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Looking for KSP Fans near Los Angeles

Darth Badie

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On 6/10/2016 at 7:35 PM, Kerbin vonKerbal said:

400,000 hours is roughly 45 years. You must have played KSP before humans even went to space. 

It's 2016. 45 years ago was 1971. This was 2 years after the moon landing, and a DECADE after the first humans in space.

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I live in Van Nuys (part of LA) and have logged thousands of hours as I've been playing several hours almost every day for over two years, just before the 0.23.5 update. I'm new to this forum but I've been on the Facebook group since before I even got the game! I'd love to help if I have time.

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On 6/7/2016 at 3:10 PM, Badie said:

Hi everyone,

We need KSP experts with more than 500 hours, that live near Los Angeles, CA. Please send contact us for more information! You are going to have fun! 


I have played more than 500 hours and live in LA county.  Please see my private message to you for my contact information.

Thank you,


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Steam says I have around 250, but I'm pretty sure I have way more than that (because I played for a while off steam). I live in the San Fernando Valley 


To add: A majority of those hours are on Realism Overhaul, which most people will agree to being much, much more difficult than stock.

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1 hour ago, dafidge9898 said:

Steam says I have around 250, but I'm pretty sure I have way more than that (because I played for a while off steam). I live in the San Fernando Valley 


To add: A majority of those hours are on Realism Overhaul, which most people will agree to being much, much more difficult than stock.

I'm also in the SFV, Van Nuys. 

Are you currently in any of the Facebook KSP groups?

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Newsflash! Kiwi1960 gets out his trusty old outboard motor, heads to the coast. attaches outboard to a rock... starts motor...

"I'll be in LA soon... only, driving the entire North Island of New Zealand to anchor just offshore of L.A. isn't going to be easy....

Actually.... wait.... I hate consoles..."

Packs up outboard motor and heads home.

"do whatever you want to do, just, count me out!"




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I started with 0.18 and have played almost every day since then. Just ask my lovely wife. I have not logged my time, but guess that it would be several K hours. I live near Fresno, 4 hours north of LA. What is up?

email: hdritscher@gmail.com

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i live two hours from LA and have several K hours or soo in KSP. ive played since version 23.5 


PM sent with email

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