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My Space/Nerd Collection V2!

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This is my second thread dedicated to showing what NASA, general space and other nerdy items I have to show! Note, I do not show all the things I own that are nerdy and I also may have already shown them off in my previous thread. So check here for the previous thread.

All listings of the items shown start from left and move right across the photo.


In the top left you can see a thermal tile from the Russian space shuttle Buran Energia which only flew once. Below it is a sash that come with it and the postage. Next to the postage is a small photo of the Apollo Lunar Lander as seen from Apollo 11. Next to the tile you can see a wall panel from the American Space Shuttles, used on both Atlantis and Endeavor. Underneath it you will see the certification for it. Next to the panel is the Nintendo PowerGlove, a quaint piece of technology which essentially used echolocation and user movements for controls. Beneath the glove is a signed autograph of Jon. A. McBride who flew on STS-41G. Next to the glove is the Nintendo Super Scope, another quaint piece of technology which could work as both as headphones and use sound detection for "firing" in game. Beneath the Super Scope is a small 4" 3D printed model of my Saturn Shuttle.


Not as much here as the last one, but the panel next to the Super Scope is the Nintendo U-Force. It is another hardware peripheral for the console that used some form of detection to control the game.


Lastly this is a series of model rockets from my youth with a Space Shuttle poster in the backdrop. From the right you will see the Mercury Redstone, then the Mercury-Atlas, then the Gemini Titan II with it's engines fallen off, then you will see a badly scaled Saturn 1B (different toy set), next is the Historic Saturn V followed by the Apollo Lunar Module with two Apollo astronauts performing various EVA activities with a Lunar Rover behind them. Then you can see a Space Shuttle solid rocket booster followed by the Space Shuttle itself (specifically Discovery) with it's cargo bay doors missing (sadly lost in time). The Hubble Space Telescope sits next to the shuttle, with a large wasp hive I found in middle school and found cool.


So please leave your thoughts/comments below :) . I just feel I should share this awesomeness with everyone else since it does no good kept to myself :P .

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