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[WIP] Kerbals 1869 - New! Pre Release Trailer! 8-2-16


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@Fengist - it looks good... I'm impressed. Although I love the look of classic steam punk, I am still on the fence about converting KSP to steam punk...

I do have a question about the catamaran parts, if you do not mind me asking. Is it possible to create hull parts that are the same height as what your hull parts (clipper hull) are, but about 1/3 the width? I'd like to try and construct something like this, where behind the wheelhouse and deck, there's simply a crane that works a submersible between the two hulls... If not, it's ok...


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  On 7/28/2016 at 2:34 AM, adsii1970 said:

@Fengist - it looks good... I'm impressed. Although I love the look of classic steam punk, I am still on the fence about converting KSP to steam punk...



Well, I could, And that would be only 3 parts to change.  But it creates another problem.  The three catamaran pieces would have to change, and then the three CVL decks would have to change, and because the CVL bridge is a radial off the hull, it  would have to change... Getting into a bit of work there.  It's not just as easy as scaling them, the textures would stretch and look really bad.

But that's a question for Maritime Pack.

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  On 7/28/2016 at 2:42 AM, adsii1970 said:

Oh, my bad! Apologies! :blush:


No problem.  But thinking about it, what would be easier would be a trimaran deck and just leave out the center hull.  3 parts total.  I'll think on it, but for new parts, I'm pretty focused on getting this mod done enough to be presentable.


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  On 7/28/2016 at 7:24 AM, Nansuchao said:

@Fengist, talking about Steampunk, what about a KSP version  of the Nautilus from Jules Verne?


Well.....  That depends on which one you're referring to.

This one is a drawing by Jules Verne:


Now, if you go digging around on Google, you'll find that because many of the finite details are missing, that those that have tried to model it come up with something like this:


Now when you compare that to what I've already done, I'm not too horribly far off the mark.  Shape wise anyway.  So I think I'm kinda on this track already though my models are not a conscious effort to reproduce this or any other known submarine.

Now, if you meant the Disney version... this:


There are already free 3D models of that one out and about.  The problem with trying to put something like that in KSP are manifold.  

First, everyone KNOWS what it looks like.  If you've ready my OP, you'll know that's one VERY good reason why I'm not doing that. But I'll take a moment and restate it here.  Because everyone KNOWS what it looks like, they expect an accurate reproduction, they expect it right down to the last detail.  And should I attempt to reproduce this, I will fail. And when I do fail, there WILL be people out there who WILL nit-pick the CRAP outta me for not making what they think is a 100% accurate reproduction. And THAT is exactly why I won't do anything like this.  One of the great things about paving your own road is that you get to decide where it goes and NOBODY can tell you that you're going the wrong way.   

Furthermore, I have a 3D model of this already that I've downloaded months ago and if you think I don't care about polygon counts, wow, you should see this thing.  

Finally, a shape like this doesn't exactly lend itself to the modular design methods of KSP.  I'm not into building things that the user HAS to put together exactly the way I make them.  I want you to rearrange things, make crazy stuff... and then send me screen shots and videos.  Just ask @Jatwaa and his flying paddlewheel boats (that man is nuts).

On the other hand... if you're referring to THIS one, from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen:


I'll say again.  It's been done and therefore I'm not doing it.

I'm not creating this mod to duplicate what you already know.  I'm creating this mod to give the BOTH of us an adventure into what we don't know.

So, thanks for the ideas but I'm definitely paving a different road.

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Many thanks for the detailed explanations. I understand your point very well and sorry to have not read the OP in a focused way. I was stunned by the beautiful pics and my mind immediately thought about the Nautilus. A few days ago I saw a movie where there was a beautiful reproduction of the Nautilus, similar to the Disney one but more similar to a winged one. 

Mine wasn't a request, just a kind of suggestion for a model, nothing more. 

Congratulations however for this mod, it's really awesome.

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  On 7/28/2016 at 11:53 AM, Nansuchao said:

Many thanks for the detailed explanations. I understand your point very well and sorry to have not read the OP in a focused way. I was stunned by the beautiful pics and my mind immediately thought about the Nautilus. A few days ago I saw a movie where there was a beautiful reproduction of the Nautilus, similar to the Disney one but more similar to a winged one. 

Mine wasn't a request, just a kind of suggestion for a model, nothing more. 

Congratulations however for this mod, it's really awesome.


No offense taken in the very least.  I know quite well I'll have to repeat my reasoning MANY times in the future.  I'll soon have it refined to a mental cut-and-paste.

And I'm honored that what little I've shown everyone here has made you think of other steampunk styles and works.  That is what I'm trying to achieve.  I think steampunk, I create what I think is steampunk, you see steampunk. It tells me that I am definitely on the right track.

And please keep the suggestions coming.  While I may not implement them, you never know what crazy idea I'll come up with when you set me off on a thought process and I get derailed into a different direction.

Thanks and I'm hoping everyone enjoys it.

And as proof of this, your suggestion led me to this... and I have to wonder... hummm, what's that thing in the middle?



Oh and I forgot, exactly how many versions of the 'Nautilus' are there?

The mind boggles: http://www.vernianera.com/Nautilus/Catalog/

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Greetings Steampunk fans! (and to those of you just curious as to how a mentally dysfunctional modder works)

Today, we venture into the realm of control surfaces.

Now what exactly can you say about control surfaces?  Really?  I mean they make things go up... they make things go down... and they make things go side to side.

Ok, so, that's what they do.  Oh, right... images.





Sticking with a somewhat 'fish' motif, there will be two control surfaces in 1869 to start.  A double-wide fin, suitable for use as dive planes, and a single wide which makes good dive planes and great rudders.  As you'd expect the dive planes have considerably more control surface that the rudder variety.  But they both work in just about any angle.

Some of you will also notice that I've had to add a second stability enhancer.  With 3000 units of ore on board, it's already up to 57 tons. Hey, it's iron... steampunk... remember? No lightweight plastic pansy stuff here.  This is METAL.

Development is progressing forward.  At the moment, I only have 3 more parts I plan to create for this "Phase 1."  After that, and after my alpha testers beat it briskly, it'll be ready for prime time launch.  So, with the current part count, you can expect this thing in your hands with 32 or more parts.  Not bad for a first release I think, and plenty for you to experiment with.

Don't forget, the models have been uploaded to sketchfab and you can view them all in 3D.  Just click on the link in the OP.

I've also bundled all the images in this post into an Imgur album, and I'll be adding that to the OP as well.  Ummm, well.. I was.  But now I see the Imgur embed has been replaced with a ??? Page ??? button?  Okay.

It's here: http://imgur.com/a/hpvWS

See you next time. 

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Honestly i would have loved to see a scifi series that took place in the 1870's with steampunk stuff like oil lanters and other cool stuff, It would be awesome, I actually think that if done right the tech of the time could have made a spaceship, Also imagine the orbital calculations being done in longhand with no computers or radios :D

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  On 7/30/2016 at 1:01 AM, daniel l. said:

Honestly i would have loved to see a scifi series that took place in the 1870's with steampunk stuff like oil lanters and other cool stuff, It would be awesome, I actually think that if done right the tech of the time could have made a spaceship, Also imagine the orbital calculations being done in longhand with no computers or radios :D


Well, if you want, you can always use these parts and never enter map mode.

Whip out the beans, time to start counting!

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  On 7/30/2016 at 7:03 AM, Tyren said:

Wheres the download button? 




I need it.


Ah.  You found the the hype thread, not the download thread.  That one doesn't exist yet.  I have 2 more intentional parts to create and then, let my alpha testers have it for a few days and then... I'll be packaging up a beta.  So, expect sometime middle to end of this next work week.  Till then, I'm afraid you'll have to make do with my teasing you.  Think of it as a test of your patience.

Glad you like it that much tho.

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Greetings. Get your tophats and goggles ready, it's time for more steampunk parts!

Today, I'm giving you a glimpse into the second of three engines that will be available in this pack.  This one, is the beast.  We've ditched that puny iron nose piece and replaced it with a proper engine!  The BORE.  

With a max thrust of 430, the Bore will (for now) be the big boy.  Though it'll be capable of boring it's way through most any ocean, don't expect to fly to the Mun with this thing.  All of the engines in this back will be high thrust, low speed engines.  Unfortunately, it takes a gorilla of an engine to plow though the soupy liquid on these planets.  But we can't exactly have people flying to the Mun with a fish tail now can we?  Depending on the number of engines you use, expect speeds in the rover range, 20 - 25 m/s ave, 40 m/s if you're in a hurry.  And these engines have been tested with the intent of giving hours of use before needing to be refueled.  And refuel you shall.  Another goal of this pack is to make all land based vessels self-sustaining, to one degree or another.

While the Bore will be the highest thrust engine, it'll also be the least efficient.  But, if you're in a hurry, there's nothing like drilling for it.

And I've already been asked about the logic of a drill being turned into a propeller.  I shall give you the part's description as my answer.


"Originally designed to bore it's way to
the center of Kerbin, we had to find a new use for it when
we discovered our planet is hollow.  
So, we turned it into a propeller."



And now for the other part.  This was a much requested part in the early days of Maritime Pack and I too had been looking for a solution when I created it.  Generically known as Cradles, these parts glue onto the sides of hulls so that you can attach some wheels to them.  And once you get into the water, just hit the space bar and they fall right off.  Brilliant aren't they?  Since I'm still waiting on a proper harbor to be built, this is the next best thing.  And before you look too close, yep, they're made out of scrap wood and pot metal.  You didn't think I was gonna just throw Teak away did you?

So far, we're up to 13 models in the collection and more to come.  Thanks for your patience during this pre-release period and hope you've been enjoying the show.  Questions and comments are always welcomed.







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Greetings again steampunk fans. Though you're being rather silent, I shall not.

Today's efforts were focused on energy.  And these parts are so new out of the modeller that the alpha testers are just now getting them.  Today's entry is also going to be rather pic heavy so I can explain what you see.  One of the things I'm attempting to achieve is interaction.  While having mods like Mech Jeb do it for you is great when you first get started, interacting with the parts is what will keep you playing long after you delete the automatons..

So, let's interact.

The first two parts are rather small so I'm including them in the same screenshot.  We have the Bat 300 Lightningbug battery and the Stirling Engine.  The Lightningbug is only a 300 capacity battery BUT... it glows.  And it glows in proportion to how much battery you have.  The more you have, the more it glows.  And if you run out, it goes black.





Sitting beside the LIghtningbug is the Stirling. Now this little devil isn't all that much.  Most of the time, it sits around slowly, very slowly, puttering about making tiny amounts of electricity.  Usually not enough to notice.  If you look up at the Electric charge bar on the image above, you'll see just how much charge 2 of these little critters is generating.  The way they work is the same way any Stirling engine works.  It takes heat and converts it into energy.  And these do the same, depending on how much heat they radiate.  Now where these little critters really shine is when you're burning up the ground digging for ore, lighting up the stacks to generate steam, and running other bits and pieces I've yet to describe, and basically turning your vessel into a convection oven. THEN... you activate these little doggies and they absorb heat like a magnet... and then... when they get really hot, they run REALLY fast and generate a considerable amount of electricity.

And yes, that rocker arm pumps up and down and those old treadle sewing machine wheels do turn.  The hotter it gets, the faster it runs.

Here's a pic with it highlighted so you can see it a bit better.


Now the Stirling is great when you're drilling down for ore.  But let's face it, you may need more electricity than it can generate. And who wants to wait for it to get hot?  In that case, we have the steam Dynamo.


This thing is large enough that it requires it's own hull compartment.  Comprised of 3 generators and a steam exhaust, it's linked directly to your throttle.  And, it spins and spews steam, just like any good steampunk item should.  The more steam you give it, the faster it spins and the more electricity it generates.  If you open up this image above you'll see that at full throttle, it's generating 8 ElectricCharge per second and the .04 is coming from the two Stirlings.

That, and if you ever want to leave a smoke trail behind you, it'll definitely make a big spiral one.



So, there you have it folks, today's update is all about electricity.  While most things are going to be steam driven, it just wouldn't be fun without those lights.




And don't forget, all the parts introduced to date can be viewed in 3D on Sketchfab.

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  On 8/3/2016 at 4:40 AM, theonegalen said:

I regret that I only have 25 likes to give for these great mods.


^  that... right up there  ^   is worth a thousand likes to me.  I have no use for likes.  It's a number that says nothing.  That tho, is a live person commenting.  Good or bad. I'd rather have that.

Thank you!

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