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this is my first time posting a craft here, but anyways. I have created a semi-realistic version of the Saturn-V with a Munar and command modules built in. garunteed 100% stock parts



I had to add boosters to help stablize the rocket during early ascent do to the rocket having a wobbling effect. Speaking of Wobbling, when the rocket is around 20k-23k there is some difficulty controlling the ship. I recommend to only put it at half throttle until the second stage is activated. Other than that, the thing flies like a sturdy rocket, or a cow, mostly like a cow.

Command and Munar modules


         The idea is to use the rest of the second ascent stage to achieve a long enough burn to set the ship on a flyby trajectory, decouple the Munar module, turn it around; and to attach itself to the command module where it would then decouple from the second stage soon after. Then circulize around the mun, undock, and land. After all said and done, the Munar Module (small tiny lander) take off, reandevous, and dock again. Where it will then transfer all resources/kerbals into the Command module to be taken back home to kerbin.

here are some pics:


Exiting atmosphere and into planetary orbit.


Docking of Munar/Command modules


Separation to prep for Mun landing


SLowing down...


Perfect Landing!

NOTE: This craft is very difficult for beginner players, as docking and staging may seem extremely complicated with this craft. 

Edit: I ended up modifying the lander into a 2-stage ship, the top half will jettison carrying the kerbals to the command module using mono engines. I found that these were far more fuel efficent and compact than any other engine in ksp.

Craft file coming soon  Its right Here :)

Tip: For those space junkies, you could follow the apollo missions flight path (free return trajectory), shown below.





Edited by fuzzyfury
added craft file
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I remember my first LOR-profile Mun landing in Kerbal Space Program, it was exhilarating.

If you're interested in improving your design, I would encourage you to take a look at these two Saturn V replicas

I'm not entirely sure whether these work in KSP 1.1 (In fact, I highly doubt that the Munbug is still compatible with the current version), but maybe by looking at the pictures you can gain some inspiration. It's been a while since we had a good Saturn V on the Spacecraft Exchange, maybe you can make the next one!

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4 hours ago, Majorjim said:

He he, no biggie, I kinda forgot I made it too, until you reminded me!

I flew this as a test to see how well I could replicate the launch once, it's an awesome craft, and so is the OP's! The community never fails to yield awesome results.

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