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[1.4.X] SM Marine, Version KSP xx PSA important

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  On 3/28/2018 at 2:50 AM, johnkeale said:


@Violet_Wyvern That's so nice! :) Are all of those built using only SM Marine? 



The main ship body are using J-class hull from SM Marine,  some upper superstructure are using parts from Large Boat Parts , And the arms are from NAS - Naval Artillery System...

Besides this,  I already make some other ships...     Here's some pics:

Kuma class light cruisers



King George V class battleships


Ise class Waterplane-tender battleship


Mogami class (Light/Heavy) cruiser

Myoko class and Takao class heavy cruisers

Edited by Violet_Wyvern
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Hi @SpannerMonkey(smce)!

Something came up at work that is now consuming much of my time, so I can't really narrow down the mods causing the issue that I have reported before. I probably can't play KSP as much as I did before too :(

I will just summarize my last investigation, so that I can have something to come back too once I get the time. So here goes:

I investigated three situations (And here are some screenshots)

  1. Vanilla with SM Marine
  2. Modded with SM Marine
  3. Modded without SM Marine

First and foremost, I noticed that the issue seemed to be more noticeable the stronger the booster is. I haven't tested it with the liquid engines yet, but using the Hammer SRB didn't really produce a difference in the altitude, apoapsis and velocity upon running out of fuel. It also doesn't help that by the time they run out of fuel, the vessel isn't really stable, because it's still in the atmosphere. Pausing the game even if just a little second late causes the three stats I'm taking note of to reduce rapidly, (Wasn't also able to take screenshots for this one)

Upon using the Kickback SRB, you can really see the difference. And the weird thing is that it seems that my rockets really are stronger with the mods, and weaker with SM Marine, where vanilla is like the middle ground. It's this:

moddedWithSMMarine < vanillaWithSMMarine < moddedWithoutSMMarine.

Which is really really weird. Meaning that some mod really 'strenghtens' my rocket.  (Edit: Vanilla with or without SM Marine shows no change, as expected)

I am also having a hard time compiling my mods, since my GameData folder is now a mess, and some folder names are not the same as their mod name. I know that given some time, I can compile this into a mod list, but unfortunately I don't have such time so here goes:

  Reveal hidden contents

Now, I composed this post in a rush, so it might sound that I am rushing you or that I am making you do all the work. Please understand that that is not the case. I am not asking you to investigate this for me, I'm just leaving the information I have for all to see (maybe they have an Idea) and so that I have a starting point to come back to once I become available. I am not asking you to do anything in fact, I just want to post an update so as not to leave the issue 'hanging' so to speak.

Man! Seeing those gorgeous ships, I really want to build my own fleet! But alas, life doesn't always go as you planned it.

See you around!

Edited by johnkeale
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  On 4/2/2018 at 12:06 PM, johnkeale said:

I investigated three situations


Hi, this was mentioned for the first time not so long ago, and it's as much of a mystery now as it was then,  I have no answers or anything that could possibly give a clue.  It's tested on many different installs before it gets to you guys,  and we expect oddness like this to show up long before it causes you trouble.  There's nothing that messes with engines, or fuel.  Although recently we've had some trouble with Interstellar fuel switch that could not be resolved and required a patch to prevent it's use on certain parts. Non of these parts have any relation to your issue however.

I do see some odd things, in you mod list , SM Chute?  my god you must have the only copy left on the planet, does it even work theses days?  I abandoned that when it became obvious that the EVA interaction was so poor ,as to reduce the usefulness to negligible levels, and converted the chutes for LGG's  parachute redux of VNG
Vessel mover and easy vessel switch do the same thing, in all likely hood in a very similar way,  although VM only allows switching between BDA wm equipped craft.
Some  of the mods on your list i can't find info on, or don't appear to have been updated in a while.

If you get a chance,  as you don't say,  which version of SMM , which version of KSP,  and if by some chance you could run a setup that triggered the event with as few mods as possible I'd very much like to see a copy of the KSP.log

AS many are aware by now i really don't do space anymore, aside from novel ways to rain down mayhem on the planet below,  it looks like i'm to do  some spacey stuff if I'm ever going to pin this down one way or another.  It's been many many KSP versions since i last  built anything from stock, never mind launched a stock part rocket.

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  On 4/2/2018 at 2:46 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi, this was mentioned for the first time not so long ago, and it's as much of a mystery now as it was then,  I have no answers or anything that could possibly give a clue.  It's tested on many different installs before it gets to you guys,  and we expect oddness like this to show up long before it causes you trouble.  There's nothing that messes with engines, or fuel.  Although recently we've had some trouble with Interstellar fuel switch that could not be resolved and required a patch to prevent it's use on certain parts. Non of these parts have any relation to your issue however.


It really is a mystery. And I honestly believe that this mod is not the 'offending' mod. It's probably a mod that checks for the existence of SM Marine and adjusts its engines, but inadvertently affected the stock parts, or so I guess. 

  On 4/2/2018 at 2:46 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

I do see some odd things, in you mod list , SM Chute?  my god you must have the only copy left on the planet, does it even work theses days?  I abandoned that when it became obvious that the EVA interaction was so poor ,as to reduce the usefulness to negligible levels, and converted the chutes for LGG's  parachute redux of VNG


Yes. I require SM Chute. There was one time when I was doing an EVA report while flying low, and well, Jebediah lost hold of the hatch handle and well.  (Not to mention I still don't have a 100% landable plane) Good thing I quick save a lot, so I was able to save the day, but I vowed never to let that happen again, hence the SM Chute requirement.

Having some sort of safety KIS item is now a protocol whenever I build a craft. I always have some an extra EVA propellant on my rockets, and chutes on my planes. It's also a part of my roleplaying. Now I am aware of your note on the SM Chute, to use that one mod that merges the chute with an ejection seat. Don't get me wrong, that was an awesome mod, and I like it. But I like SM Chute more. Good news, SM Chute still works (at least the items I usually use) on 1.3.1 :)

  On 4/2/2018 at 2:46 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Vessel mover and easy vessel switch do the same thing, in all likely hood in a very similar way,  although VM only allows switching between BDA wm equipped craft.
Some  of the mods on your list i can't find info on, or don't appear to have been updated in a while.


Yes, I was in a rabbit hole where I wanted to try out many mods that could fit into my playstyle. I love mods that add parts because I absolutely love building things. Building/testing/improving crafts probably took a good chunk of my KSP playthrough. :D

  On 4/2/2018 at 2:46 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

If you get a chance,  as you don't say,  which version of SMM , which version of KSP,  and if by some chance you could run a setup that triggered the event with as few mods as possible I'd very much like to see a copy of the KSP.log


Yes, once I get the chance, I will post an update here, as I really want to build my ships. Sometime in the future, I hope.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/14/2018 at 9:23 PM, adsii1970 said:

How do I load the VLS launcher? :blush:


Hi ,  which one, however and regardless it's the same for all, i use editor extensions, so just turn of surface attach, or press alt i believe when placing, and lots of practice :)  No there's no easy way. I do also recommend that once you've loaded it, save it as a sub assembly , saves the pain of doing it over and over, same applies to torpedo tubes, it's a pain we all suffer. .  It's important to only use the node attach , do not surface attach,  also ensure that the missile fits comfortably in the launcher, with nothing poking through the tubes, fins wings etc .

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  On 4/14/2018 at 9:35 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi ,  which one, however and regardless it's the same for all, i use editor extensions, so just turn of surface attach, or press alt i believe when placing, and lots of practice :)  No there's no easy way. I do also recommend that once you've loaded it, save it as a sub assembly , saves the pain of doing it over and over, same applies to torpedo tubes, it's a pain we all suffer. .  It's important to only use the node attach , do not surface attach,  also ensure that the missile fits comfortably in the launcher, with nothing poking through the tubes, fins wings etc .


Thank you... I figured it would be the same process for either the original or B-variant. Is "editor extensions" something I would need to download?

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  On 4/14/2018 at 9:37 PM, adsii1970 said:

Thank you... I figured it would be the same process for either the original or B-variant. Is "editor extensions" something I would need to download?


NP  you can get by without it, BUT it does make life easier,  the sub VLS and tubes make those look like a pushover .  Once this 1.4x'd up version is sorted there'll be more vls coming with the new ships, although they are built for the ships two are deck mounted so could be used on any craft

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  On 4/15/2018 at 1:36 AM, adsii1970 said:

I'm unable to geo 105mm shells


I've checked the cfg for the ammo boxes,  In the SMA universal ammo box there are 105mmShells;105mmHEShells,    In the SMA NavalAmmo  pack 20 there are the same shells,  However they're  not in the Naval Ammo Pack8, something i'll rectify.   In The BDA universal Ammo box there are also 105 and and 105 HE shells.   In all cases you'll need firespitter for the fuel switch that changes ammo type .

Do note, that while the original intention was for the BDA box to be a Central library and store for all the common ammunition types, this has not really happened, mainly because with the adoption of bullet types, it's now possible to configure a turret with the period correct ammo type  and behavior , encompassing the resource (ammo type) and projectile (bullet type)  So many turrets now fire a particular type of ammo.  nothing generic about it.   SO it's very much going to depend on the turrets you use where and if the ammo is available in box.   For my part most of my turrets have and ammo supply built in which is usually enough for the casual player

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  On 4/15/2018 at 12:47 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

I've checked the cfg for the ammo boxes,  In the SMA universal ammo box there are 105mmShells;105mmHEShells,    In the SMA NavalAmmo  pack 20 there are the same shells,  However they're  not in the Naval Ammo Pack8, something i'll rectify.   In The BDA universal Ammo box there are also 105 and and 105 HE shells.   In all cases you'll need firespitter for the fuel switch that changes ammo type .

Do note, that while the original intention was for the BDA box to be a Central library and store for all the common ammunition types, this has not really happened, mainly because with the adoption of bullet types, it's now possible to configure a turret with the period correct ammo type  and behavior , encompassing the resource (ammo type) and projectile (bullet type)  So many turrets now fire a particular type of ammo.  nothing generic about it.   SO it's very much going to depend on the turrets you use where and if the ammo is available in box.   For my part most of my turrets have and ammo supply built in which is usually enough for the casual player


I do have Firespitter installed. But when I'm cycling through the ammo types, it may go from one ammo type, back to the empty screen for several clicks, then pick up with another ammo type further down the list.

I've checked the config files for the ammo containers and they are listed (such as the 105 shells), but when cycling through the ammo container, it is one which is skipped.

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  On 4/15/2018 at 1:22 PM, adsii1970 said:

it may go from one ammo type, back to the empty screen for several clicks, then pick up with another ammo type further down the list.


Hi,  the ammo box will only show contents for those resources that are available in BDA and the game as a whole, so if there is a missing item it is likely to be a resource used by another mod,  that you do not have installed, I know where most of them come from but not all.   So missing items is not that unusual.

On to the missing items, the ones  that should be there.  A weird little bug was spotted in the updating for 1.4 that must have crept in a while back,  however the fix can be applied to previous versions also.

So here it is, will require that you first delete the  BDAmmo_Universal.cfg from the resources folder and the BDAcUniversalAmmoBox.cfg from the BDA/Parts/AmmoBox folder and replace with the ones contained in this ZIP

It also fixes the 9.9mauser and the 75mm problem and switches to the most common 75/76mm ammo instead of the rarest, so fewer missing items :) 



Note totally unofficial retrograde fix, not issued on behalf of, or,  for BDAc . This sets no precedent for retrograde, old version, fix requests to BDAc thread or team members.

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  On 4/15/2018 at 3:41 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi,  the ammo box will only show contents for those resources that are available in BDA and the game as a whole, so if there is a missing item it is likely to be a resource used by another mod,  that you do not have installed, I know where most of them come from but not all.   So missing items is not that unusual.

On to the missing items, the ones  that should be there.  A weird little bug was spotted in the updating for 1.4 that must have crept in a while back,  however the fix can be applied to previous versions also.

So here it is, will require that you first delete the  BDAmmo_Universal.cfg from the resources folder and the BDAcUniversalAmmoBox.cfg from the BDA/Parts/AmmoBox folder and replace with the ones contained in this ZIP

It also fixes the 9.9mauser and the 75mm problem and switches to the most common 75/76mm ammo instead of the rarest, so fewer missing items :) 

Note totally unofficial retrograde fix, not issued on behalf of, or,  for BDAc . This sets no precedent for retrograde, old version, fix requests to BDAc thread or team members.


Thank you so much. The first place I went was the config files for the ammo boxes and racks within the mods, never thought about checking the ones in BD Armory....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update season starts here

SM Industries V 1.0.3

This release for KSP 1.4.x only
SM Industries V
Includes further localisation to LargeBoatParts and SM Marine SM Armory and other projects. Custom categories and One Touch Texture Switch

As the mods have become larger they now tend to dominate the standard categories, to make life easier when it comes to finding parts SM Armory, SM Marine SM Tanks, SM Trucks, SMI Missiles and launchers, SM turrets , SMI SmallArms. SM FullSizedMarine and LBP now have their own unique category

Other notes if using alongside SM Marine note that the complete Typhoon set of parts can be found now is the Full Sized marine category , further vessels for this category will be released shortly .

You may find other parts have moved around a little , and can be found in relevant categories , This has been done to make easier to see the BDA parts among all of mine , and bring some sense of order to the ever increasing number of parts

Further updates will be available shortly
To some extent this ensure that most of the parts will be trouble free in ksp 1.4.x

Known upcoming issues, all the robotic parts are pretty much broken, and getting them working again (with IR next) depends very much on dark and secret rituals,  please bear with me while i work out the kinks, and avoid using them even for decoration. RUD may follow any use of the robotic parts.

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SM Marine KSP 1.4.3 BDA 121 Only

Minor updates and texture changes
Armor changes
Trim and Hull Breach values re tuned (again)

Towable sonar gear now contains via patch a module to allow it to function as a sea mine removal sweep , this will require the installation of


Note that the complete Typhoon set of parts can be found now in the Full Sized marine category , further vessels for this category will be released shortly

Without exception ALL of the robotic parts can be considered broken. They will not function in 1.4.xx They are left in as they are fitted to a lot of craft. Please note that should the issues not be able to be resoled some items may be removed, and some may be converted to WB's Kerbal Actuators where appropriate




Refreshed links for Kerbal Konstructs static harbors and water launch point
Removed some rubbish and old stuff,  Arranged folder in groups by type, this should make deleting anything you dont want a one click affair

https://www.dropbox.com/s/15944ibshncolon/SM_Static 143 preview 070518-1.zip?dl=0


Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
more stuffage
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  On 5/8/2018 at 6:44 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

SM Marine KSP 1.4.3 BDA 121 Only

Minor updates and texture changes
Armor changes
Trim and Hull Breach values re tuned (again)

Towable sonar gear now contains via patch a module to allow it to function as a sea mine removal sweep , this will require the installation of


Note that the complete Typhoon set of parts can be found now in the Full Sized marine category , further vessels for this category will be released shortly

Without exception ALL of the robotic parts can be considered broken. They will not function in 1.4.xx They are left in as they are fitted to a lot of craft. Please note that should the issues not be able to be resoled some items may be removed, and some may be converted to WB's Kerbal Actuators where appropriate




Refreshed links for Kerbal Konstructs static harbors and water launch point
Removed some rubbish and old stuff,  Arranged folder in groups by type, this should make deleting anything you dont want a one click affair

https://www.dropbox.com/s/15944ibshncolon/SM_Static 143 preview 070518-1.zip?dl=0



hey man just so you know, the link in your signature is still the old(now broken) link for the statics, just a friendly heads up :)


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This is a great mod, but it's kinda annoying how it has over 9000 parts. It's impossible to find anything in BDArmory category now because most of them appear there too, and for whatever reason search doesn't work with that category.
There are already separate categories for SM Marine and SM Armory, why put them into BDArmory aswell?
I tried to fix it myself but I don't get how it works, all the parts just have "category = none" in their cfg files.

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  On 5/14/2018 at 1:58 PM, AtomicBlastPony said:

This is a great mod, but it's kinda annoying how it has over 9000 parts. It's impossible to find anything in BDArmory category now because most of them appear there too, and for whatever reason search doesn't work with that category.
There are already separate categories for SM Marine and SM Armory, why put them into BDArmory aswell?
I tried to fix it myself but I don't get how it works, all the parts just have "category = none" in their cfg files.


I'm currently discussing this with the BDA team, as it is not my choice to list them in BDA.    The BDA  code hunts down any part with a weapon or BDA module and assigns the BDA category automatically .  There is nothing i can do about it from this side any change will be need to be made within BDA. 
If you check the individual part cfg's you will see that the category = none.   All the SM Mods are sorted by manufacturer  not the category.

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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  On 5/14/2018 at 2:26 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

I'm currently discussing this with the BDA team, as it is not my choice to list them in BDA.    The BDA  code hunts down any part with a weapon or BDA module and assigns the BDA category automatically .  There is nothing i can do about it from this side any change will be need to be made within BDA. 
If you check the individual part cfg's you will see that the category = none.   All the SM Mods are sorted by manufacturer  not the category.


Thanks, I hope it gets fixed soon.
Your mods are awesome. I ran into some structural problems when building my first ship, and autostruts turned out to be entirely useless, but I found an unofficial update of Kerbal Joint Reinforcement for 1.4.3 and it worked fine.

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  On 5/14/2018 at 4:44 PM, AtomicBlastPony said:

Thanks, I hope it gets fixed soon.


Hi, the thing is , it's intended behavior not a bug, when BDA was created I doubt it was envisaged that the mods powered by it would massively outsize BDA, it was a big mod in it's day.  The trouble being , is that in changing it to only list BDA parts  in the BDA category ,  forces new weapon mods to either create their own category, something that pure part modders will have trouble with, or put up with having their parts listed in Utility or some other universal category .

Re the autostruts, no they dont work on ships , should put that in a known issue section, and have been found to actually break ships , especially multipart hulls like the Jclass (and all of LBP)   Also the masses and dimensions of the parts cause issues and unexpected twisting forces .  I've recommended that users of SMM and LBP use KJR in pref to any other method, Whereas autostrut simply reinforces a joint, depending on the option chosen, very badly.     KJR creates more joints effectively locking the parts together.  ( unity limitations mean that a single joint  can never be rigid)

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