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[KSP 1.3.1] KEI - Kerbin Environmental Institute(1.2.3) 2017-10-11


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  On 7/12/2016 at 5:58 PM, eberkain said:

OMG, this may be the best mod ever.   Does it work retroactively if I add it in the middle of a game?


Yes, latest version adds the button on toolbar where you can enable and disable the mod. However beware, this mod currently gains science even from experiments, that are not supposed to be run at KSC, like those added by Station Science, Surface Experiment Pack or DMagic Orbital Science bathymetry scan. So if you're not using this mods feel free to enable it. If you're using this mods feel free to enable it too, but don't get surprised :D

More sane GUI is already on it's way


Hope will be delivered tomorrow :)

Hey people, I like that idea of bathymetry scans at KSC, maybe I shall keep it? :D:D:D

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  On 7/12/2016 at 4:44 PM, DStaal said:

I haven't had a chance to load up KSP in a while, but someone should check how MOLE interacts with this mod.  (It has a similar system to Station Science, where results are only available after a time period.)

(In fact, I might suggest to put it on an exemption list preemptively - it's science experiments are designed to take time after all, and most/all aren't designed for running around the space center.)


I use both MOLE and this mod, @DStaal Surprisingly, its one of the few science mods I use that don't seem to have issues with KEI. MOLE has been safe to use for me.

  On 7/12/2016 at 6:08 PM, RealGecko said:

Hey people, I like that idea of bathymetry scans at KSC, maybe I shall keep it? :D:D:D


Some one forgot to tell the testing crew they weren't supposed to lug around a giant tank of water to test it in at each KSC biome? :sticktongue:

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Version 1.1.0 is here. Rise in applause, cause this shiny new GUI will rise you to cloud nine.

  • Experiments are not performed automatically anymore.
  • GUI to gather KSC sciecne.
  • Station Science mod ignored completely.
  • Surface Experiments Pack "Solar Wind Spectrum" and "Ion Detector Readings" are ignored.

PS: Alas bathymetry scans can not be performed anymore, Jebediah is sad about that.

PPS: Those who gathered science from experiments not supposed to be run at KSC with the earlier version of the mod, go to cheat menu and zero your science! .....Joking :D

Edited by RealGecko
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The latest download does not appear to show the UI when clicking on the button for me.  The last version worked.  I deleted the directory and replaced with the new (1.1) download via Spacedock.  I do not know if there is somewhere I can look to see if an error is being generated.

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Love the update.  If I play on something other than 100% science the numbers in the new UI do not match up with what I actually get.    I can also repeat the same science task over and over by opening and closing the window, it just gives a little less each time.   

EDIT:  Ok, did some testing and I see whats going on.   One pic is from a game at 100% science rewards, the other is a game at 50% science rewards.   In the 100% game the EVA report is worth 36 science and gives 36 science, in the 50% game I only get 9, because its giving me half of the actual value at this difficulty setting while reporting its still worth the full value.   


Edited by eberkain
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  On 7/13/2016 at 9:30 PM, eberkain said:

In the 100% game the EVA report is worth 36 science and gives 36 science, in the 50% game I only get 9, because its giving me half of the actual value at this difficulty setting while reporting its still worth the full value.


Yes, I did take difficulty multiplier in account. However I did not test how it works, that's a shame. I think that I can disable this value. What if I recompile the mod with this option off for you to retest?

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  On 7/13/2016 at 9:30 PM, eberkain said:

In the 100% game the EVA report is worth 36 science and gives 36 science, in the 50% game I only get 9, because its giving me half of the actual value at this difficulty setting while reporting its still worth the full value.


I've totally misunderstood the meaning of



Fixed the issue in 1.1.1

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  On 7/9/2016 at 2:44 PM, RealGecko said:

Every mod developer makes it his own way, some wrap mod contents with GameData, some not. I think that packing everything inside GameData is a good practice. And now I'm wondering why didn't I :D. I'll note this to myself.

However if mod get indexed by CKAN you'll have no trouble installing it at all :)


Now added to CKAN, with many thanks. I'll add the recommendation for (x)Science later. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an issue with the GUI not appearing when also using the Stock Size Real Solar System mod.  The button on the toolbar appears but no GUI comes up.  

I actually realised it was caused by the Module Flight Intergrator bundled and required by SSRSS when I hadn't installed SSRSS correctly.  So with SSRSS everything was being loaded I assume apart from ModuleFlightIntergor which also means the planets don't get moved about or actually adjusted. The KEI GUI still works.  But when MFI is installed and SSRSS works correctly the KEI button doesn't bring up its GUI.

Just wondering if anyone else has this issue.  I do have a number of mods installed but haven't had a chance to work out if this is also a multimod conflict.  I'll need also to try without the SSRSS stuff and only MFI.



EDIT - I finally have some time to work out whether it is MFI or not, starting with a fresh save. Module Flight Integrator I don't think is the issue, basically with SSRSS I can add in all the additional pieces of the mod until the SSRSS folder and then KEI stops working.  I'm wondering whether or not it is because of the change of location or multiple potential launch sites?  I'll continue testing.


EDIT again - Now having worked through this - I think I might know what the issue might be.  The changing from Kerbin to Earth might mean that the Stock based results in ScienceDef.cfg don't work? I wonder if KEI searches for the stock results only to return them as done.  I'll try manipulation the SSRSS ScienceDefs.cfg to see if that is the issue.

Edited by theJesuit
More troubleshooting
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  On 7/30/2016 at 10:12 AM, theJesuit said:

Now having worked through this - I think I might know what the issue might be.  The changing from Kerbin to Earth might mean that the Stock based results in ScienceDef.cfg don't work? I wonder if KEI searches for the stock results only to return them as done.  I'll try manipulation the SSRSS ScienceDefs.cfg to see if that is the issue.


What results does [x] Science! show if you filter out KSC biomes science? Can you perform any science experiments at KSC biomes?

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  On 8/1/2016 at 10:17 AM, RealGecko said:

What results does [x] Science! show if you filter out KSC biomes science? Can you perform any science experiments at KSC biomes?


[x] Science! doesn't show any KSC biomes in SSRSS, yet I am able to do science (like it does in stock).  The Science Archives in the R&D building do show when I have performed an experiment like a crew report.

This must really be an issue with the way SSRSS has set up the ScienceDefs do you think?  Or does [x] Science! and KEI look for Kerbin specific KSC locations?

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  On 8/1/2016 at 10:39 AM, theJesuit said:

This must really be an issue with the way SSRSS has set up the ScienceDefs do you think?  Or does [x] Science! and KEI look for Kerbin specific KSC locations?


Well, actually code that detects KSC biomes was cinically stolen from [x] Science! mod source by me :D

It looks like this

kscBiomes = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<Collider>()
  .Where(x => x.gameObject.layer == 15)
  .Select(x => x.gameObject.tag)
  .Where(x => x != "Untagged")
  .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Runway_Light"))
  .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Pad_Flag_Pole"))
  .Where(x => !x.Contains("Ladder"))
  .Select(x => Vessel.GetLandedAtString(x))
  .Select(x => x.Replace(" ", ""))

I think that SSRSS changes either colliders related to KSC or their layer. That will require some crawling in SSRSS source code.

I'm currently finishing my next mod (I hope that I'm finishing it :D), after that done, I'll work on KEI compatibility with SSRSS and maybe others like KSC switcher, RSS, KSCale64.

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  On 8/1/2016 at 10:49 AM, RealGecko said:

Well, actually code that detects KSC biomes was cinically stolen from [x] Science! mod source by me :D


I think that SSRSS changes either colliders related to KSC or their layer. That will require some crawling in SSRSS source code.

I'm currently finishing my next mod (I hope that I'm finishing it :D), after that done, I'll work on KEI compatibility with SSRSS and maybe others like KSC switcher, RSS, KSCale64.


You are very much a legend!  I'll currently fudge my way around it using restarts and the like.

Thank you for the great mod.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Question: Does this mod work with techtrees other than the stock one?  I seem to be having an issue where I have several science experiments unlocked (Most notably those from Sounding Rockets) with the Historal Progression Tech Tree, and it doesn't seem to be working properly.

Nevermind.  @theJesuit figured out the issue, at least in part.  SSRSS seems to be the issue.  I think it might be because it's no longer Kerbin, but Earth.

Edited by Taki117
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Thanks RealGecko, you've made me happy! I was having a difficult time gathering certain science from some locations (e.g. the Materials Study from KSC's Crawlerway). Even though the tests were run several times they wouldn't show up as fulfilled contracts.

Thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/1/2016 at 10:49 AM, RealGecko said:

Well, actually code that detects KSC biomes was cinically stolen from [x] Science! mod source by me :D

It looks like this

kscBiomes = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<Collider>()
  .Where(x => x.gameObject.layer == 15)
  .Select(x => x.gameObject.tag)
  .Where(x => x != "Untagged")
  .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Runway_Light"))
  .Where(x => !x.Contains("KSC_Pad_Flag_Pole"))
  .Where(x => !x.Contains("Ladder"))
  .Select(x => Vessel.GetLandedAtString(x))
  .Select(x => x.Replace(" ", ""))



You're welcome.

(Just noticed your mod)

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