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Photography Showcase Thread!


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I've recently begun experimenting with an Infrared DSLR I acquired a while back. There have been many wildfires in the area that I live, but the smoke from the fires was able to reduce the brightness of the light coming from the sun (kind of like a natural solar filter). Because of this I was able to safely take some Infrared picture of the sun. Here is one of the resulting images.







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Took a few images over the last month. Some of them ended up quite well, even though they may be slightly over oder underexposed as I'm trying to learn proper exposure.

Here's a mallard:




A cat whose owner (if any?) we haven't been able to work out:



I just find this one funny. I think it's the eyes that make me smile a bit when I see it.


A red kite that flew directly over my head. Now, my rather old, entry-level DSLR only has 11 focus points, and getting a moving object nicely inside one is a bit difficult. Point is, I'm trying to find excuses for them being slightly out-of-focus.
I do take full responsibility for the underexposure, tough. There was a cloud in the background and I blindly trusted the meter. I still have to work out good how many stops I should correct with.




Finally, a kestrel. Them hovering gives you plenty of time to prepare and take nice shots!




I took over 100 images in that time, which is over 100 more than the last two years combined! These are simply a subset of the most presentable.

Edited by Delay
Mistook a kestrel for a red kite
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This is a photo I got of the Philadelphia skyline, taken from the 33rd floor of the PSFS hotel. The brightness and contrast is turned up a little bit due to the fact that the actual picture was quite a bit darker.

I can name a few of the buildings on the skyline too. Left is Two Liberty Place, in the middle right next to it One Liberty Place, right in font of them are Centre Square I&II, on the close right is BNY Mellon Center, on the far right is Comcast Center with Comcast Technology Center right behind it, right in front of the buildings is Philadelphia City Hall, and on the farthest right is Three Logan Square.

Fun Facts

One Liberty Place and Two Liberty place were Philadelphia's first skyscrapers, which raised a lot of controversy in the city. First off, there was a gentleman's agreement not to build higher than City Hall, and second, people were afraid it would ruin Center City's livability as the skyscrapers would invite more skyscrapers to be built.

Comcast Center is said to have broken the "Curse of Billy Penn", where if a building was built higher than his hat, Philadelphia's sports teams would never again win a championship. When the building was done is 2007, the developer put a small William Penn statue on top of the building. And, guess what, the Phillies won the World Series in 2008! Coincidence?

Philadelphia City Hall was the tallest habitable building in the world for about 14 years, until it was surpassed by New York's Singer Tower.

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Went to a park near my house on Christmas Day, climbed on top of an asphalt pile, and got a few pictures.




Edited by Kerbalsaurus
How it feels to necro post:
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  • 2 weeks later...

From this past summer (2024), our flight to the Republic of Georgia...

Skirting the Iraq/Iran border at 50,000ft, looking out towards Iran


Edited by LordFerret
Images not posting, I've apparently forgotten how to do this :(
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