PhoenixStar117 Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 On 12/4/2017 at 2:37 AM, IgorZ said: Sounds like a mods conflict. Please, share the game log. Expand I'm not sure if the Logs reset with each restart of the game, as I did so several times, so these might not be the ones you need. If they've been reset, I can reload the craft having the issues and do it again. Also, here is a picture of my mod folder -and all the mods in it Reveal hidden contents Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted December 4, 2017 Author Share Posted December 4, 2017 On 12/4/2017 at 3:05 AM, PhoenixStar117 said: I'm not sure if the Logs reset with each restart of the game, as I did so several times, so these might not be the ones you need. If they've been reset, I can reload the craft having the issues and do it again. Also, here is a picture of my mod folder -and all the mods in it Reveal hidden contents Expand I haven't found any errors in the log. Alas, there is too much noise in it to do more investigation. Could you please record a log specifically for the issue reproduction? And yes, this log file is overwritten in each game start. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SimonSyz Posted December 9, 2017 Share Posted December 9, 2017 (edited) I'm trying to attach a magnet or harpoon to the wintch (RW 50) in space but it is always attached upside down to the winch and it is not possible to rotate the part. what am I doing wrong? Edited December 9, 2017 by SimonSyz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted December 10, 2017 Author Share Posted December 10, 2017 On 12/9/2017 at 10:53 AM, SimonSyz said: I'm trying to attach a magnet or harpoon to the wintch (RW 50) in space but it is always attached upside down to the winch and it is not possible to rotate the part. what am I doing wrong? Expand Thank you for the report! I've created a bug. Should be fixed in the next version. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warrigal Posted December 10, 2017 Share Posted December 10, 2017 Is there any chance of KAS and KIS being re-licensed under the GPL v3 in the future? Out of all my favorite mods (FAR, KER, kOS, MSI IR, and KAS/KIS), KAS and KIS are the only ones that aren't licensed under the GPL v3. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted December 10, 2017 Author Share Posted December 10, 2017 On 12/10/2017 at 5:27 PM, Warrigal said: Is there any chance of KAS and KIS being re-licensed under the GPL v3 in the future? Out of all my favorite mods (FAR, KER, kOS, MSI IR, and KAS/KIS), KAS and KIS are the only ones that aren't licensed under the GPL v3. Expand KAS 1.0 is licensed under "Public domain" which should cover all your needs The old KAS is not going to be re-licensed, it's going to be deprecated. As for KIS, the plans are not clear for now. Most likely it will be completely refactored under "Public domain". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NermNermNerm Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 I've lately been using a combination of "CG1 Ground Pylon" and winches as a means to drag base parts around and position them for assembly. This has worked decently well elsewhere in the solar system, but on Eve, I'm having no joy because Ground Pylon gets ripped away from the ground by the force of the winch. I tried enabling the "Unbreakable Joints" cheat, but nope. Still get ripped out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted December 22, 2017 Author Share Posted December 22, 2017 On 12/22/2017 at 3:40 AM, NermNermNerm said: I've lately been using a combination of "CG1 Ground Pylon" and winches as a means to drag base parts around and position them for assembly. This has worked decently well elsewhere in the solar system, but on Eve, I'm having no joy because Ground Pylon gets ripped away from the ground by the force of the winch. I tried enabling the "Unbreakable Joints" cheat, but nope. Still get ripped out. Expand The cheat only works with the stock joints, and the pylon is attached by a custom KAS joint. Try increasing staticAttachBreakForce setting for the pylon part. However, I can't tell what is so specific about Eve. If you make a save file on the pristine game (no other mods except KIS, KAS and MM) on which I could reproduce the issue, I would try debugging it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NermNermNerm Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 Yup, werkz. I changed the GameData\KIS\Parts\concreteBase1\part.cfg's staticAttachBreakForce from 200 to 2000 and they're staying stuck in the ground now. As to why Eve, it's because everything's heavier on Eve and thus the forces on the winch are bigger. I'm not at all sure that 2000kn is a good number for the strength of the attachment, but I don't think 200 strikes the right balance - it's the same as for the lower-mass ground pylon. You should get a little more for the extra mass. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
happliy Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 @IgorZ Why not release the source code? This makes MOD easier to localize. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted December 22, 2017 Author Share Posted December 22, 2017 On 12/22/2017 at 7:25 AM, happliy said: @IgorZ Why not release the source code? This makes MOD easier to localize. Expand Have you checked the OP for the source link? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Targoesh Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 Got a small problem with using winches attached to anything. When I hit eject, it moves out a fraction of a meter and stops, the length gets set to max in the ui as if it has ejected its whole run, if I hit plug mode it to change it to undocked it moves a fraction more and then the length resets to less then a meter of extension on the ui. I can hit release and it extend normal then, but if I retract it all the way back into the winch it resets it, so it behaves the same way again, with eject not working. What am I doing wrong here? Is there something I'm missing? Imgur link for details : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted December 23, 2017 Author Share Posted December 23, 2017 On 12/22/2017 at 9:29 PM, Targoesh said: Got a small problem with using winches attached to anything. When I hit eject, it moves out a fraction of a meter and stops, the length gets set to max in the ui as if it has ejected its whole run, if I hit plug mode it to change it to undocked it moves a fraction more and then the length resets to less then a meter of extension on the ui. I can hit release and it extend normal then, but if I retract it all the way back into the winch it resets it, so it behaves the same way again, with eject not working. What am I doing wrong here? Is there something I'm missing? Imgur link for details : Expand Can you reproduce the problem on a pristine game (no other mods except KIS&KAS)? What you describe looks like a conflict with some joint reinforcement mod. One of the ways to check it is deploying the craft without the harpoon attached. If the conflicting mod only kicks in on the vessel load, it may help. However, if it properly handles the coupling events, the workaround won't help. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wartime Posted December 27, 2017 Share Posted December 27, 2017 (edited) Is that any way to control winch directly from connected kerbal? I found some hotkeys in manual but no one of them works in eva. Reveal hidden contents modlist: [x] Science! (xScience v5.11) 10km Omni Antenna for Kerbals on EVA for Remotetech (10kmOmniEVA4RT 1:1) 6 Crew Science Lab (SixCrewScienceLab 1.1) 6 Seat Mk3 Cockpit (SixSeatMk3cockpit 1.1) Action Groups Extended (AGExt 2.3.1) Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone) (AlcubierreStandalone AT Utils (AT-Utils v1.5.0) AutomatedScienceSampler (AutomatedScienceSampler 1.3.3) B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.1.0) BahamutoD Animation Modules (BDAnimationModules 1:v0.6.4.9) CapCom - Mission Control On The Go (CapCom 2.7) Collision FX (CollisionFX v4.0) Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.2.1) Configurable Containers Core (ConfigurableContainers-Core Connected Living Space (ConnectedLivingSpace Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.23.3) Contract Pack: Bases and Stations (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2: Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4) Contract Pack: Field Research (ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.1) Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy (ContractConfigurator-KerbalAcademy 1.1.7) Contract Pack: RemoteTech (ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 2.1.4) Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2) Contract Parser (ContractParser 7.0) Contracts Window + (ContractsWindowPlus 8.1) Corvus CF (Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod v1.3.1) Crowd Sourced Science (CrowdSourcedScience v4.1) Cryogenic Engines (CryoEngines 1:0.5.11) Cryogenic Engines Extras: LFO Patch (CryoEngines-LFO 1:0.5.11) Cryogenic Engines Extras: Surface Attachment (CryoEngines-SurfaceAttach 1:0.5.11) Cryogenic Tanks (CryoTanks 0.4.11) DeepFreeze Continued... (DeepFreeze V0.23.7.0) Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 0.4.11) DMagic Orbital Science (DMagicOrbitalScience 1.3.11) Docking camera (KURS) (DockingCamKURS 1.3.2) Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.7.0) Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 1:0.4.11) Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 1.5) Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 2:EVE-1.2.2-1) EVA Enhancements Continued (EVAEnhancementsContinued EVA Handrails Continued (EVAHandrailsPackContinued EVA Parachutes & Ejection Seats (EVAParachutes 0.1.15) EVA Struts (EVAStruts 4.1) EVA Transfer (EVATransfer 7.1) Filter Extensions - Default Configuration (FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig Filter Extensions - Plugin (FilterExtensions Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 1.3.6-3189) Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.6.0) Ground Construction Core (GroundConstruction-Core 1.2.1) Heat Control (HeatControl 0.4.4) Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.0.1) HyperEdit (HyperEdit IndicatorLights (IndicatorLights 1.2.12) IndicatorLights Community Extensions (IndicatorLightsCommunityExtensions 1.3.1) Interstellar Fuel Switch (InterstellarFuelSwitch 2.10.3) Interstellar Fuel Switch Core (InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 2.10.3) JSI Advanced Transparent Pods (JSIAdvancedTransparentPods V0.1.15.0) JX2Antenna (JX2Antenna 2.0.2) K2 Command Pod Continued (K2CommandPodCont KEI (KEI 1.2.3) Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.8.5.0) Kerbal Atomics (KerbalAtomics 1:0.4.11) Kerbal Atomics - NFE Compatibility Patch (KerbalAtomics-NFECompatibility 0.4.11) Kerbal Attachment System (KAS Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.8) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (KerbalJointReinforcement v3.3.3) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems v1.5.8) KerboKatzUtilities (KerboKatzUtilities 1.5.0) Konstruction (Konstruction KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artifical Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) (KRASH 0.5.26) Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued (KVVContinued 0.0.8) KSP AVC (KSP-AVC KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPInterstellarExtended 1.16.3) MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2 Modular Fuel Tanks (ModularFuelTanks 5.9.0) Modular Rocket Systems (ModularRocketSystem 1.13.1) ModularPods (ModularPods 1.0.9) Module Manager (ModuleManager 3.0.1) Navball Docking Alignment Indicator CE-2 (NavballDockAlignIndCE 1.0.3) NavUtilities continued (NavUtilitiesContinued 0.7.1) Near Future Construction (NearFutureConstruction 0.8.4) Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 0.9.8) Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 0.9.8) Near Future Electrical Extras: Decaying RTGs Patch (NearFutureElectrical-DecayingRTGs 0.9.8) Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 0.7.5) Near Future Launch Vehicles (NearFutureLaunchVehicles 1.1.3) Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 0.9.5) Near Future Propulsion Extras: Reduced Thrust Configs (NearFuturePropulsion-LowThrustEP 0.9.5) Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 0.8.8) Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 0.8.8) Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 0.7.5) Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science (NehemiahEngineeringOrbitalScience 0.7.1) Patch Manager (PatchManager 0.0.11) Phoenix Industries EVA Survival Suit (PhoenixIndustriesEVASuit 1) Phoenix Industries Flags (PhoenixIndustriesFlags 2.1) Precise Node (PreciseNode 1.2.6) Procedural Wings (ProceduralDynamics 0.12.2) Progress Parser (ProgressParser 8.0) RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.29.2) RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.29.2) RemoteTech (RemoteTech v1.8.9) REPOSoftTech-Agencies (REPOSoftTech-Agencies V1.5.1.0) SCANsat (SCANsat v18.2) scatterer (Scatterer 2:v0.0320b) scatterer - default config (Scatterer-config 2:v0.0320b) scatterer - sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 2:v0.0320b) Science Relay (ScienceRelay 4.2) SpaceY Expanded (SpaceY-Expanded 1.3.1) SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SpaceY-Lifters 1.16) StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.7.2) Station Science Continued (StationScienceContinued v2.3.0) Stock Visual Enhancements (StockVisualEnhancements 3: Stock Visual Enhancements-Medium Resolution Textures (SVE-MediumResolution 3:1.0.3) Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (StationPartsExpansion 0.5.2) StockRT (StockRT v1.33) TakeCommandContinued (TakeCommandContinued 1.4.11) TDProps (TDProps 1.1) TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v2.6.0) The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.3) Time Control (TimeControl 1:2.8.3) Toolbar (Toolbar TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.9.2.0) TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.3.7) Universal Storage (UniversalStorage Unmanned before Manned (SETI-UbM) (UnmannedBeforeManned Tools (USITools Vessel Viewer Continued (VesselView 2:0.8.6) VesselView-UI-Toolbar (VesselView-UI-Toolbar 1:0.8.6) Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager 2.7.0) Edited December 27, 2017 by wartime Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted December 27, 2017 Author Share Posted December 27, 2017 (edited) On 12/27/2017 at 3:09 AM, wartime said: Is that any way to control winch directly from connected kerbal? I found some hotkeys in manual but no one of them works in eva. Reveal hidden contents modlist: [x] Science! (xScience v5.11) 10km Omni Antenna for Kerbals on EVA for Remotetech (10kmOmniEVA4RT 1:1) 6 Crew Science Lab (SixCrewScienceLab 1.1) 6 Seat Mk3 Cockpit (SixSeatMk3cockpit 1.1) Action Groups Extended (AGExt 2.3.1) Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone) (AlcubierreStandalone AT Utils (AT-Utils v1.5.0) AutomatedScienceSampler (AutomatedScienceSampler 1.3.3) B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.1.0) BahamutoD Animation Modules (BDAnimationModules 1:v0.6.4.9) CapCom - Mission Control On The Go (CapCom 2.7) Collision FX (CollisionFX v4.0) Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.2.1) Configurable Containers Core (ConfigurableContainers-Core Connected Living Space (ConnectedLivingSpace Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.23.3) Contract Pack: Bases and Stations (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2: Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4) Contract Pack: Field Research (ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.1) Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy (ContractConfigurator-KerbalAcademy 1.1.7) Contract Pack: RemoteTech (ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 2.1.4) Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2) Contract Parser (ContractParser 7.0) Contracts Window + (ContractsWindowPlus 8.1) Corvus CF (Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod v1.3.1) Crowd Sourced Science (CrowdSourcedScience v4.1) Cryogenic Engines (CryoEngines 1:0.5.11) Cryogenic Engines Extras: LFO Patch (CryoEngines-LFO 1:0.5.11) Cryogenic Engines Extras: Surface Attachment (CryoEngines-SurfaceAttach 1:0.5.11) Cryogenic Tanks (CryoTanks 0.4.11) DeepFreeze Continued... (DeepFreeze V0.23.7.0) Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 0.4.11) DMagic Orbital Science (DMagicOrbitalScience 1.3.11) Docking camera (KURS) (DockingCamKURS 1.3.2) Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.7.0) Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 1:0.4.11) Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 1.5) Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 2:EVE-1.2.2-1) EVA Enhancements Continued (EVAEnhancementsContinued EVA Handrails Continued (EVAHandrailsPackContinued EVA Parachutes & Ejection Seats (EVAParachutes 0.1.15) EVA Struts (EVAStruts 4.1) EVA Transfer (EVATransfer 7.1) Filter Extensions - Default Configuration (FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig Filter Extensions - Plugin (FilterExtensions Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 1.3.6-3189) Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.6.0) Ground Construction Core (GroundConstruction-Core 1.2.1) Heat Control (HeatControl 0.4.4) Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.0.1) HyperEdit (HyperEdit IndicatorLights (IndicatorLights 1.2.12) IndicatorLights Community Extensions (IndicatorLightsCommunityExtensions 1.3.1) Interstellar Fuel Switch (InterstellarFuelSwitch 2.10.3) Interstellar Fuel Switch Core (InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 2.10.3) JSI Advanced Transparent Pods (JSIAdvancedTransparentPods V0.1.15.0) JX2Antenna (JX2Antenna 2.0.2) K2 Command Pod Continued (K2CommandPodCont KEI (KEI 1.2.3) Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.8.5.0) Kerbal Atomics (KerbalAtomics 1:0.4.11) Kerbal Atomics - NFE Compatibility Patch (KerbalAtomics-NFECompatibility 0.4.11) Kerbal Attachment System (KAS Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.8) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (KerbalJointReinforcement v3.3.3) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems v1.5.8) KerboKatzUtilities (KerboKatzUtilities 1.5.0) Konstruction (Konstruction KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artifical Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) (KRASH 0.5.26) Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued (KVVContinued 0.0.8) KSP AVC (KSP-AVC KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPInterstellarExtended 1.16.3) MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2 Modular Fuel Tanks (ModularFuelTanks 5.9.0) Modular Rocket Systems (ModularRocketSystem 1.13.1) ModularPods (ModularPods 1.0.9) Module Manager (ModuleManager 3.0.1) Navball Docking Alignment Indicator CE-2 (NavballDockAlignIndCE 1.0.3) NavUtilities continued (NavUtilitiesContinued 0.7.1) Near Future Construction (NearFutureConstruction 0.8.4) Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 0.9.8) Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 0.9.8) Near Future Electrical Extras: Decaying RTGs Patch (NearFutureElectrical-DecayingRTGs 0.9.8) Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 0.7.5) Near Future Launch Vehicles (NearFutureLaunchVehicles 1.1.3) Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 0.9.5) Near Future Propulsion Extras: Reduced Thrust Configs (NearFuturePropulsion-LowThrustEP 0.9.5) Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 0.8.8) Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 0.8.8) Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 0.7.5) Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science (NehemiahEngineeringOrbitalScience 0.7.1) Patch Manager (PatchManager 0.0.11) Phoenix Industries EVA Survival Suit (PhoenixIndustriesEVASuit 1) Phoenix Industries Flags (PhoenixIndustriesFlags 2.1) Precise Node (PreciseNode 1.2.6) Procedural Wings (ProceduralDynamics 0.12.2) Progress Parser (ProgressParser 8.0) RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.29.2) RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.29.2) RemoteTech (RemoteTech v1.8.9) REPOSoftTech-Agencies (REPOSoftTech-Agencies V1.5.1.0) SCANsat (SCANsat v18.2) scatterer (Scatterer 2:v0.0320b) scatterer - default config (Scatterer-config 2:v0.0320b) scatterer - sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 2:v0.0320b) Science Relay (ScienceRelay 4.2) SpaceY Expanded (SpaceY-Expanded 1.3.1) SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SpaceY-Lifters 1.16) StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.7.2) Station Science Continued (StationScienceContinued v2.3.0) Stock Visual Enhancements (StockVisualEnhancements 3: Stock Visual Enhancements-Medium Resolution Textures (SVE-MediumResolution 3:1.0.3) Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (StationPartsExpansion 0.5.2) StockRT (StockRT v1.33) TakeCommandContinued (TakeCommandContinued 1.4.11) TDProps (TDProps 1.1) TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v2.6.0) The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.3) Time Control (TimeControl 1:2.8.3) Toolbar (Toolbar TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.9.2.0) TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.3.7) Universal Storage (UniversalStorage Unmanned before Manned (SETI-UbM) (UnmannedBeforeManned Tools (USITools Vessel Viewer Continued (VesselView 2:0.8.6) VesselView-UI-Toolbar (VesselView-UI-Toolbar 1:0.8.6) Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager 2.7.0) Expand The keyboard shortcuts only work for a winch that belongs to the active vessel. Since kerbal doesn't own any winch, the shortcuts don't work. You need to switch to the vessel with the winch in order to make them working. Alternatively, press "P" (the default key) to bring up a GUI which lets controlling any winch in the scene. Edited December 27, 2017 by IgorZ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fourfa Posted December 28, 2017 Share Posted December 28, 2017 Throw a command chair on or near the winch? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyko Posted December 31, 2017 Share Posted December 31, 2017 (edited) On 12/23/2017 at 12:24 AM, IgorZ said: Can you reproduce the problem on a pristine game (no other mods except KIS&KAS)? What you describe looks like a conflict with some joint reinforcement mod. One of the ways to check it is deploying the craft without the harpoon attached. If the conflicting mod only kicks in on the vessel load, it may help. However, if it properly handles the coupling events, the workaround won't help. Expand @Targoesh I had the same problem. It turned out to be an issue with auto-strutting. I had a mod that automatically auto-struts the whole craft. The Harpoons were being auto-strutted to the craft and this prevented them from ejecting. Turning off auto-strut on the harpoons solved the problem Thanks @IgorZ, your suggestion that it was a joint reinforcement issue led me to think of trying auto-strut Edited December 31, 2017 by Tyko Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antstar Posted December 31, 2017 Share Posted December 31, 2017 So, I want to make almost exactly the crane that is on page 1. I mean I have better-than-stock girders, but otherwise it looks great. Except, how the heck can I make said crane stable to the ground and yet able to rotate??? (And please do not suggest IR, I have tried and do not like this mod). I have this and 1.0 Beta installed. Thanks ppl Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freshmeat Posted December 31, 2017 Share Posted December 31, 2017 On 12/31/2017 at 7:27 AM, Antstar said: So, I want to make almost exactly the crane that is on page 1. I mean I have better-than-stock girders, but otherwise it looks great. Except, how the heck can I make said crane stable to the ground and yet able to rotate??? (And please do not suggest IR, I have tried and do not like this mod). I have this and 1.0 Beta installed. Thanks ppl Expand I am afraid that will be quite difficult. Search for threads on "stock bearings" to see how clever people have managed to do it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyko Posted December 31, 2017 Share Posted December 31, 2017 I'm trying to use the harpoon to anchor a ship to a small moon so my station doesn't float away. I'm having 2 problems and wondering if others have found answers: It's hard to get the right tension on the cable once the harpoon is anchored - too little and the station tends to float a bit, too much and the craft starts jittering and explodes - is there a way to set the max tension on the retract option so that it doesn't pull the system to the breaking point or some other trick? Maybe due to (1), but I'm having a 50/50 success rate on my anchored ship exploding when I reload it from the Tracking Station Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted January 1, 2018 Author Share Posted January 1, 2018 On 12/31/2017 at 7:33 PM, Tyko said: It's hard to get the right tension on the cable once the harpoon is anchored - too little and the station tends to float a bit, too much and the craft starts jittering and explodes - is there a way to set the max tension on the retract option so that it doesn't pull the system to the breaking point or some other trick? Expand Try using Winch GUI. There, you can specify the winch speed, and it will affect the force that is used to retract the cable. In general, catching anything in the space with harpoons is a big problem. And it's not about KAS or the game, it's about real world physics. If you were ever towing a car using a flexible cable, you know what I mean. I may suggest a workaround using KAS 1.0: EVA, attach a foundation to the moon, then connect them using TJ-1 in the undocked mode. This type of the connection will be rigid. However, KAS 1.0 is in beta, and your game will likely be incompatible with the final version. On 12/31/2017 at 7:33 PM, Tyko said: Maybe due to (1), but I'm having a 50/50 success rate on my anchored ship exploding when I reload it from the Tracking Station Expand Hard to say if it's expected or not. I never tested against the moons or asteroids. The separate vessels in space can move during the loading, so technically they can collide. On 12/31/2017 at 7:27 AM, Antstar said: Except, how the heck can I make said crane stable to the ground and yet able to rotate??? Expand Afaik, there are no stock parts that allows doing it. The only mod that comes into my mind is IR. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whale_2 Posted January 1, 2018 Share Posted January 1, 2018 On 12/31/2017 at 7:33 PM, Tyko said: I'm trying to use the harpoon to anchor a ship to a small moon so my station doesn't float away. I'm having 2 problems and wondering if others have found answers: It's hard to get the right tension on the cable once the harpoon is anchored - too little and the station tends to float a bit, too much and the craft starts jittering and explodes - is there a way to set the max tension on the retract option so that it doesn't pull the system to the breaking point or some other trick? Maybe due to (1), but I'm having a 50/50 success rate on my anchored ship exploding when I reload it from the Tracking Station Expand #2 is likely not related to KAS but rather to a bug reintroduced in 1.3.1 --> #16159. I'm trying to fix it and did test that exact situation - a ship moored by KAS harpoons. So far it did work, maybe it worth checking out in your situation. However, be prepared for explosions in case of bad luck. Here --> Bugfix for jumping vessels. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antstar Posted January 9, 2018 Share Posted January 9, 2018 On 1/1/2018 at 12:17 PM, whale_2 said: #2 is likely not related to KAS but rather to a bug reintroduced in 1.3.1 --> #16159. I'm trying to fix it and did test that exact situation - a ship moored by KAS harpoons. So far it did work, maybe it worth checking out in your situation. However, be prepared for explosions in case of bad luck. Here --> Bugfix for jumping vessels. Expand Sooooo.... I have a similiar issue, kind of. I suspect that the jumping ships are the cause of it but although I would prefer that they stay on the ground what is worse is that they are breaking linkages The connectors are getting torn off and the pylons are detaching from the ground, but I want the pylons anchored to the ground because there will be a 600m overland chain of linkages put in place shortly. I don't think this will take kindly to being lowered, being over half a km long Any suggestions?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whale_2 Posted January 9, 2018 Share Posted January 9, 2018 On 1/9/2018 at 5:23 PM, Antstar said: Sooooo.... I have a similiar issue, kind of. I suspect that the jumping ships are the cause of it but although I would prefer that they stay on the ground what is worse is that they are breaking linkages The connectors are getting torn off and the pylons are detaching from the ground, but I want the pylons anchored to the ground because there will be a 600m overland chain of linkages put in place shortly. I don't think this will take kindly to being lowered, being over half a km long Any suggestions?? Expand So did you try the WorldStabilizer? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IgorZ Posted January 9, 2018 Author Share Posted January 9, 2018 On 1/9/2018 at 5:23 PM, Antstar said: Sooooo.... I have a similiar issue, kind of. I suspect that the jumping ships are the cause of it but although I would prefer that they stay on the ground what is worse is that they are breaking linkages The connectors are getting torn off and the pylons are detaching from the ground, but I want the pylons anchored to the ground because there will be a 600m overland chain of linkages put in place shortly. I don't think this will take kindly to being lowered, being over half a km long Any suggestions?? Expand I'd be greatly surprised if 600m connection will be stable. 40m is usually enough to accumulate enough parasite forces to get the links broken. If you really want this long link, try using winches instead. Their links are flexible, and they are not affected by the issue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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