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What is the death rate if your Space Program?


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What is the death rate of your favorite, or most played save? By that I mean, how many of your Kerbals are dead out of how many you've had. I have had 13 kerbals (original 4, 3 rescued, and 5 hired) and 3 of them dead (rip Kerbin Kerman ;.;). This means I have a death rate of 23%. 

So what is your death rate? Hope it's not as big as mine.

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3 minutes ago, teag2 said:

What is the death rate of your favorite, or most played save? By that I mean, how many of your Kerbals are dead out of how many you've had. I have had 13 kerbals (original 4, 3 rescued, and 5 hired) and 3 of them dead (rip Kerbin Kerman ;.;). This means I have a death rate of 23%. 

So what is your death rate? Hope it's not as big as mine.

0 losses.

Current career roster counts 24 (fearless four + 20 rescued), 9 active, 15 ready for action (and all L1 or better).

And counting all saves I only have losses in my experimental (and flying while intoxicated) saves :wink:

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No losses.

There was a time or two here I got distracted when I was attempting to land, or I needed multiple attempts to return to Kerbin(there was even one time I had to have the kerbal in the drivers seat eject in orbit(or close enough to orbit to get there on jet packs) because the Mk1 pod on the nose was the only part I could not seem to bring home intact(sent up a rescue craft of course), but no games were saved with dead kerbals.

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Pretty low. I use drone cores for testing of most designs, and build in robust rescue/abort systems.

I have had some EVA mishaps, catastrophic failures, etc. Sometimes I revert, but if it's a real mission event I try to remain true to the course of nature.

Now, my sig shows several black lines, but some of those are "Lost" vs "Dead" -- Kerbol, Duna -- they could be erased by a successful rescue.



Edited by JoeNapalm
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We have a death rate of either 10% or 0% depending how you look at it.

Karrissa Kerman, our resident pilot and spaceplane captain was killed when she crashed an experimental jet fighter, and one could say this technically doesnt count towards the program's death rate, however she was killed white piloting something at all so maybe it does...

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In my current save, I've got 6 dead Kerbals, with 30-odd crew still active and a fair number of missions each.

Most of the casualties were random suborbital tourism and rescue contract pilots, who got distracted while reading the forums and forgot to open the chutes in time for landing.


One major pilot was lost when their minmus bus broke up over the south pole.  The control capsule was lost, but the hitchhiker module full of engineers and scientists survived thanks to one parachute being pre-triggered, combined with some daring EVAs at 2km up to trigger the other chutes.

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Not especially high... Maybe 5 or 6 out of 24ish. I don't have permadeath on but somehow had some mysteriously killed and not respawn during a time fast-forward for an interplanetary mission. 

Logs for the space station involved indicate sudden change of status to sub-orbital then impact. I have F9'd to avoid a number of deaths, but I also see some of them as important parts of the story of my main career game. I've named things after the properly dead kerbals like Valentina Bay on Minmus and the space station Bob Kerman in orbit of Eve... the deployment of which involved one of 5 crew turning into a fireball!

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(Channels Ed Harris playing Gene Kranz)

We've never lost a Kerbal in space, we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option. 


Admittedly, I have it a bit easier than Gene... he didn't have the ability to revert to the launch. 

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I've lost one Kerbal in my current save. He was stranded on the Mun by some other space program and I was sent to pick him up.

When I got there, he clipped through the terrain and went poof.

I don't rescue landed Kerbals who aren't mine anymore. (Which means I don't rescue landed Kerbals.)

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11 hours ago, NathanKell said:


Same.   Been playing for years now.   I vaguely remember buying in shortly before it was available on Steam early access.   Bought it again on steam because I loved the concept. 


On a side note, this game is why when I chose to go back to college at 37 I am dual majoring in applied mathematics and physics.   :)

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1 hour ago, parameciumkid said:


I admit I have, on occasion, reloaded a quicksave after an accidental death. But because of said quicksave those deaths are not "canon" and therefore don't count ;P

Quicksaves and reverts are KSP's implementation of practice and simulations ... (at least my mind, which is the only mind I care about :wink: )


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