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OPM in stock?

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Alot of people have the OPM mod, and alot of people want more gas giants, so this would solve the problem, and its already made, so it wont take too long for the Squad squad to add it in. But some people want something new, wich i totally get. And its just an idea, i dont want or need it. Alot of people dont get that.

Edited by NSEP
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In my opinion (and seemingly that of many others on these forums too), planets have more fundamental problems than "there aren't enough of them". Adding more planets add some variety to the game, true, but fact still remains that the majority of KSP players - even the "pro" ones - rarely leave Kerbin's SOI. With a proper reason to visit or even settle on most planets, and a clear and permanent benefit from doing so, I think the game would benefit a lot more than it would from just adding more, but essentially more of the same, planets.

Edited by Codraroll
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9 minutes ago, Codraroll said:

In my opinion (and seemingly that of many others on these forums too), planets have more fundamental problems than "there aren't enough of them". Adding more planets add some variety to the game, true, but fact still remains that the majority of KSP players - even the "pro" ones - rarely leave Kerbin's SOI. With a proper reason to visit or even settle on most planets, and a clear and permanent benefit from doing so, I think the game would benefit a lot more than it would from just adding more, but essentially more of the same, planets.

EXACTLY....if the devs have X hours to devote to improving the planetary system I'd much rather see those hours devoted to improving biomes or colonization, etc rather than importing OPM or any planetary mod into Stock.

Edited by tjt
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I think OPM is a great mod and should stay a mod.   The biggest detractor of any further out planets is that timewarp has computational limits even in on-rails mode.  It takes forever to timewarp out to Eeloo in stock, more planets, further out? Nah.

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While I agree with some above that the devs have better uses for their time atm, I also think that OPM is a big step towards making KSP feel like a finished game. The similarities between our Solar system and the Kerbal system are glaring, yet beyond Jool/Jupiter everything just gets a bit weird/non-existant. OPM is one of my most desirable mods despite the fact I've never even visited Eeloo in stock yet (I keep finding reasons to stay on Kerbin). I continue to dream of launching deep-space probes like Voyager, and OPM feeds those dreams in a way that Eeloo alone doesn't (even if I haven't gotten round to either yet).

Edited by The_Rocketeer
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4 hours ago, tjt said:

Just download OPM...why ask Squad devs to take time away from bug fixes / core optimization to do something that you can already do perfectly well with OPM?

Integrating mods in the past includes hiring the developers of those mods, it's taking little time away from the current devs. The question is if they're willing to put the funds into the hiring part.

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9 hours ago, tjt said:

Just download OPM...why ask Squad devs to take time away from bug fixes / core optimization to do something that you can already do perfectly well with OPM?

Yeah, thats good. But just an extra new gas planet, just one is enough. People have been suggesting it for years and they dont stop crying over it. (im not one of them).

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My problem with one system mod becoming stock over another is just that,one mod chosen over another.  There's lots of system mods.  Keep the Outer Planet Mod a mod and concentrate on other things.  A lot of players, and this has been said before in this thread, seldom leave the Kerbin system.  I rarely do.  Fix the planets that ARE stock with more biomes and such and perhaps I'll go visit the other planets.  Keep system mods as mods.

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9 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

OPM as stock would be lovely. Id LOVE to use that mod, but the fact it uses module manager makes it a no go for someone like me. I am no programmer and any mod that requires the use of a programming item makes it a no go. 

Mods that use MM don't require you to be a programmer. You just install the mod and it works. Zero coding is required on your part. have you ever tried one?

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19 hours ago, tjt said:

Just download OPM...why ask Squad devs to take time away from bug fixes / core optimization to do something that you can already do perfectly well with OPM?

Still looking for instructions on how to install OPM on XBox or PS4, can you help?

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16 minutes ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Still looking for instructions on how to install OPM on XBox or PS4, can you help?

:) I stand corrected, Sir. I'm still living in a PC only world and wasn't considering our brothers and sisters on consoles...

That said, I still stand by the idea that, IMHO, the Devs are still better serving the community fixing bugs and optimizing the game.

Console players have no in-game way of calculating DeltaV (KER/MJ) or any way of doing precise maneuver plotting...while a few brave souls will do the math, what percentage of players are going to do the math externally to plan a Sarnus voyage versus what percentage of players would benefit from less bugs and optimized code?

From a marketing/sales perspective, what's going to sell more copies of the game? Smoother, more bug free play or an option to explore more planets that most players won't hit until after 100+ hours of play?

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2 minutes ago, tjt said:

:-/ I stand corrected, Sir. I'm still living in a PC only world and wasn't considering our brothers and sisters on consoles...

That said, I still stand by the idea that, IMHO, the Devs are still better serving the community fixing bugs and optimizing the game.

If it works like other mods that have been integrated, they just hire the modder for a while to make it work. It's not a zero sum game.

2 minutes ago, tjt said:

Console players have no in-game way of calculating DeltaV (KER/MJ) or any way of doing precise maneuver plotting...what percentage of players are going to do the math externally to plan a Sarnus voyage versus what percentage of players would benefit from less bugs and optimized code?

Seems like they're working on bugfixes and optimization pretty heavily for this update, we'll see I guess.

In the meantime a stock dV counter and maneuver planner would be very welcome, should have been done a long time ago, IMO. Even if new planets aren't added.

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29 minutes ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Still looking for instructions on how to install OPM on XBox or PS4, can you help?

Here are some useless steps not worth reading.:

Step 1. Take the laptop/PC tower/Surface Pro tablet with a copy of KSP and violently RAM it into the Xbox/PlaystationTM(Patent Pending) disk tray.

Step 2. If step 1 doesn't work move on to step 4.

Step 3. Get a technician from somewhere to pull out your non-working computer from your non-working console & have the human fix them.

Step 4. Put the Console KSP into the disk tray of your laptop/tower/USB Disk drive.

Step 5. If there is a gamedata folder in the dvd, put kopernicus and OPM into the folder, if not, move on to step 8.

Step 6. Put the dvd into the console and test if it works. If not, don't move on to step 8 but contact the Devs of the two mods for some help.

Step 7. If it works, tell your friends about these instructions and enjoy :) 

Step 8. Put the dvd into the console and paint the top with a healthy dose of Trinitrotoluene. Now place it in the middle of a place with grass on it and throw a rock at it and complain to Microsoft/Sony that the console decided to detonate after a rock was thrown on it.

Step 9. strap the remnants onto an RT-10 SRB, ignite it and hope it doesn't land on somebody elses house.

Have fun.

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23 minutes ago, Van Disaster said:

Is there a linux port for PS4/XBone yet? :P

Edit: yes, yes there is. A bit convoluted, but that should get you a moddable KSP, albeit only after KSPLinux itself is fixed...

Not sure why you would do that.  Why would you buy a PS4 to wipe it and put Linux on it when you could just buy a lightweight PC for that purpose and plug it into your TV.

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OPM? Might it not be a good idea to add things to the planets already in the game? Like a massive (deep) crater on Kerbin, a massive canyon on the Mun... maybe an abandoned base on Dres... in other words, content.... not quantity. At the moment, you visit a planet, that is it.. there is no reason to go back unless you want to build a base...


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