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Testers welcommed, Remote Tech Auto Scan

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I'm looking for testers for this little plugin I wrote.  (Compiled against KSP 1.1.2 and RT 1,7 )

What it does

  • If your probe has no connection at all, it will use the highest range antenna to look for an active signal until it is connected to the network.


  • Recover those lost probes that went out of the comunications cone during a planetary transfer
  • Switch to another relay satellite, if the signal path is blocked by an unforeseen problem

Future updates:

  • I don't know, any suggestions welcome.

Version: 0.1

https://github.com/genericeventhandler/RemoteTechAutoScan/archive/master.zip  (look for the gamedata folder, it's buried in there somewhere. )

Source : https://github.com/genericeventhandler/RemoteTechAutoScan

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I've downloaded and installed it. (Haven't tested it yet, though). At first glance this is (like @FreeThinker has said before), something which should be part of RT. However, on second thought, i'm having some questions about it.


On 21-7-2016 at 11:32 AM, genericeventhandler said:


  • If your probe has no connection at all, it will use the highest range antenna to look for an active signal until it is connected to the network.


Can the user influence this behaviour? In other words, can the user start and stop this process? F.e. a continues search for a connection could cause a powershortage.

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7 hours ago, TheCardinal said:

I've downloaded and installed it. (Haven't tested it yet, though). At first glance this is (like @FreeThinker has said before), something which should be part of RT. However, on second thought, i'm having some questions about it.


Can the user influence this behaviour? In other words, can the user start and stop this process? F.e. a continues search for a connection could cause a powershortage.

No but I can add that if you want. How exactly would it work? Each antenna can be set to auto scan? The drone core has the scanning mode? 

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