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When I first came across the term porkchop plot I thought; What the h**l is that? Now I know what it stands for, but I keep wondering why?  

Why are porkchop plots called porkchop plots? (plots I understand)

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it is a graphical representation of interplanetary transfer windows. On the x-axis you have departure time, on the y-axis transfer time and each data point represents the amount of delta-v required to get to your target. The name porkchop plot comes from the shape of the solutions.

See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porkchop_plot

BTW, and please see this only as an encouragement to do the same, google provides a lot of info on this subject. :)

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Thanks StarStreak2109, You are off course right! I assumed that it was a KSP-term because I'd never come across it. Googling it would have been simpler.

Edited by dutchy45
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51 minutes ago, WildLynx said:

Wait a second - it's a khajiit in KSP? Or rover in Skyrim? Or it was edited?

Is an catgirl I made in Daz Studio loosley based on Khajiit. 
http://i.imgur.com/Mo00fXbh.png http://i.imgur.com/CrYrtWyh.png http://i.imgur.com/Mo00fXbh.png
The first contact series was made mostly as an joke response to the standard idea that first contact will either be hyper advanced ailens find us or we find someone at our tech level,
Most likely is that our probes find stone age ailens and they will try to eat our probes, why not anything who moves is an animal. 
Made before Skyrim, I also made my work in progress animation http://orig06.deviantart.net/00ed/f/2012/180/c/2/work_in_progress_animation_large_version_by_olsen1a-d55df8b.gif then I activated an manual grainmill in Skyrim I saw it as an personal easter egg and made this afterwards : http://orig12.deviantart.net/9615/f/2016/102/e/4/catgrind7_animation_by_olsen1a-d9tki34.gif
I use it as an screen saver. 


Edited by magnemoe
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