
  name = drinking
  input = Water
  output = WasteWater
  rate = 0.605 		// 2.42 Kg per-day
  interval = 5400.0 	// 4 drinks per-day

Consumer Formula

Kg consumed in 1 day = rate * (21600 / interval) * density * 1000 ( to get in Kg )

Kg Food in 1 day = 3.145 * 2 * 0.281 = 1.77 Kg (rounded)

Kg Water in 1 day = 0.605 * 4 * 1 = 2.42Kg per day.

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On 1/29/2018 at 4:34 PM, Dr. Jet said:

Some plant chemistry:

For kerbals those numbers should be 4 times lower due to their size. Or 16 times lower, considering 6-hour Kerbin day.

Following your idea, a human need on average 1.8Kg of food a day, then a Kerbal will need a 0.1125Kg per day, and 0.15Kg of water.

Just to conclude the information to create a new greenhouse, do you have any formula for defining the amount of food that can be produced by m2.

Example: I have a Greenhouse with 20m2 of surface, how much I can put of Fertilizer/Minerals/....?

Last question, how long does it take to harvest?

Edited by HaullyGames
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10 hours ago, HaullyGames said:


I did not create a release, but you can download the file and replace yours.


Alright, it appears to be working as intended.

55 minutes ago, Whovian41110 said:

however the wheels still aren't in this config

I can confirm that the gravity rings and the inflatable modules remain unaffected.

EDIT: The amounts of food and water stored seems to be way too little. With the largest inline container (the PXL-CRG-1 Logistics Module) I get enough food and water for 35 days for one kerbal. If I then add the comparatively tiny Supply Container to that craft it jumps up to 106 days. Just looking at the size of this storage container it should last one kerbal at least a year. (I haven't actually done the maths, it's just a guess.)

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2 hours ago, NomenNescio said:

Alright, it appears to be working as intended.

I can confirm that the gravity rings and the inflatable modules remain unaffected.

EDIT: The amounts of food and water stored seems to be way too little. With the largest inline container (the PXL-CRG-1 Logistics Module) I get enough food and water for 35 days for one kerbal. If I then add the comparatively tiny Supply Container to that craft it jumps up to 106 days. Just looking at the size of this storage container it should last one kerbal at least a year. (I haven't actually done the maths, it's just a guess.)

The values come from SPPXR. I didn't define these values.

SPPXR had alright a config to Life Support, then I make it enable when has Kerbalism.

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Just now, NomenNescio said:

So you can't edit them? Or should I just take this up with Nertea?

We have 2 option,

  1. Create our cfg file to SPPX (This is what we already have)
  2. Ask to SSPXR fix the file (StationPartsExpansionRedux\Patches\SSPXR-B9TankTypes.cfg
/// TAC-LS
// ============
	name = SSPXTAC
	tankMass = 0.0000
	tankCost = 0.0
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 1.6927083333E-02
		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 1.1188078704E-03
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 1.713537562385
		name = Waste
		unitsPerVolume = 1.4247685185E-02
		percentFilled = 0
		name = WasteWater
		unitsPerVolume = 1.539351852E-03
		percentFilled = 0
		name = CarbonDioxide
		unitsPerVolume =  1.48012889876
		percentFilled = 0


I rather the second option because they should have a answer why this qtty of resource.


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2 hours ago, NomenNescio said:

I can confirm that the gravity rings and the inflatable modules remain unaffected.

About inflatable, will need study about that.

This is because when I searched for inflate habitat in Kerbalism, I found Kerbalism\Support\VSR.cfg, but who did the config disabled the inflate animation!

!MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]:HAS[#animationName[LargeHabInflate]] {}
!MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]:HAS[#animationName[SmallHabInflate]] {}
!MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]:HAS[#animationName[TentInflate]] {}

I don't want to disable the animation, this is the funny part about inflate habitat.

Hi @NomenNescio and @Whovian41110

Could you confirm if VSR(VenStockRevamp) with Kerbalism has inflate habitat working(with animation)?


Please, test with Kerbalism and without Kerbalim.

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