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Mother Development Thread

Bonus Eventus

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Comping back to KSP after >1 year away. Happy to see development activity - I checked the main thread and this appeared to be dead and abandoned.  You might want to drop a post at the end of that thread saying "still under development", and update the first post to reflect what you're doing here.

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  On 11/7/2018 at 6:10 PM, Murdabenne said:

Comping back to KSP after >1 year away. Happy to see development activity - I checked the main thread and this appeared to be dead and abandoned.  You might want to drop a post at the end of that thread saying "still under development", and update the first post to reflect what you're doing here.


Which thread are you referring too?


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The old "release" thread which is where most people look for Kerbodyne+ - the front page (usually that holds the status) was last updated in 2016.   Its also where CKAN sends people per the metadata. 



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I've literally just discovered this mod and after flying over the 17 pages I think a can say that those are some really neat looking parts.
But this being in development for 2.5 years does make it pretty well refined. I hope it gets to be released one day.
 I just hope it wont take another 2.5 years

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Really discouraging how long this has been in development with little to no information. I'm not trying to pressure you it's just discouraging and I think you should maybe close or and give us all closure. I've gone through a lot of irl things, started university etc and it's in development. I think confirming that it's discontinued would help us all. @Bonus Eventus

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  On 2/16/2019 at 1:12 AM, The-Doctor said:

Really discouraging how long this has been in development with little to no information. I'm not trying to pressure you it's just discouraging and I think you should maybe close or and give us all closure. I've gone through a lot of irl things, started university etc and it's in development. I think confirming that it's discontinued would help us all



Just remember folks, modders do this in their own spare time; work on their own projects because they want to.   They are under no obligation to you or anybody else to update, release, or abandon their work just because you wish them too. 

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  On 2/16/2019 at 1:47 AM, Gargamel said:


Just remember folks, modders do this in their own spare time; work on their own projects because they want to.   They are under no obligation to you or anybody else to update, release, or abandon their work just because you wish them too. 


I don't want him to I just check on the development and since I hadn't seen him comment in months it appeared dead. That is all. Maybe if still in Dev. is placed on the top of the thread to clear things up. Many modders vanish and we never hear from them again without a word, I feared such happened here

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  On 2/16/2019 at 4:20 PM, The-Doctor said:

I don't want him to I just check on the development and since I hadn't seen him comment in months it appeared dead. That is all. Maybe if still in Dev. is placed on the top of the thread to clear things up. Many modders vanish and we never hear from them again without a word, I feared such happened here 


Sure.  But if the author replies, or if they don't, it's entirely up to them.  Please bear in mind that modding is a hobby that modders do for free, in their precious and often scant spare time, to give us all these shiny toys.  For free.  As such, it's important to remember that the mod owner doesn't owe us anything.  At all.  In the slightest.  Including any communication indicating what the status of the mod is.

It's great that you love the mod-- but please remember that this kind of post often feels like you're pressuring them (I know it certainly would to me, if someone posted something like this in one of my mod threads), even if you don't mean to.  The author owes us nothing, and pressuring them-- however politely-- is generally not a great way to show our appreciation for the great work they do for us, for free.

Presumably if the author wanted to make an announcement, they would have done so by now.  So... please be patient.  The author may post an update if and when they're so inclined-- which may be tomorrow, or may be never.  And that's fine.

In short:  Please don't pressure mod makers.  And that includes pressuring them for status updates.  Thank you for your understanding.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the lack of updates everyone. Unfortunately i’ve been dealing with some severe medical emergencies. I have an autoimmune disease that has been in remission until last October when I had a flair. The consequence of the flair was that I had a stroke. Fortunately, I recovered all function within hours of the stroke. No brain damage. Unfortunately in February my kidneys began to fail. I was hospitalized a week ago and have undergone several rounds of dialysis. Suffice it to say I have not been well, and I’ve had no time for modding. I’ll be pausing my patreon as of today. Mod development will be on hiatus. However, I’m not planing on stopping forever. But right now I need to focus on recovery. Once things stabilize development will start again. Once again, sorry for the delays. 

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