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Are you a cheater??

Parv Kerman

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I have a feeling this thread will have arguments about whether certain mods are cheating or not. Hopefully, it won't happen.

And yes, I use MechJeb. IMO doesn't make me a cheater though...

Edited by Atlas2342
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I just installed HyperEdit the other day.. the only question now is how do you NOT cheat? I just started playing a few months ago and am in career mode, it's to the point where having to launch everything into Kerbin orbit first is a real chore, especially big ungainly interplanetary ships, so I am thinking about just warping ships straight to LKO first. Everything else I try to do by the book though. 

If I had known about the alt-f12 menu that one time when Valentina got stranded in Kerbin orbit coming back from the Mun I definitely would have used it. But she just hung out there for a few hundred days while I learned how to rendezvous. 

Edited by Lunar Sea
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2 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

I don't cheat but I do use Hyperedit, a light launch autopilot named GravityTurn, and sometimes fiddle around in the Alt-F12 menu.

You are similar to me

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Let's get one thing straight here. The term "cheating" in gaming is defined as one player doing and/or using something in order to get and unfair advantage over other players in the same game/server. This is not the case in KSP, as we all fly solo. People need to get off their high horses.

Calling people who use HyperEdit or MechJeb "cheaters" is truly pathetic. I only use MechJeb for informational read-outs such as orbit and vessel info, and HyperEdit for shuttle re-entry testing. Even if people use MechJeb to fly their craft, it's still more realistic than flying it manually. It's not like ULA has a person flying a Delta IV or Atlas V into orbit using a joystick or keyboard. It's all automated. So if you want to do things a bit more realistically, MechJeb is your friend. I personally use kOS for automation.

Anyone who calls people cheaters seriously needs to get over themselves :) Don't be that person.

Edited by liquidhype
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I use Hyperedit, but I justify it as simulation.  I use it to send my landers to their target body so I can test it.  IRL they'd do this stuff with computer simulation so it's no different.  Once I think I have a working craft, I launch and fly it properly for the actual mission.

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Just now, liquidhype said:

Let's get one thing straight here. The term "cheating" in gaming is defined as one player doing and/or using something in order to get and unfair advantage over other players in the same game/server. This is not the case in KSP, as we all fly solo. People need to get off their high horses.

Calling people who use HyperEdit or MechJeb "cheaters" is truly pathetic. I only use MechJeb for informational read-outs such as orbit and vessel info, and HyperEdit for shuttle re-entry testing. Even if people use MechJeb to fly their craft, it's still more realistic than flying it manually. It's not like ULA has a person flying a Delta IV or Atlas V into orbit using a joystick or keyboard. It's all automated. So if you want to do things a bit more realistically, MechJeb is your friend. I personally use kOS for automation.

Anyone who calls people cheaters seriously needs to get over themselves :) Don't be that person.

..Who does that? What is this, the "Stock Master Race" forum?

I play with some mods, but most of my rocket launches are done by hand. Mechjeb flips my rocket over too much (With even something as sophisticated as Mechjeb, my ships are so badly built that even that can't pilot it properly)


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I am a VERY bad person

I drive trains.. 

I dont like rockets..I dont like the emptyness of space..using time acceleration. .and I dont play anything other than sandbox


All realtime for me.. Kerbin is a tough angry old mule if not respected..the terrain will mince anything if you dont know the road or the machine your driving


Ive used hyperedit to install some fuel tanks and stations..it works nicely

A steering wheel is my prefered controller :)



Pre 1.04 a 40 class locomotive had complete thermal runaway..in the bugged heat system of the game back then... Not wanting to lose her.. I dialed in some alt F12 magic.. After it was evident 7 days and nights of being powered down and dark did nothing to cool her generators.


 It felt right though..sadly she was lost a short time later in an accident.. Sadly an older cousin suffered a twin generator overload and loss of all crew and train just days before .. Unlike her stablemate..the 44 class wasnt afforded the same cheats and a fine honourable locomotive was reduced to a line of history in the KTP


In modern times..alt F12 has little use as its the wheels that are bugged.. Changes have to be made in the cfg file.. In that while they look like moon rover wheels.. There actually designed for an overland train. 



It works well..and proves if you care about your craft.  Nothings wrong with bending the rules to either preserve the future generations of train operations, or perhaps save a beloved battlescarred train from destruction


Everything has a purpose

As did my MUCH BETTER thread on this subject :P


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firstly, another one of these threads? Short answer WHO CARES? I mean really, who cares? All this type of thread tells me is, some person feels insecure about what they are doing in KSP and need some external justification one way or the other in order to validate or invalidate themselves. This kinda garbage needs to stop. Hyper edit, is that cheating? cheating fate possibly. is it kraken bait? absolutely. do I care who uses hyper edit? unless I put forth a challenge and specifically forbade that mod, nope. not one bit. is mechjeb cheating? NOPE. It gives vital informations that KSP sorely lacks, and it has autopilot. both win win. both very needed <unless you are the type who enjoy performing the same launch profile ad nauseum or enjoy babysitting long burns> in this game. I use mechjeb and am bloody proud to use it.

secondly inb4 lock.

oh and as a side note. remember that whole same launch profile multiple times? well, if it wasnt for mechjeb and its wonderful autopilot, the 7 flights it took to just reach THIS point, id have lost my mind. for the record, the flights: 1. central core.| 2. Probe atop the central core <above the 2 clamp-o-tron sr> |3. nuclear core 1. |4. nuclear core 2. |5. nuclear core 3.| 6. nuclear core 4.| 7. refueling mission.| mission 8 will most likely be the first of 4 satellites to dock to the other 4 docking ports, which means mission 12 will be a manned mission to check out and modify as ground testing would suggest for proper mission readiness for Jool.

SO, in total that will have been at least 12 nearly IDENTICAL launch profiles for a mission for jool. Here is the picture:


Edited by AlamoVampire
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1 hour ago, StarStryder said:

I use Hyperedit, but I justify it as simulation.  I use it to send my landers to their target body so I can test it.  IRL they'd do this stuff with computer simulation so it's no different.  Once I think I have a working craft, I launch and fly it properly for the actual mission.

Same here, although I have a house rule that only lets me "simulate" for bodies I have already crashed landed on.

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Cheater here.

I fly planes in KSP while never having gone to flight school or becoming a licensed pilot. I design rockets while never having formally studied rocket science (and very little physics). I fly spacecraft while not having spent a lifetime training and preparing to be an astronaut. 

I use mods to alter the gameplay experience away from the developers' vision. I hyperedit stuff around like it's on sale for 99 cents. I have mods do most of the math for me. I use autopilot when I feel like it. I quicksave and revert like it's nobody's business. I use the Alt-F12 menu relentlessly. I edit save files, cfg files and anything else I can get my grubby, cheating hands on.

Yup, I'm a straight-up cheater. And I don't feel an ounce of regret or remorse, nor do I care what people think about it.

I don't cheat in challenges though, that's just low.

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I remember way back when, when a lot of people would make tiny air-breathing SSTOs by connecting in a stack like 20 or 30 in-line air intakes and then clipping them somewhere into the structure - this gave the craft something like infinite access to intake air, even at extreme altitude (IIRC).

This is pretty much the only time I judged a certain thing to be "cheating" in KSP, because people would still be like "Hey check out my SSTO that gets to orbit with 99999m/s dv left!". Hyperedit and whatnot, I don't really think of them as "cheating" as such as it just represents a different way to play the game.

I use MechJeb (amongst many, many other helpful mods) which I don't consider cheating, because a) you still have to know how to use the damn things, and b) a pilot using an autopilot or dynamic stability enhancement is not cheating, and astronauts don't fly their ships with the WASD keys.

If MechJeb is cheating, then by extrapolation owning the computer you are using is cheating and you should be playing KSP by making all the computations in your head (no pen+paper, thats cheating) and imagining the outcomes.


Some people are asking for multiplayer....if that ever happens, I think we can consider the vehement controversy that surrounds the "cheating" issue to have been very small peanuts compared to what will come...

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I figured out that my docking ports were on backwards on the way to Jool.

I edited the persistence file to flip them around.

If that's not cheating, I don't know what is.  Oh, yeah, 'Breaking rules in order to obtain an advantage over other players.'.  Well, then, I guess it depends on your definition.

Happy landings!

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44 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

I figured out that my docking ports were on backwards on the way to Jool.

I edited the persistence file to flip them around.

If that's not cheating, I don't know what is.

That's not cheating. That's assuming that the actual engineers and construction workers realized what you wanted and put it on that way before even launching.

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