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Boxed Version

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Well a thread under the General Discussion just got closed about having a boxed version of KSP and it makes me wonder- would anyone else buy one if they could? I would! I'd like to help create one! But I doubt they'll call me on... that's closer to @KasperVld's department and potentially others who aren't on forum. Ah well.

But yeah, who else would buy one if there was one?

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Did they (try to) make one not too long ago?  I suppose it was a limited edition one.  I don't think many people were interested, so few that it was never produced.

Yes, this here:


That's quite expensive.


Posted in the comments regarding the fact the "game" part of this was a steam key, no disc:


 In this case Squad didn't want to do a physical version, and given how the game is updated so regularly there is some sense to that. A disc version would be obsolete almost the moment it left the factory.



Edited by klesh
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  On 8/12/2016 at 10:15 PM, klesh said:

Did they (try to) make one not too long ago?  I suppose it was a limited edition one.  I don't think many people were interested, so few that it was never produced.

Yes, this here:


That's quite expensive.


Posted in the comments regarding the fact the "game" part of this was a steam key, no disc:



Not quite what I'm aiming at as that's borderline also a loot crate. What I'm referring to is a plastic box with a plastic disk inside.

As to being outdated, well many games that are being released still on disk have updaters on the disk that get it up to date upon installation and I'm certain that with some changes to common auto updaters provided with most games, it can auto-detect and download updates when they are released. So it's possible.

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TBH I don't see the point of just having a physical disc copy of the game.  And even then it would need to have some sort of 'key' so that updates could be obtained from the store, unless it was a 'deluxe gift set' option when buying from the store originally.

But, if that disc copy just happened to be one of the items in a box of other goodies then maybe it could interest me.  Other content on the disc(s) could possibly be tutorial videos and space flight documentaries for example. Or maybe a 'nostalgia' collection of old KSP versions could be a neat extra. 

If a boxed copy were to tempt me it would need to offer or contain something that I would want as an actual 'thing' like -  DVD content,  artwork, books, toys etc.

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When they get the game working properly in all areas and then leave it the hell alone, then and then only would I buy a boxed edition. If they ever make such a thing. That patch in the gamer edition looks awesome though. I would buy that if they sold it separately.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 7:08 PM, pandaman said:

TBH I don't see the point of just having a physical disc copy of the game.  And even then it would need to have some sort of 'key' so that updates could be obtained from the store, unless it was a 'deluxe gift set' option when buying from the store originally.

But, if that disc copy just happened to be one of the items in a box of other goodies then maybe it could interest me.  Other content on the disc(s) could possibly be tutorial videos and space flight documentaries for example. Or maybe a 'nostalgia' collection of old KSP versions could be a neat extra. 

If a boxed copy were to tempt me it would need to offer or contain something that I would want as an actual 'thing' like -  DVD content,  artwork, books, toys etc.


Kind of greedy. What happened to just OWNING something. "I dont want it unless it comes with 30 other things"

I'd want a boxed version so I can show off what I own. Besides, what if I want to play KSP in 30 years? Squad no longer sells it, steam has changed and no longer supports games that old, then what do I do? I've lost access to the game. A game I spent a huge chunk of my teenage years on. 

Ask any retro video game collector what's the most important part of a gaming collection- the boxes. With them the value can sometimes grow exponentially based on what console and game.

The box isn't supposed to be a holy grail- just part of a collection as is ANY disk.

  On 8/13/2016 at 7:34 PM, Majorjim! said:

When they get the game working properly in all areas and then leave it the hell alone, then and then only would I buy a boxed edition. If they ever make such a thing. That patch in the gamer edition looks awesome though. I would buy that if they sold it separately.


You do realize they WONT stop messing with KSP right? Least not for the next 5-6 years.

They stated it'll be in constant development for a while.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 8:29 PM, Majorjim! said:

Sleep on a huge pile of money with many beautiful ladies.


Well although I can't say I wouldn't do it myself, but all I can do is hope for better. 

Maybe I'll purchase it from them once their done with it :P .

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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Greedy?  No, but I get your point.  If a physical 'deluxe edition' was an option then yes I would consider paying extra to get more 'nice stuff'. The thing is I (like every other player) already own a copy, if I want to keep it I can, by by just not deleting it.  I can also make myself a physical copy by burning to disc and sticking it in a box if I so wish (this may be contrary to the T&Cs though), but when the time comes that they do stop developing it and cease to make it available on the store then I may well do that to ensure I don't lose it if my hard drive goes pop.

Currently there is no point in a physical copy of the game, as it will be out of date within months (whatever version you purchase) and need a downloaded update anyway.  But if that physical copy had other stuff that's worth having for what it is then it makes it a viable option.


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  On 8/13/2016 at 8:34 PM, Majorjim! said:

LOL yeah, I mean, what do I know..?

 We will have to wait and see.


Indeed we will, but I'm in until the end!

  On 8/13/2016 at 8:37 PM, pandaman said:

Greedy?  No, but I get your point.  If a physical 'deluxe edition' was an option then yes I would consider paying extra to get more 'nice stuff'. The thing is I (like every other player) already own a copy, if I want to keep it I can, by by just not deleting it.  I can also make myself a physical copy by burning to disc and sticking it in a box if I so wish (this may be contrary to the T&Cs though), but when the time comes that they do stop developing it and cease to make it available on the store then I may well do that to ensure I don't lose it if my hard drive goes pop.

Currently there is no point in a physical copy of the game, as it will be out of date within months (whatever version you purchase) and need a downloaded update anyway.  But if that physical copy had other stuff that's worth having for what it is then it makes it a viable option.



I did mention having an updater on the disk, and it's not like its foreign technology, update software has existed for over a decade. Pop in the disk, when it finishes basic installation (of all the required drivers, graphics settings, etc) then it gives an option to "Download Most Recent Version?", click yes and that's the version it uses. So it wouldn't be out of date unless the person selects no.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 8:47 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Indeed we will, but I'm in until the end!

I did mention having an updater on the disk, and it's not like its foreign technology, update software has existed for over a decade. Pop in the disk, when it finishes basic installation (of all the required drivers, graphics settings, etc) then it gives an option to "Download Most Recent Version?", click yes and that's the version it uses. So it wouldn't be out of date unless the person selects no.


Yes you did, and in that respect I agree that you wouldn't be stuck with an out of date version.  However the version on the disk itself will be out of date.

 Don't get me wrong , I very much like the idea of a physical copy, like I liked having actual instruction books with games rather than having to download or access online help even when the game came in a box.  That's also why I buy (too many) DVDs rather than watch them on demand, It's just that I think that a physical copy needs to contain more than just a disk with what would effectively just be a key to download updates.


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  On 8/13/2016 at 9:12 PM, pandaman said:

Yes you did, and in that respect I agree that you wouldn't be stuck with an out of date version.  However the version on the disk itself will be out of date.

 Don't get me wrong , I very much like the idea of a physical copy, like I liked having actual instruction books with games rather than having to download or access online help even when the game came in a box.  That's also why I buy (too many) DVDs rather than watch them on demand, It's just that I think that a physical copy needs to contain more than just a disk with what would effectively just be a key to download updates.



Personally I just want to have something on the shelf. I don't need anything else. I've got a KSP T-shirt, mousepad (which I'm using right now), Jebediah plush, and a printed 3D model of my Saturn Shuttle. I'm goodied out as far as KSP. I don't need anything else.

still feel that I should have gotten a discount, considering I was one of the people who first demanded it.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 9:16 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Personally I just want to have something on the shelf. I don't need anything else. I've got a KSP T-shirt, mousepad (which I'm using right now), Jebediah plush, and a printed 3D model of my Saturn Shuttle. I'm goodied out as far as KSP. I don't need anything else.

still feel that I should have gotten a discount, considering I was one of the people who first demanded it.


Yeah, I can relate to that, though I'm not a huge merchandise fan for anything.  I have a Shapeways kerbal on my desk at work (next to a Lego panda), but I don't have any other KSP merchandise atm.  Though I may get a mug to use in the office too at some point.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 9:31 PM, pandaman said:

Yeah, I can relate to that, though I'm not a huge merchandise fan for anything.  I have a Shapeways kerbal on my desk at work (next to a Lego panda), but I don't have any other KSP merchandise atm.  Though I may get a mug to use in the office too at some point.


I'm waiting until I have like $1,000 sitting in my bank account needing to be spent. Then I'll buy all the 3D models; Kerbals and planets alike. They're freaking awesome.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 9:32 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

I'm waiting until I have like $1,000 sitting in my bank account needing to be spent. Then I'll buy all the 3D models; Kerbals and planets alike. They're freaking awesome.


Yes they do look good, I am tempted by stuff like that, but then have to take a reality check, if I do buy merchandise I tend to want it to 'do' something rather than just spending cash on an ornament that I will have to dust.  Things like mugs, mouse mats and T shirts are more likely to get me to part with my pennies.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 9:45 PM, pandaman said:

Yes they do look good, I am tempted by stuff like that, but then have to take a reality check, if I do buy merchandise I tend to want it to 'do' something rather than just spending cash on an ornament that I will have to dust.  Things like mugs, mouse mats and T shirts are more likely to get me to part with my pennies.


Yeah that's not me XD I collect NASA artifacts along with retro game stuff. Most of them don't do anything, but it's amazing to have.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 9:53 PM, Spartwo said:

I like having a box but I could just go somewhere to print a cover out.


That's exact it, by burning to disc and printing a DVD box cover, job done.


  On 8/13/2016 at 9:47 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Yeah that's not me XD I collect NASA artifacts along with retro game stuff. Most of them don't do anything, but it's amazing to have.


Oh, yes  I'd love to have stuff like that, but I know it would just sit around gathering dust, and I can use the cash to buy stuff I'll use - like golf clubs, and replacing all the golf balls that go for an early bath, or a new monitor.

  On 8/13/2016 at 10:08 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

But Print what cover. What about the spine and back?


It's easy enough to make a DVD cover out of screen shots etc.  I did it with my wedding videos, all I used for that was MS Publisher. 

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  On 8/13/2016 at 10:13 PM, pandaman said:

That's exact it, by burning to disc and printing a DVD box cover, job done.


Oh, yes  I'd love to have stuff like that, but I know it would just sit around gathering dust, and I can use the cash to buy stuff I'll use - like golf clubs, and replacing all the golf balls that go for an early bath, or a new monitor.

It's easy enough to make a DVD cover out of screen shots etc.  I did it with my wedding videos, all I used for that was MS Publisher. 


I can burn any program to disk. Doesn't make it "official".

Well I don't do much outside of a computer so I really don't buy much.

Well I'd feel it wouldn't be good enough since I know I can do better than print 2 screenshots, add a logo and the game name on the spine. I could do more!

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