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RescaleZ - 365 days Kerbin x3.2 Proper Orbital Resonance - 365Kx32PR


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What is RescaleZ?

This mod was inspired by Harder Solar System and Kerbin 365 and will make your gameplay harder, but still playable with stock parts.

Main feature of this resize is that I've make Kerbin's orbit to have a 365 day (24h each) year and scaled up other planets orbits to match same orbital resonance as in stock.

More details

  • Sun x1.6 upscaled. All planets orbits inclined RSS-style to simulate Kerbins axial tilt.
    • Moho  x3.2 upscaled.
    • Eve x3.2 upscaled, surface gravity lowered to 0.902g as for Venus and no more Gilli moon here. Also included Extra addition for RealisticAtmospheres (recomended) mod will make atmosphere hotter and higher.
    • Kerbin x3.2 upscaled, KSC moved to 30.22 latiude. You will need ~5000-5600m/s dV to get into orbit. KSO - 17058.576km. No more Minmus here.
      • Mun x2.6 upscaled to make Mun's proporsion to Kerbin more like Moon to Earth. Mun orbit moved further, to make it exactly half of a real Moon orbital period.
    • Duna x3.2 upscaled.
      • Gilly now like Phobos.
      • Bop now like Deimos.
    • Dres surface gravity lowered to 0.042g to make it more like real dwarf planet.
    • Jool x3.2 upscaled.
      • Pol x3.2 upscaled and now closest moon of Jool.
      • Laythe x3.2 upscaled.
      • Tylo x1.8 upscaled to make it more attractive for visiting. Pol-Laythe-Tylo now in proper Laplace resonance like Io–Europa–Ganymede.
      • Vall x3.2 upscaled and have approximate Callisto-like orbit.
      • Ike now farthest Jool's moon, now have same eccentricity and inclination as stock Pol.
    • Eeloo x3.2 upscaled.
      • Minmus is now moon of Eeloo to make this distant world more attractive for visiting.

Remote Tech Support

Already included, but you can play without RT.


But if you do - you can propose a patch :)

Solar curve taken from Kopernicus exapmles for RSS by NathanKell and divided by 2. Solar panels will not help you much around Jool...

No pics, no clicks

Dependencies (Install Separately):

Module Manager


Recommended mods:

KSP Renaissance Compilation (compability patch included)

Realistic Atmospheres (compability patch included)



Change Log

Version 1.3

  1. All orbits recalculated due to g and G constants change in KSP 1.2
  2. All planet now inclined RSS-style to simulate Kerbins axial tilt.
  3. Added modified Kerbins texture for KSPRC extra compatibility with permission of Proot.
  4. Other minor tweaks in cfgs.

Licenced by MIT (c) 2016 ZobrAz

Edited by ZobrAA
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This sounds pretty interesting, stock-ish but more enjoyably difficult. I guess I need to go spend some time trying my hand at patching OPM to approximate something reasonably close 'cause extra planets = extra fun.

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I glad some one interested in this :)

There one more thing, guys. I recomend use RescaleZ with KSPRC, as I do, but some changes need to be done in textures and planetary bump maps to look right. And I have those, but I cant share due to license limitations of KSPRC :(

I need to ask @Proot, may be he will allow me to include edited textures from KSPRC...

Edited by ZobrAA
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  On 6/22/2016 at 11:57 AM, evileye.x said:

Anomalies are buried underground, I suppose?


No, I suppose. Scaling planet up did not rise level of terrain, only stretch it out... At the moment I saw only Island runway - it stays where it suppose to...

My only concern is that some contract pack, that generates contracts for anomaly visiting are made only for stock, because after scaling planet up waypoints often floating in the air...

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  On 6/30/2016 at 12:47 PM, _Augustus_ said:

Are you going to add OPM compatibility?


I actually did not think of it. :rolleyes: I did not use any additional planet mods, and I dont know how well it fits with stock... And the main reason for me personally not to use additional planets is because stock system is more than enough for HUGE space program with hundreds of probes, ships, stations and bases. But almost no one uses that opportunity - space and planets are empty, even Kerbin itself. Majority of time players messes around KSC, equatorial LKO and Mun/Minmus. So more planets serve no purpose, IMO, but use a lot of RAM...

Also, I use this RescaleZ with Renaissance Compilation and Realistic Athmospheres - and they are only for stock planets... So no beautiful landscape textures, no advanced atmospheric model for another planets...

Of course, never say never. But at the moment, I did not see good reason for additional planets in this rescale. Maybe there is something cool, exiting and absolutely tremendous that I did not know about OMP? May be huge amount of easter eggs to explore, abandoned alien cities or ship wreckage somewhere out there? :)

Ups! Actually Realistic Atmospheres are like built in the OPM mod, did not notice that earlier... But another arguments still counts :)

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  On 7/1/2016 at 11:12 AM, ZobrAA said:

I actually did not think of it. :rolleyes: I did not use any additional planet mods, and I dont know how well it fits with stock... And the main reason for me personally not to use additional planets is because stock system is more than enough for HUGE space program with hundreds of probes, ships, stations and bases. But almost no one uses that opportunity - space and planets are empty, even Kerbin itself. Majority of time players messes around KSC, equatorial LKO and Mun/Minmus. So more planets serve no purpose, IMO, but use a lot of RAM...

Also, I use this RescaleZ with Renaissance Compilation and Realistic Athmospheres - and they are only for stock planets... So no beautiful landscape textures, no advanced atmospheric model for another planets...

Of course, never say never. But at the moment, I did not see good reason for additional planets in this rescale. Maybe there is something cool, exiting and absolutely tremendous that I did not know about OMP? May be huge amount of easter eggs to explore, abandoned alien cities or ship wreckage somewhere out there? :)

Ups! Actually Realistic Atmospheres are like built in the OPM mod, did not notice that earlier... But another arguments still counts :)


OPM has some hidden easter eggs, and the planets are gorgeous but stockalike.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Version 1.3 Update

  1. All orbits recalculated due to g and G constants change in KSP 1.2
  2. All planet now inclined RSS-style to simulate Kerbins axial tilt.
  3. Added modified Kerbins texture for KSPRC extra compatibility with permission of Proot (thx you!)
  4. Other minor tweaks in cfgs.

Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/779

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for this, looking forward to trying it out.

One question before I fire it up, I noticed that your Better Atmosphere configs only modify Eve. Are the other planets atmospheres fine to use as packaged in Better Atmospheres?

Also the name of the "kopernicusCfg" folder is misspelled so that it does not properly merge with the one in the BA folder.

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  On 4/3/2017 at 5:15 PM, Nightside said:

One question before I fire it up, I noticed that your Better Atmosphere configs only modify Eve. Are the other planets atmospheres fine to use as packaged in Better Atmospheres?


Yes, I reconfigure Eve's atmo because I gave this planet less mass, so gravity ALS is like on Venus. Other planets atmo works just fine. :)

  On 4/3/2017 at 5:15 PM, Nightside said:

Also the name of the "kopernicusCfg" folder is misspelled so that it does not properly merge with the one in the BA folder.


Woops! :rolleyes: Thx for pointing this up! I'll reupload zip with correct folder name :)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  On 11/3/2018 at 3:43 PM, TK-313 said:

@ZobrAA, I have a problem - when I install this mod, the system remains stock. I'm running 1.5.1. Is the proberm here or in Kopernicus?


I've actually didnt test it with KSP 1.5.1 in case you use it. But since there is Kopernicus update to 1.5.1 https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases it must be ok...

Need more info to understand where the problem is: KSP version, mods and versions used, some screenshots in case of notisable anomalies, console log, etc.

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  On 11/8/2018 at 2:12 AM, ZobrAA said:

I've actually didnt test it with KSP 1.5.1 in case you use it. But since there is Kopernicus update to 1.5.1 https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases it must be ok...

Need more info to understand where the problem is: KSP version, mods and versions used, some screenshots in case of notisable anomalies, console log, etc.


Yeah, it worked when I updated Kopernicus. Sorry for the false alarm!

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