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What Would You do With A Time Machine


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The key question is: whether this a single-use time machine, or you can use it permanently.

If permanently, would be better to do voyages to the early XV century, buying here pepper and bullet-proof vests, sending them there for gold and storing this gold in a XV cent. Swiss bank on 500-years deposit, also buying a city district in Geneva and leasing it for rent.

  On 7/18/2016 at 8:32 AM, Green Baron said:

What Biff did: travel to the future, get stock quotes/football results travel back and bet my money accordingly


Maybe, Biff would be banned for life after several initial wins.

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Read up on current archeological digs

Go to future, get some tech that modern science can almost explain, as well as whatever longevity treatment they have.

Go to about 120k years ago, to what will become the present day dig sites, leave the tech there.

Go back to the present and watch the fun.

When that gets boring

Go to get some dinosaurs

Set them up on hawaii before the polynesian expansion hits them

Hang around and watch that for a while

Then maybe kidnap a medieval village and drop them off at the end of the last ice age

Watch that over the next few thousand years

Find a doomed island 60 million years ago

Plonk another few villages as back up population

Hit the far future for some great stealth and wepons tech

Hit the history books, identify everyone who ever stood in the way of science

Find the earliest one

Kill them as a child

Hit the history books, identify everyone who ever stood in the way of science

Find the earliest one

Kill them as a child

Hit the history books, identify everyone who ever stood in the way of science

Find the earliest one

Kill them as a child

Hit the history books, identify everyone who ever stood in the way of science

Find the earliest one

Kill them as a child


Pick a nice spot in post-scarecity 800BC and wait for further inspiration

Maybe celebrity videos of famous world leaders throughout history?

Hand raise some clever dinos, breed them for intelligence and teach them everything you can, in their own era?

Give the inca an f-18?

Take gallileo to mission control to see the first photos from his probe?

Terraform mars in 100000bc with future nanotech, leave it as a gift?

Also with future nano tech, build a pyramid temply and fill it with flying saucers and human skeletons about 10k years ago?

Find the fox executive who cancelled firefly and blackmail him not to?

Go back in time with nanotech and start a religion with myself as god, reinforcing it throughout history with real, documented visitations every hundred years or so?



A more easily answered question is what wouldnt i do with a time machine.


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Take advantage of the displacement aspect of the device to travel. You see, Earth is moving around the sun, the sun is moving around the Galaxy, the Galaxy is moving and so on and so on. This means that time machines must move as well. That means they have the ability to change their position.

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  On 7/18/2016 at 12:16 PM, Bill Phil said:

Take advantage of the displacement aspect of the device to travel. You see, Earth is moving around the sun, the sun is moving around the Galaxy, the Galaxy is moving and so on and so on. This means that time machines must move as well. That means they have the ability to change their position.


That's why we never hear about successful attempts to build a time machine.
Every time the next inventor creates it, he enters "yesterday" — just to test. And a moment later both machine and inventor are floating a light day behind the Earth.
Probably, there is already a comet tail of time machines and their inventors behind the Solar System.

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  On 7/18/2016 at 1:55 PM, RuBisCO said:

I suspect causality issues are pretty much impossible. Anything that will happen has alread happened. Things are what they are because they already include all events. If time travel turns out to be possible, current events are as much affected by future events as they are by previous events.

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  On 7/18/2016 at 8:11 AM, Gauga159 said:

What Would You Do With A Time Machine?


I really want nothing more than to get off this uneventful ground and just . . . escape. If I got my hands on a time machine I'd go forward a few hundred years or to the point where space tourism was as easy as boarding a train to another station and just feast my eyes on what wonders lie out there.

I'll do a leap of faith off Miranda's cliffs.
I'll watch the rings of Saturn fly by on a shepherd moon.
I'll watch the geysers of Enceladus spewing several kilometres into the air.
I'll experience the true "top of the world" on the summit of Olympus Mons.
I'll hop on a balloon to sail Jupiter's cloud bands.

Not really sure if I'm just being irrational here, but this day-to-day repetitive routine and not being able to see what lies beyond the horizon just makes me feel trapped. I'm not claustrophobic or anything, it's just that . . . all these images of space is nowhere near enough to sate my fascination and desire to actually be there. :(

Edited by SyzygyΣE
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  On 7/18/2016 at 11:52 AM, Navy2k said:

Obviously not destroying the space time continuum. o_O


I believe in the branching futures hypothesis, as it is impossible to travel forward again after a trip to the past and return to the exact present you started at, you may as well have some fun sight seeing. Any change you make just alters which future you have acces to, so explore a little. If you mess up, grab those island villages and start again. Just dont let anyone in the future know you are a time traveller, they might reproduce your tech...

Edited by SinBad
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  On 7/18/2016 at 11:20 AM, SinBad said:

Read up on current archeological digs

Go to future, get some tech that modern science can almost explain, as well as whatever longevity treatment they have.

Go to about 120k years ago, to what will become the present day dig sites, leave the tech there.

Go back to the present and watch the fun.

When that gets boring

Go to get some dinosaurs

Set them up on hawaii before the polynesian expansion hits them

Hang around and watch that for a while

Then maybe kidnap a medieval village and drop them off at the end of the last ice age

Watch that over the next few thousand years

Find a doomed island 60 million years ago

Plonk another few villages as back up population


LOL, first one would only mess up current time unless someone found the stuff in the past.

The last one would change history totally, humans would spread out of the island 4 million years before the end of the dinosaurs. 
They would spread out over the world in some thousand years  likely get an technological civilization in some thousand years later. 

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  On 7/18/2016 at 3:49 PM, magnemoe said:

LOL, first one would only mess up current time unless someone found the stuff in the past.

The last one would change history totally, humans would spread out of the island 4 million years before the end of the dinosaurs. 
They would spread out over the world in some thousand years  likely get an technological civilization in some thousand years later. 


Thats why i said a doomed island, like the massive volcano on it will errupt in a months time. They dont have have time to go anywhere, but you can pick them up again an hour after you dropped them off if you find you need them. No risk of spreading to contaminate prehistory.

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  On 7/18/2016 at 3:27 PM, SinBad said:

I believe in the branching futures hypothesis, as it is impossible to travel forward again after a trip to the past and return to the exact present you started at, you may as well have some fun sight seeing. Any change you make just alters which future you have acces to, so explore a little. If you mess up, grab those island villages and start again. Just dont let anyone in the future know you are a time traveller, they might reproduce your tech...


So like the 1 Minute Time Machine? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkBS4O3yvY

But I would possibly miss some folks i would definetively kill by messing with the past and getting them back would be almost impossible I guess. So I would love up the present and future instead.


  On 7/18/2016 at 3:40 PM, kerbiloid said:

Everything what really could destroy the Universe, had already destroyed it. We live in a safe one.


Not if we are in the first batch of intelligent life like it seems to be. Maybee there are no aliens visiting us because on the way to get the tech to do so there lays something as a z-pinch machine so powerful that the first test firing of the device unleashes unpredictable amounts of energy zapping the whole planet sterile. 

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  On 7/18/2016 at 2:58 PM, Camacha said:

I suspect causality issues are pretty much impossible. Anything that will happen has alread happened. Things are what they are because they already include all events. If time travel turns out to be possible, current events are as much affected by future events as they are by previous events.


Maybe, perhaps,

Under multiverse theory though when traveling back in time you are also traveling across universes. Thus when you travel back in time you enter a new timeline, with a future that could, and likely will diverge from, the future of the universe you left. Just the act of traveling back in time means you have made atoms appear in the past that already exist, you have added energy to the universe, where did that matter and energy come from? Thermodynamics has been violated, the closed system of our universe can't have more energy just appear in it, at least not in a quantum stable form of a human body (Did you know ever kg of your body is worth ~100 Mt of explosive power in atomic energy?) The only viable answer (if time travel is possible) is that matter and energy had to come from another universe. Traveling timelines/universes solves the problem of violating thermodynamics and solves the causality problem.   

By the way primer is a great movie, yes it will take you like 10 viewings and a notebook to figure it out, or you can look at what others have done to map that movie out:


If that looks confusing probably means you should not travel back in time, as Rick Sanchez would say "DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!!"

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  On 7/18/2016 at 5:56 PM, RuBisCO said:

Maybe, perhaps,

Under multiverse theory though when traveling back in time you are also traveling across universes.


A multiverse seems a contrived solution to a simpler problem, if you ask me. There might be something like universes in black holes, which would technically be a multiverse, but would also mean that the result is nothing like the proposed multiverse that allows travel between universes.

  2 hours ago, RuBisCO said:

Just the act of traveling back in time means you have made atoms appear in the past that already exist, you have added energy to the universe, where did that matter and energy come from? Thermodynamics has been violated, the closed system of our universe can't have more energy just appear in it, at least not in a quantum stable form of a human body (Did you know ever kg of your body is worth ~100 Mt of explosive power in atomic energy?) The only viable answer (if time travel is possible) is that matter and energy had to come from another universe.


No matter nor energy needs to appear. The idea is that it has always been there. That the whole thing is, and has always been, one beautifully interlocking system. That way, no thermodynamic laws are violated.

Besides, if thermodynamics are a worry, you should probably be more worried about endless universes popping into existence.

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1: Travel to a few hundred years ago and take a bunch of gold,

2: Travel to the future to get future technology, create it in the present and get credited,

3: Get powers to modify the universe to whatever I want,



Also afterwards, other stuff.

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