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Rockets and Spacecrafts - KerbalX/SpaceX


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Dragon updated the link to the Union, the changes are mostly related to version 1.2.2, but now there is a functional IVA thanks to @alexustas and its add-on ASET.

It's little things, the Apollo project will be really great add-on. By the way, he will have his own working LRV.



Or, for example, making a docking in the IVA.



Although the IVA will be very functional, we guarantee this. :wink:

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help! how the bloody hell do you fly these things? completely un-flyable. They flip vertically regardless of speed, AoA, inclination, etc... They look fantastic, but unusable. will somebody please share the flight settings needed for these damn things.  

Edited by wm1248
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14 hours ago, wm1248 said:

help! how the bloody hell do you fly these things? completely un-flyable. They flip vertically regardless of speed, AoA, inclination, etc... They look fantastic, but unusable. will somebody please share the flight settings needed for these damn things.  

I check again, but I do not believe that everything is so bad, since many times it launched into orbit quietly.

4 hours ago, Setvax23 said:

Craft file? Please.

Look for information about Soyuz and collect, you are not interested in collecting it yourself? Do not be so lazy...

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On 04/06/2017 at 10:56 AM, wm1248 said:

help! how the bloody hell do you fly these things? completely un-flyable. They flip vertically regardless of speed, AoA, inclination, etc... They look fantastic, but unusable. will somebody please share the flight settings needed for these damn things.  

Personally, I find MOAR BOOSTERS! is always the best solution for anything - they tend to bring the Centre of Mass closer to the Centre of Thrust

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On 07/04/2017 at 5:03 PM, smotheredrun said:

Personally, I find MOAR BOOSTERS! is always the best solution for anything - they tend to bring the Centre of Mass closer to the Centre of Thrust

Or just lead down the Center of thrust

@DECQ would you mind me trying to create a descent KOS script? because i know how hard it is to do the retro-rockets on time

ok, i have a problem 

1. the capsules natural re-entry facing positon is this... 


and the capsule is just bouncy is there anyway you can fix the bouncyness?

ok I've finished the descent script now for the tricky one the accent script it will be tricky because I'm going to use MET for staging so it is going to be exact

ok, i have the script up to a suborbital trajectory, by the way the key points for a launch ignition 10 seconds before clamp release are:

68 seconds, 143 and 146 seconds! i know what @wm1248 means i think he means the 3rd stage as it just flips out all the time im having that issue with my KOS script and when i launch it manually @DECQ also if you want the code(which may be the soloution to @wm1248's problem as I have managed to find a solution to the skinny problem) 

about the script:

the script(s) get your soyuz spacecraft into LKO autonomously like In real life, and just like real life the initial orbit varies I have fixed the problems with the third stage spinning AND it is the version that comes with the mod there is a second script that you can use after you've de-orbited the soyuz (because you may want to chose your landing site) the only problem is the re-entry angle is sideways but that won't affect it

On 06/04/2017 at 4:56 PM, wm1248 said:

help! how the bloody hell do you fly these things? completely un-flyable. They flip vertically regardless of speed, AoA, inclination, etc... They look fantastic, but unusable. will somebody please share the flight settings needed for these damn things.  

Edited by kerbinorbiter
squashed the bugs with KOS
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Soyuz needs a certain position for the descent because it has a real deviation from the center of mass, give me time, I'll tell you how to lower it, and i try to configure the most convenient for the rocket itself.

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7 minutes ago, kerbinorbiter said:

I have actually fixed the rocket flipping issue (it stays stable now) but the soyuz descent isn't fixed yet

p.s could I release the launch script code?

Of course you can.

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Soyuz launch script for Kerbal Operating system:


print "t- 60 seconds guidence now internal.".
set throttle to 0.
wait 10.
lock throttle to 1.
wait 20.
Print "vernier engines activated.".
wait 20.
wait 10.
Print "LIFT OFF!".
wait 2.
wait 8.
print "T+10".
lock steering to up +r(0,-5,190).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-10,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-15,180).
wait 2.
print "T+20.".
wait 2.
lock steering to up +r(0,-20,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-25,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-30,180).
print "T+30".
wait 10.
print "T+40".
wait 10.
print "T+50".
lock steering to up +r(0,-35,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-40,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-45,180).
wait 2.
print "T+60".
wait 2.
lock steering to up +r(0,-50,180).
SAS on.
wait 4.
wait 2.
print "Separation of the boosters".
wait 2.
print "T+70".
wait 3.
wait until altitude > 30000.
wait 3.
wait 7.
wait 20.
wait 2.
SAS off.
Print "second stage separation third stage now active".
wait until apoapsis > 120000.
lock throttle to 0.
print "sub-orbital".
wait until altitude > 70000.
lock steering to prograde +r(0,0,180).
wait until ETA:APOAPSIS < 20.
wait 4.
lock throttle to 1.
print "circularising...".
wait until periapsis > 115000.
lock throttle to 0.
print "Apoapsis:" + apoapsis.
print "Periapsis:" + Periapsis.
wait 5.
wait 2.
print "soyuz is now in orbit!".
wait 5.
print "waiting to apoapsis to do a orbit-ajust burn to be able to avoid a colision with the booster".
wait 5.
print "setting max accelaration parrameter...".
wait 3.
print "paramater assigning positive".
set max_acc to ship:maxthrust/ship:mass.
wait 3.
print "calculatig circularisation burn Dv...".
wait 3.
print "Circularisation burn Dv equates to 13.6ms...".
wait 3.
print "calculating burn time...".
set burn_duration to 13.6/max_acc.
print "Burn duration estimation:" + round(Burn_duration) + "Seconds".
wait until ETA:APOAPSIS < 90.
set warp to 0.
wait 30.
print "60 seconds to circularisation burn.".
wait until ETA:APOAPSIS <= (burn_duration/2).
lock throttle to 1.
print "burning...".
wait (burn_duration).
lock throttle to 0.
print "New Apoapsis:" + Apoapsis.
print "New Periapsis:" + Periapsis.
wait 10.
print "Program complete".

just copy it into your clipboard and ether create a .ks file in (KSP directory)/ships/script or just create a new script and ctrl + v it into there see below for my recomendation if you do it that wayand name it whatever you like the staging order is:

11: main engines

10: launch clamps

9: booster sep

8: Launch escape tower

7: fairings

6: third stage ignition

5: second stage (core) separation

4: soyuz spacecraft separation from rocket and third stage retro-engine fire with soyuz PAO engine ignition

notes: i have tested this and it should get you into a 115 by 130 Kilometer orbit 

i would recomend doing these commands in the KOS console once you have got :

copy "soyuzlaunch"* to 0. 

command above copys it to the archive volume so you wont lose the script

switch to 0.

^ switches to archive volume

run soyuzlaunch

*do not put it in speachmarks/inverted commas this is just what i named it


i think ive found the issue and i feel its on my side because of the placement of the KOS proscesor and as soon as i get all the code working i might  do a demo flight in mission reports 

ok, my findings currently are FASTER DESCENT=BETTER STABILTITY as i find it occors at a lesser and lesser speed the more i decresse my periapsis

quick question: who uses this above 140Km? (because it will help me code the descent script)

well here it is the descent script!

De-orbit script:


RCS on.
print "Loading soyuz descent KOS script...".
wait 15.
print "Completed loading of soyuz descent KOS script.".
wait 3.
print "Changing orbit altitude to 220Km".
IF Periapsis < 220000. {
    Lock steering to retrograde.
    wait 30.
    set Tminus to TIME.
    lock throttle to 1.
    wait until PERIAPSIS <= 220000.
    lock throttle to 0.
    set Tplus to TIME-Tminus.
    set max_acc to ship:maxthrust/ship:mass.
   wait until ETA:PERIAPSIS < 120.
   set warp to 0.
  wait until ETA:PERIAPSIS:TOSTRING <= Tplus/2.
  lock throttle to 1.
  wait until apoapsis < 230000.
  lock throttle to 0.
  print "New apoapse:" + Apoapsis.
  print "new periapsis:" + periapsis.
  print "ready for two orbits and a de-orbit burn".
  wait until periapsis.
  wait until apoapsis.
  wait until ETA:PERIAPSIS <= 130.
  set warp to 0.
 wait until ETA:PERIAPSIS <= 60.
 print "60 seconds until periapsis".
 set burn_duration to 202.9/max_acc.
 print "EST burn duration:" + burn_duration + " Seconds.".
 wait until ETA:PERIAPSIS <= (burn_duration/2).
 lock throttle to 1.
 wait (burn_duration).
 lock throttle to 0.
 run soyuzlanding.

*IF Apoapsis < 220000. {
lock steering to prograde.
wait 30.
lock throttle to 1.
wait until apoapsis <= 220000.
lock throttle to 0.
wait until ETA:apoapsis < 60.
set warp to 0.
wait until apoapsis.
lock throttle to 1.
wait until periapsis <= 220000.
lock throttle to 0.

enter: run (Name of script).

Note: This script is REQUIRED to have a certain name (soyuzlanding) because it will not find "archive\soyuzlanding".

so name this script soyuzlanding


print "waiting until altitude is 140Km...".
wait until altitude < 140000.
wait until altitude < 70000.
   lock steering to retrograde +r(0,-30,1).
   wait 1.
   lock steering to retrograde +r(0,-30,-1).
   wait 1.
Print "Altitude" + altitude.
Print "altitude (True)" + ALT:RADAR.
print "Velocity (should be 1000)" + SHIP:AIRSPEED.
wait until SHIP:AIRSPEED < 900.
print "parachutes deployed.".
unlock steering.
AG1 on.
AG2 off.
wait until ALT:RADAR < 1000.
wait until ALT:RADAR < 1.

the reason why i didn't add a print "soyuz has landed". was because if you dont use KOS for all the KOS CPU just explodes anyway 

ok, the plan is to edit the code for the Soyuz ms 04 launch because the les separates before the boosters

*code component: NEEDS TESTING.

Code anaylasis:

launch script:


the script starts at t-60 seconds 

then at t-10 it ignites the engines of the Soyuz rocket for flight

at t-0 the clamps release and the Soyuz is on its way to orbit

at t+00:00:01:06:00 the LES separates

at t+00:00:01:09:00 the four strap-on boosters separate

at around t+00:00:01:50:00 when the rocket is at approximately 30 Km the protective fairing is jettisoned, the Soyuz is now exposed to Kerbins upper atmosphere

at around t+00:00:02:17:00 the third stage engine is ignited to stop the propellant from going to the top of the tank

then 3 seconds later the second stage separates from the third stage

00:00:06:38:00 after launch the third stage engine shuts down, the Soyuz is in orbit

3 seconds later the third stage is separated from the Soyuz space craft, it is now in Low Kerbin Orbit or LKO

around half an hour later the Soyuz fires its engines for 3 seconds, this gets the Soyuz into a near circular orbit around Kerbin which sets the spacecraft up for...(what ever you want it to do).

Descent script (A.K.A the de-orbit burn):


the script starts by checking if 

the periapsis is above 220Km

or the Apoapsis is below 220Km

depending on which side it will get the soyuz onto a 220Km orbit

thats how simple (but complicated as it took 7 hours to update that script) it is

Soyuz Landing script:


the script starts by waiting until the altitude is less that 140Km it then stages, setting the rocket up for re-entry

at an altitude of 70Km the soyuz faces 270 30 0

which is retrograde + 30 degrees of pitch 

then every two seconds the soyuz rolls left and right to keep itself stable during re-entry (totaly not how its done but you know it works, HOW KERBAL!) 

at an altitude of 20Km the Soyuz' speed has decresed from twenty two thousand to 1 thousand meters per second the parachute then deploys and thats realy it

the heat sheild jetisons at around 1.05Km and at around 1.5 m above the ground the soft landing rockets fire to reduce the velocity when the capsule hits the ground.

if it doesnt work for you let me know in a PM and ill try and fix it

oh before i foget @DECQ would you add a bit of Dv to the soyuz instrement compartment as i find you need to have monoprop transfer at station once rondevouzed 

Edited by kerbinorbiter
updated scripts
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On 14.04.2017 at 4:48 PM, kerbinorbiter said:

Soyuz launch script for Kerbal Operating system:

  Reveal hidden contents

print "t- 60 seconds guidence now internal.".
set throttle to 0.
wait 10.
lock throttle to 1.
wait 20.
Print "vernier engines activated.".
wait 20.
wait 10.
Print "LIFT OFF!".
wait 10.
print "T+10".
lock steering to up +r(0,-5,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-10,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-15,180).
wait 2.
print "T+20.".
wait 2.
lock steering to up +r(0,-20,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-25,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-30,180).
print "T+30".
wait 10.
print "T+40".
wait 10.
print "T+50".
lock steering to up +r(0,-35,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-40,180).
wait 4.
lock steering to up +r(0,-45,180).
wait 2.
print "T+60".
wait 2.
lock steering to up +r(0,-50,180).
SAS on.
wait 6.
print "Separation of the boosters".
wait 1.
wait 4.
wait until altitude > 30000.
wait 3.
wait 7.
wait 20.
wait 2.
SAS off.
Print "second stage separation third stage now active".
wait until apoapsis > 120000.
lock throttle to 0.
print "sub-orbital".
wait until altitude > 70000.
lock steering to prograde.
wait until ETA:APOAPSIS < 20.
wait 4.
lock throttle to 1.
print "circularising...".
wait until periapsis > 115000.
lock throttle to 0.
print "Apoapsis:" + apoapsis.
print "Periapsis:" + Periapsis.
wait 5.
wait 2.
print "soyuz is now in orbit!".
print "code created by: KerbinOrbiter".

just copy it into your clipboard and ether create a .ks file in (KSP directory)/ships/script or just create a new script and ctrl + v it into there see below for my recomendation if you do it that wayand name it whatever you like the staging order is:

11: main engines

10: launch clamps

9: booster sep

8: Launch escape tower

7: fairings

6: third stage ignition

5: second stage (core) separation

4: soyuz spacecraft separation from rocket and third stage retro-engine fire with soyuz PAO engine ignition

notes: i have tested this and it should get you into a 115 by 130 Kilometer orbit 


i would recomend doing these commands in the KOS console once you have got :

copy "soyuzlaunch"* to 0. 

command above copys it to the archive volume so you wont lose the script

switch to 0.

^ switches to archive volume

run soyuzlaunch

*do not put it in speachmarks/inverted commas this is just what i named it


i think ive found the issue and i feel its on my side because of the placement of the KOS proscesor and as soon as i get all the code working i might  do a demo flight in mission reports 

ok, my findings currently are FASTER DESCENT=BETTER STABILTITY as i find it occors at a lesser and lesser speed the more i decresse my periapsis

quick question: who uses this above 140Km? (because it will help me code the descent script)

well here it is the descent script!


De-orbit (freedom of landing site)

enter: run (Name of script).

after that sit back and relax as the code does the work, oh make sure the PAO's engines are staged not just activiated but ill demonstrait that soon :) 

  Reveal hidden contents

RCS on.
print "Loading soyuz descent KOS script...".
wait 15.
print "Completed loading of soyuz descent KOS script.".
print "waiting until altitude is 140Km...".
wait until altitude < 140000.
wait until altitude < 70000.
   lock steering to retrograde +r(0,-30,1).
   wait 1.
   lock steering to retrograde +r(0,-30,-1).
   wait 1.
Print "Altitude" + altitude.
Print "altitude (True)" + ALT:RADAR.
print "Velocity (should be 1000)" + SHIP:AIRSPEED.
wait until SHIP:AIRSPEED < 900.
print "parachutes deployed.".
unlock steering.
AG1 on.
AG2 off.
wait until ALT:RADAR < 1000.
wait until ALT:RADAR < 1.

the reason why i didn't add a print "soyuz has landed". was because if you dont use KOS for all the KOS CPU just explodes anyway 

You will not believe but after downloading me addon the game began to fly out...)

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On 4/16/2017 at 3:12 PM, DECQ said:

You will not believe but after downloading me addon the game began to fly out...)

so does that mean its not working, it only works with the supplies full i forgot to say that

@DECQ you also may need to have a variant without winglets as i think expediton 51's soyuz doesnt have any...but you can do that after the DECQ Saturn V & Apollo (what i presume it will be called)

i think before I do the RSS/RO scripts I'm going for the 4x scale first

now going for Progress vehicle testing for launch script

Next test: K-K (kerbal Konstructs) script compatablty test

the code now needs to be compatable with KK I.E be able to launch into a different inclination than the KSC's

and i should realy compact the launch code and make the gravity turn smother because it really is jittery 

Edited by kerbinorbiter
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On 17.04.2017 at 0:56 PM, kerbinorbiter said:

so does that mean its not working, it only works with the supplies full i forgot to say that

@DECQ you also may need to have a variant without winglets as i think expediton 51's soyuz doesnt have any...but you can do that after the DECQ Saturn V & Apollo (what i presume it will be called)

i think before I do the RSS/RO scripts I'm going for the 4x scale first

now going for Progress vehicle testing for launch script

Next test: K-K (kerbal Konstructs) script compatablty test

the code now needs to be compatable with KK I.E be able to launch into a different inclination than the KSC's

and i should realy compact the launch code and make the gravity turn smother because it really is jittery 

But I did not understand, the problems with the descent remained? It should be higher retrogreed by 20% and then well descends.

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46 minutes ago, DECQ said:

But I did not understand, the problems with the descent remained? It should be higher retrogreed by 20% and then well descends.

No the problem with the descent fixed i just did an until loop rolling the spacecraft left and right


31 minutes ago, HiThere!2 said:

Is Dragon 2 compatible with KK Launchers F9?

yes it is 

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13 hours ago, EmberTech said:

Dang, that Angara looks great. Any plans to add the Federatsiya sometime soon? I know CONTARES has it, but it has no IVA at the moment.

1. What is Contares? Another stock style excrements? If it's so then why do you compare the add-on is executed in real style and the stock version.
2. No plans Federaziya.

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6 hours ago, DECQ said:

1. What is Contares? Another stock style excrements? If it's so then why do you compare the add-on is executed in real style and the stock version.
2. No plans Federaziya.

Contares is an add on for Tantares which is stock a like

currently im working on a little KOS scipt to calculate a circularisation burn Dv within KOS so I can actually do it with an equation rather than a script aswell as actually genralising the code so it can launch any satilite on the r7 bare in minds you may need to use the TMA fairing and escape tower so you don't need to edit code 

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7 hours ago, DECQ said:

1. What is Contares? Another stock style excrements? If it's so then why do you compare the add-on is executed in real style and the stock version.
2. No plans Federaziya.

CONTARES is an addon that's sort of like Tantares, but not really in a stockalike style. It's somewhere in between. 

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