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Will there be a 1.1.2 ?


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I'm still having issues after 1.1.1 makes me mad that I can't play KSP without crashing or building in the VAB and freezing up when removing or placing parts :(

I run a lot less mods than I did in 1.0.5 and now with 1.1 & 1.1.1 it's become worse. One thing I noticed is that when running KSP my RAM usage goes to 6.7GB/16GB when just in the VAB...

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I hope so, someone messed up the suspension on the LY-01 and LY-05 landing gear something fierce; they're sloppier than PHP right now...

Edited by regex
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After trying 1.1.1 I hope so.  I am seeing a crash level improvement, but landing gear seems to have taken a step backward. Granted I did say the crashing was more important.

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Just going to say I do hope most folks here are actually reporting the bugs they are experiencing besides just airing their grievances here. Bear in mind no two PC's are alike(as a rule), so what might be a problem for you might not be an issue for the next guy.  Help Squad to find these.

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34 minutes ago, NateDaBeast said:

I run a lot less mods than I did in 1.0.5 and now with 1.1 & 1.1.1 it's become worse. One thing I noticed is that when running KSP my RAM usage goes to 6.7GB/16GB when just in the VAB...

I haven't checked RAM usage, but the CPU still goes up about 25% in the VAB- are you getting something similar?

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1 minute ago, samstarman5 said:

Just going to say I do hope most folks here are actually reporting the bugs they are experiencing besides just airing their grievances here. Bear in mind no two PC's are alike(as a rule), so what might be a problem for you might not be an issue for the next guy.  Help Squad to find these.

I've made bug reports already and have been trying to help, I know it's annoying to see someone just complain without sending the errors to Squad.

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1 hour ago, samstarman5 said:

Just going to say I do hope most folks here are actually reporting the bugs they are experiencing besides just airing their grievances here. Bear in mind no two PC's are alike(as a rule), so what might be a problem for you might not be an issue for the next guy.  Help Squad to find these.

Seems like a lot of people are just airing their greiviances here, or perhaps just don't know how to do a bug report. *shrug*

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1 hour ago, samstarman5 said:

Just going to say I do hope most folks here are actually reporting the bugs they are experiencing besides just airing their grievances here. Bear in mind no two PC's are alike(as a rule), so what might be a problem for you might not be an issue for the next guy.  Help Squad to find these.

According to one of the Squad employees, bug reports on the forums pretty much get ignored.

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15 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

That seems reasonable. Forums are not really suited to it and they have a much better setup in the official bug tracker.

not just that, but most "bug reports" on the forums are just unsubstantiated rants and not bugs at all. It's people misunderstanding the game and failing, trying to do things that worked in earlier versions but no more because of the new aerodynamics model and failing, etc. etc. etc.. Or they are ceaseless repeats of the same few issues that have been reported on the bug tracker and confirmed weeks ago...

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5 minutes ago, Znath said:

Wheels are "better" but not perfect still. 

I get a lot of crashes particularly upon large building projects.


Eh... at least it's doable.

Says you. I gave up after a CTD on a tiny launch vehicle, not even 20 parts, on a completely fresh and un-modded install.

Also, while I would love to actually submit a bug report to the bug tracker... where the bloody @#$% is it?

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I hope there's a 1.1.2.

I'm getting some really nasty kraken drive / phantom forces on my el-cheapo Mun station.  When docked to it's lander, it gets so bad that it starts accelerating at about 0.15 m/s.  I haven't seen phantom forces that bad since like... 0.23 or thereabouts.

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14 minutes ago, Renegrade said:

I hope there's a 1.1.2.

I'm getting some really nasty kraken drive / phantom forces on my el-cheapo Mun station.  When docked to it's lander, it gets so bad that it starts accelerating at about 0.15 m/s.  I haven't seen phantom forces that bad since like... 0.23 or thereabouts.

Obviously @Renegrade, you haven't made sufficient sacrifices to the BIg C if you have to 'ware the Kraken.  Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Less cultishly, does it act as if the ship is under thrust, not allowing you to switch away from it?

Edited by Jacke
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3 hours ago, regex said:

I hope so, someone messed up the suspension on the LY-01 and LY-05 landing gear something fierce; they're sloppier than PHP right now...

Can you elaborate? Really it's a choice between them being slippery or unstable right now. In 1.1 they were bucking into the air, and jittering. They were quite unstable. We've diverted some of those forces, but that undermines friction a bit.

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The small gear used to be very durable, they do still snag and break a lot more it seems.  They also seem to break way sooner than their stress threshold rating allows.
And where the game runs great, it has a lot of crashing problems with complex vehicles.


At least now i can crawl back to KSC with my land mission, it's way slower now and breaks a lot, but less often than 1.1

Hopefully will be more stable.

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