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What kind of enhancement would allow human to live in space?


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The "problem" of gravity is pretty trivial to solve by spinning the spacecraft, or, if it's small, tethering it to a counterweight and spinning the two about a common centre of mass. Genetic engineering and the like seem needlessly complicated in comparison.

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1 hour ago, peadar1987 said:

The "problem" of gravity is pretty trivial to solve by spinning the spacecraft, or, if it's small, tethering it to a counterweight and spinning the two about a common centre of mass. Genetic engineering and the like seem needlessly complicated in comparison.

True. By the time we have the tech for the changes required, we'll have the tech for ring stations with greenhouses too, so why bother?

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Well there are other things aside from gravity that human body have not adapted to live in space. Raditation, for example. Or even more psychological thing, like boredom and discomfort of small space. Can we change the human brain so they don't feel such thing anymore? Or is that a good idea?

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20 minutes ago, RainDreamer said:

Well there are other things aside from gravity that human body have not adapted to live in space. Raditation, for example. Or even more psychological thing, like boredom and discomfort of small space. Can we change the human brain so they don't feel such thing anymore? Or is that a good idea?

There's no reason why we couldn't. We could bioengineer someone to have, or lack, any feeling we want (If feelings are as cause and effect as we suspect.)

I'd actually be surprised if, once we figure out how the brain works, we couldn't design entirely new feelings or traits.

Though like others said, by the time we're far enough along to have transhuman designer babies like that, we'll be far enough along to make comfortable space stations.

Edited by WestAir
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11 hours ago, DDE said:

The lack of actual gravity will still be an issue. It can't be fully compensated through muscular exercise.

At that point we might as well break out Wolverine-style regeneration...

Personal warp fields that bends space time near the feet giving the appaerance of gravity. 

Alternatively as i first saidmagnetic feet.


This thread is a joke, more or less. 

Edited by PB666
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Can we graft artificial skin with surface similar to gecko foot pads onto human hands and feet? That seems closer to something we can actually do with current tech than trying to hack human genes to get gecko feet.

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10 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Animals change themselves adapting to the environment.
Human changes the environment to adapt.
This makes a human a much more stable system than any other species.

Not necessarily. Humans can evolve their technology much faster than biological evolution in organism of their size and complexity can evolve itself.

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There is nothing stopping human to change both themselves and their environment to fit a goal. Implanting neural interface to astronauts so they can control machines using wifi can allow them to master their space bound environment much better than what can be done with hands alone, perhaps? 


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22 hours ago, RainDreamer said:

There is nothing stopping human to change both themselves and their environment to fit a goal.

Speaking about the Earth: would the humans change themselves for +50 C or -50 C?   They live in both places.

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If I could grow polar bear fur for the 3 months a year here in Winnipeg, Canada where it regularly reaches -30 Celcius I would.  Then shed it, and do something about my regular skin so it wouldn't sunburn during the summer months where it gets over +30 Celcius.  

I really, really don't know why I stay...

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