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Show us your rover delivery vehicles

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Here's one of mine from WAAAAAAY back. Before .22 for sure, but my current design is not much different. Uses i-beams instead of the cubic octagonal struts, and those lander legs don't exist anymore, but you get the idea. A four legged spider with the rover suspended from the hub. This one delivered solely by chutes. For no atmosphere landings, I'm using 4x twitch engines. One at the end of each beam. I can post a pic later of the current one. I'm at work and dredged up my old imgur account to find these.

Let's see how you guys put a rover on the surface.


Here's what it looked like in the VAB less the two Mk 16's I added later after the first attempt slammed into the surface of Duna. This was before heat shields but I'd do the same thing now just replace the flat adapter with a shield.


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I once made an Eve rover with Inferno Robotics parts very similar to that.  This was in .90 I think and I had DRE and RT2 installed.  I packed all of the legs underneath a 2.5m shield and timed my landing with an orbital probe.  After enough deceleration, popped some chutes, maneuvered all 4 legs into their landing positions, dropped the shield, and touched down.  My legs by design were much higher than the rover and I didn't want the increased gravity to damage my wheels so I had a winch connected to a stack separator.  After gently lowering the rover down, I separated and was off. 

Looking back, this was one of the more difficult things that I have done in KSP.  RT2 along with DRE on an unmanned Eve lander/rover is/was no joke.

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