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38 minutes ago, NovaSilisko said:

Er... congratulations? That doesn't change the fact that a lot of other people are in fact having lots of issues. You can't just blame it on their computers or game settings - that's not fair to them.

Yes. computers are very incompetent. and  ps why did you leave?!?! you left us with great planets, but now they're crappy compared to new horizons! come back!

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24 minutes ago, HoloYolo said:

we wanted

You and whose army? :D I would easily wait for another couple of months or even more.

And yet again, it's the same problem: overpromising, overhyping, underdelivering on self-imposed deadlines. It's a vicious cycle, in which Squad treats a released product as early access. This mad rush should stop.

20 minutes ago, qromodynmc said:

Lucky me or maybe unlucky you. I recommend you to try ksp on different computer, maybe one of your friends, problem could be system related.

Yep. Issue filed on a bugtracker speaks for itself. Multiple people suddenly have problems with their PCs, noticeable only when they play KSP and expressed as CTD with Access Violation errors. Or maybe it's bugs in the KSP. Occam's razor?

14 minutes ago, Belerafon said:

why did you leave

Making his own game, iirc.

Edited by J.Random
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After spending a few weeks trying to make KSP work again on my Linux running machine, I have to vent a little :D

I was very excited when 1.1 downloaded. I had begun playing KSP again, after a few months doing other things. I knew I'd have to start over my Science campaign, and have to do it without mods for sometimes, but, well, it wasn't a problem. Update means better game, new interesting things to discover, and so on.

Since then I haven't been playing. Too busy trying to make things work. I finally managed to have the game launch, and to have Kerbin stay visible, even if everything looks absolutely awful, textures are ugly as hell and objects big bloats of pixelly soup. I haven't tested anything else much - I can't bear the ugliness, especially compared to how beautiful it was a few weeks ago. I know, it's not very important, but it is for me.

I won't be angry at the team, though. I know how difficult it is - I've been a game developer too.

I think it would have been better to not release this update now, though. There are too many obvious problems, too many things were not ready. I know, there may be economical considerations - and in game making, money is often the "final boss".

I am disappointed. I would have been happy to know before hand that the linux version was botched. I would have taken measures to keep everything clean from updates, and waited for an improved/debugged version. Like I am happy to wait for new versions of mods. Yes, I know , I should have backed up everything anyway. Maybe, albeit my canonical age, I am still too naive and trust too much developers. I have to learn what old KSP players learned before me : wait before updating :D

Any way. I wish you a good rest. Don't rush things. Take the time you need to be effective, and then go back to work, don't rush things, and slowly make everything better. We will wait - that's how much we like KSP, when it is working.

For me, I don't know if I will have the courage to roll back to the old KSP and start again or if I'll wait six more months before reconquering space :sticktongue: (though crashing and not working as planned are very Kerbal things, aren't they ?)

So don't worry, KSP team, you won't have any hate from me.

Time for me to go back and seek solutions to the botched linux update...

Just, before leaving : I'd like to thank all the great members of the community whose advices and discoveries helped me make the game work a little better. I'll build a settlement somewhere in your honour - when it will work :cool:.

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2 hours ago, Jarin said:

Very up-to-date computer. Patched-up windows 10 pro with recent hardware.

Yup. I have a good modern PC and I get crashes during some un-docking and staging events. I have never had that in any version since 0.20 or so.

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4 hours ago, Arsonide said:

Unfortunately the underlying issues in this instance require a Unity upgrade that will take time. In the mean time, we wanted to improve the stability of wheels for you guys, and the fix has been very effective at doing so in testing. It is a temporary measure while we do address the underlying issues. When it is no longer necessary, it will be removed.

Arsonide! Stop! There can be no reason or logic on the Internet!

But really, I was just going to say this myself, but Arsonide said it better than I ever could have. The autostrut is temporary. So are the many other "workarounds". Of course, if the workarounds are not improved, but treated as a solution, then we have a problem. The Squad devs can't directly control Unity. Only the people who make it can. If you want to complain about Unity's wheel implementation, go to THEIR site.

Squad: Don't start half-fixing things. KSP and it's community are your oyster and your baby. But babies are annoying. They'll complain about everything. And everyone can hear that complaining, even if it's about something small. So fix all the issues, and don't half-ass it. But don't take too long, either. I can't find a good closer, so I'm just rambling now... I'll shut up.

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This thread has proved it cannot remain civil and free of flames, despite a well-worded and serious effort put forth by @Snark to get it back on track.

Unfortunately, that means it's going to be locked.

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