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[Stock] - SSTO Flying Saucer


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I know it is a shameless repost (already posted it in the generic SSTOs thread) but I had enough good feedback to give it a topic of its own.

So, the craft is a flying saucer in the Grendizer style. It can just reach LKO and get back home (or dock anywhere in proximity of 85x85).

Considered the huge overall drag it is a very good flyer, allowing extremely low landing speeds and the common flight envelope required for an airplane (looping/tonneaux standard aerobatics - very good stall recovery).

It is indeed a little nose heavy and it suffers from a lack of power at high AoA, but hey, it is a dish surrounded by a teapot...


If anybody wants to give it a try >>>HERE<<< it is the link. (and here the imgur album)

1) toggle rapiers

2) switch mode

It takes off by itself, no input needed apart from full throttle. Climb above 10000m as soon as you can (not too much AoA), at 10000m level to gain speed.



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1 hour ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

OMG! what's the part count on that beauty?

133 parts, a lot of undesirable struts but I think that in this case look was more important than performance. And stability too.


@qzgy - pic for you, nothing really fancy.




@dacamp66 - I had a "Lost in Space vtol saucer" back in 0.25, I can not quite design a working one since 1.0.x


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