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[1.1.3] TAC - Life Support v0.12.2 - Release 03 JULY 2016


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Thunder Aerospace Corporation Life Support (TACLS) update and development

Mod License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Creative Commons License

TACLS originally by Taranis Elsu

TAC Life Support is under new management in conjunction with the Realism Overhaul team! We are glad for the opportunity to keep this great mod alive. We are also very grateful to @TaranisElsu for creating TAC Life Support. Our hats are off to him.

What is TACLS?

TAC Life Support is a mod which adds food, water, oxygen, and electric charge as requirements for survival in space. Go without support for too long, and your Kerbals die a non-fiery death! Included are parts with storage for food, water, oxygen, waste products, as well as some recyclers for oxygen and water. It does not include support for growing food, but there are many mods which play well with TACLS to provide this functionality. It also integrates well into Realism Overhaul!

No pics right now, but they'll be posted soon!


I've been noticing two different kinds of support requests. The first kind involves errors (buttons don't work, kerbals don't die like the kerbals they are, parts aren't available in editor, and so on). This is the kind we like to solve and help you get past. Please include detailed descriptions of the issue, screenshots, logs, mods installed, and so on, and we'll get it straightened out.

The second kind is less concrete and involves requests for assurance that this mod works. It works. If you're unsure about how it works, make a new sandbox save and kill kerbals to your heart's content there. Any additional posts of the "I'm afraid to try this" variety will be referred back to this OP.

Installation and Dependencies

Please delete any previous installations of GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport before installing this.

Module Manager and Community Resource Pack are both required dependencies. They are included in the download for your convenience.

DOWNLOAD v0.12.2





  • Recompiled for KSP 1.1.3
  • Updated bundled dependencies
  • Made a few texture references consistent


  • Fixed "Release/Release/GameData/..." in the .zip, so it's not so ugly. Mod name and version are reflected in the .zip file too. What a concept! If the mod is already working fine for you, this update is unnecessary.


  • Added TMS retextures as standard - thanks @TMS
  • Integrated DeepFreeze compatibility - thanks @JPLRepo
  • Updated part files with search tags
  • Updated version and licensing files

v0.11.3 - KSP 1.1.2 update - Many thanks @WaylandSmith and @James3838 for update code.


Development Planning Thread

Edited by danfarnsy
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Thanks so much for keeping this going.  It's my preferred life support mod.  Are you planning to release it on Spacedock as well?  I like the ability to get emails on updates.

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9 minutes ago, Promii said:

Are you planning to release it on Spacedock as well?

It's on the list of things I'd like to do. :) It is CKAN indexed, if you use that tool to keep track of mod installs and updates.

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I am very grateful for the adaptation to 1.1 of this great mod. I'll be playing with him and testing their integration with Planetary Base System and DeepFreeze.

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I tried USI Life Support but even with a custom config couldn't make it work similarly to TAC. This has been a requirement for me for a long time, so thanks very much for keeping it going

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Leaving aside the funky release folder, I overlooked a couple of important issues that I will get fixed as soon as I'm able:

  1. The CKAN meta is missing  {"name" : "CommunityResourcePack" } , so it won't automatically install CRP. You can tell CKAN to install CRP for you, or you can use the manual installation.
  2. This mod does not yet support the stock toolbar, but it does support Blizzy's toolbar. This means that if you don't have Blizzy's toolbar, the control icon will be ugly and difficult to configure. TACLS will still work, so it isn't a "requirement," but I recommend it until I properly support the stock toolbar.
  3. And of course, the "release" folder. Thanks for the slack, folks. I never did any of this until two weeks ago. :)

Edit: CKAN metadata fix submitted. Hopefully it will go through soon.

Edited by danfarnsy
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Congrats on the release - very impressed that you picked this up so quickly.

CKAN also has requirements where the installation folder is concerned.  The installation folder should be the same as the identifier, I think, otherwise it requires an additional metatdata line.  I'm sure you got it covered.

Will DL and take a look tonight.

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9 hours ago, danfarnsy said:

Leaving aside the funky release folder, I overlooked a couple of important issues that I will get fixed as soon as I'm able:

  1. The CKAN meta is missing  {"name" : "CommunityResourcePack" } , so it won't automatically install CRP. You can tell CKAN to install CRP for you, or you can use the manual installation.
  2. This mod does not yet support the stock toolbar, but it does support Blizzy's toolbar. This means that if you don't have Blizzy's toolbar, the control icon will be ugly and difficult to configure. TACLS will still work, so it isn't a "requirement," but I recommend it until I properly support the stock toolbar.
  3. And of course, the "release" folder. Thanks for the slack, folks. I never did any of this until two weeks ago. :)

Edit: CKAN metadata fix submitted. Hopefully it will go through soon.

The new artifact on CKAN has version "0.12.1" while the previous one has "v0.12.0". It seems that CKAN is confused by this and it thinks that "v0.12.0" is newer than "0.12.1"  and won't install the new version.

I forked the CKAN-metadata project and updated the new artifact to have version "v0.12.1" and now the application suggests me this as an update.

I think that you must fix the version history on CKAN to solve this problem.

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Hmm. I already recognized it yesterday, after updating to v0.12.0 - I got a station with 3 kerbals in medium earth orbit, they got supplies for ~ 1 year before the update (old, hacked 1.1.2 "variant"), now they got 3 years of supplies...

Have any parameters in the GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg been changed?

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1 hour ago, Gordon Dry said:

Hmm. I already recognized it yesterday, after updating to v0.12.0 - I got a station with 3 kerbals in medium earth orbit, they got supplies for ~ 1 year before the update (old, hacked 1.1.2 "variant"), now they got 3 years of supplies...

Have any parameters in the GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg been changed?

Have you placed them on rations? Savage! :P

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1 hour ago, Gordon Dry said:

Hmm. I already recognized it yesterday, after updating to v0.12.0 - I got a station with 3 kerbals in medium earth orbit, they got supplies for ~ 1 year before the update (old, hacked 1.1.2 "variant"), now they got 3 years of supplies...

Have any parameters in the GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg been changed?

Did you change anything else, say, whether the game clock was displaying Earth time or Kerbal time?

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12 hours ago, MscG said:

The new artifact on CKAN has version "0.12.1" while the previous one has "v0.12.0". It seems that CKAN is confused by this and it thinks that "v0.12.0" is newer than "0.12.1"  and won't install the new version.

I forked the CKAN-metadata project and updated the new artifact to have version "v0.12.1" and now the application suggests me this as an update.

I think that you must fix the version history on CKAN to solve this problem.

Oh bother. I didn't have to tell it to update from 0.11.3 to 0.12.0. It just did its indexing thing and figured it out. This time, I did something to confuse it.

Where's a real modder when you need him? :wink:

Edit: It should still work just fine as long as you install CRP.

Edited by danfarnsy
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21 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

I was already set to Earth time before, I play with RSS/RO etc.

Sounds like the RO-TACLS config file may have been overwritten. This is the config file location: GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport/PluginData/TacLifeSupport/LifeSupport.cfg. If it is empty, it is using default TACLS config, which assumes kerbals weigh an eighth of what humans do, and consume one fourth the resources. The RO config uses human resource consumption amounts. Check which you have?

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Actually mine looks like this - dunno why it changed this way:


    MaxDeltaTime = 86400
    ElectricityMaxDeltaTime = 1
    FoodResource = Food
    WaterResource = Water
    OxygenResource = Oxygen
    CarbonDioxideResource = CarbonDioxide
    WasteResource = Waste
    WasteWaterResource = WasteWater
    FoodConsumptionRate = 1.6927083333E-05
    WaterConsumptionRate = 1.1188078704E-05
    OxygenConsumptionRate = 0.001713537562385
    ElectricityConsumptionRate = 0.014166666666667
    BaseElectricityConsumptionRate = 0.02125
    EvaElectricityConsumptionRate = 0.00425
    CO2ProductionRate = 0.00148012889876
    WasteProductionRate = 1.539351852E-06
    WasteWaterProductionRate = 1.4247685185E-05
    EvaDefaultResourceAmount = 21600
    MaxTimeWithoutFood = 1296000
    MaxTimeWithoutWater = 129600
    MaxTimeWithoutOxygen = 7200
    MaxTimeWithoutElectricity = 7200

plus the window settings.

I replace with the data from https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport/PluginData/TacLifeSupport/LifeSupport.cfg

Thank you for the hint.


But still curious, why the heck ...?

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1 minute ago, Gordon Dry said:

But still curious, why the heck ...?

Those are the default settings. I just opened my non-RO install as well, and it has those settings. I'm not sure why they'd be overwritten in your case, unless you did a manual install of TACLS or I need to figure out how to tell CKAN to ignore that file when installing/updating. If it happens again, let me know, because that's not intended behavior.

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Great to hear TAC is staying alive! :wink:

Its becoming a must-have for me.


On 5/12/2016 at 5:31 AM, danfarnsy said:

TACLS stuff

Something in that is breaking the formatting width of the post.

When quoting it, it seems like the first title line causes the width to go through the wall.

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My kerbal keeps dying on her way back from the Mun.

The reason given is "air toxicity", but I checked the oxygen and co2 levels, and they're totally normal.  I even installed the Jettison mod and dumped all the co2, but she still dies!


It always happens a little past the 2-day mark of the mission.  I have run out of battery power, if that makes a difference, but I did try it once with the debug menu set to infinite electricity.


[edit] ran a test, she survives if she's on EVA, but dies almost as soon as she gets back in the capsule, no matter what the O2/CO2 levels are.

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20 minutes ago, not-working-at-work said:

The reason given is "air toxicity"

I remember the first time I let my kerbal go two hours without electric charge. Her capsule's air filtration system stopped working, could no longer filter out her CO2 from the cabin, so she died a glorious kerbal death trapped outside the orbit of the Mun. She was a bad-S scientist too. I was sad for at least a minute or two.

Good job!

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