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Console Patches Update Discussion

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I'm just so confused as to What's going on. Flying tiger posted on their Facebook page on 17 August that a patch was in final testing and would be coming 'very shortly', that was over two weeks ago! And two days ago Kasper said that they were still working on this fabled patch. Either they're blowing smoke or they are having massive problems. I absolutely love this game but this is the most ridiculous situation I've encountered in gaming.

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I'm glad to hear that FTE had posted anything at all.  Perhaps they exist...  but 'final testing' would imply that they HAD a fix that was initially tested.  Sounds like smoke maybe, since 2 weeks has passed.  If the game only "currupts" after 2 weeks of testing that would be an improvement!  Release the patch.

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  On 9/3/2016 at 1:34 AM, DOCTOR DEMENTAL said:

I'm glad to hear that FTE had posted anything at all.  Perhaps they exist...  but 'final testing' would imply that they HAD a fix that was initially tested.  Sounds like smoke maybe, since 2 weeks has passed.  If the game only "currupts" after 2 weeks of testing that would be an improvement!  Release the patch.


"If the game only "currupts" after 2 weeks of testing that would be an improvement!  Release the patch."

Well thats the problem, Start a New game, make a ship With 300 parts, rename & save it 8 times. You have now maxed out Our game and ruined it.

Now this is just a test i did, too check what would max out the game, but depending on gamestyle, you could easily max out kinda early....

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@DaCana yes currently one can corrupt a save in under 1 hour.   FTE will need to build several 300 part ships, launch them and leave them in space, while making a bunch of custom quicksaves.  I was hoping they had actually been doing this with their 'fix' for the last 2 weeks, to see if it works.  I'm sayin' if they're doing this, and if they only experience curruption after 2 weeks of gameplay, release the patch!    Cheers

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  On 9/3/2016 at 12:51 PM, DOCTOR DEMENTAL said:

@DaCana yes currently one can corrupt a save in under 1 hour.   FTE will need to build several 300 part ships, launch them and leave them in space, while making a bunch of custom quicksaves.  I was hoping they had actually been doing this with their 'fix' for the last 2 weeks, to see if it works.  I'm sayin' if they're doing this, and if they only experience curruption after 2 weeks of gameplay, release the patch!    Cheers


"FTE will need to build several 300 part ships, launch them and leave them in space, while making a bunch of custom quicksaves"


nono, You got it wrong :wink: you dont even need too have the ships in flight!

Just having them in the "load Craft" menu, will max out the memory of the game, no need too have them in flight even :o . (i learned this 6 weeks ago, lots of info in threads about Cant save... )

Then again, what you mentioned is problem number 2, Yeah, any launched ship will also max out the memory, so even if what i said 1. doesnt mess it up, the latter will, as in lots of stations and satelites.


Theres just so many holes in this game, that the so called workarounds seems useless for now.

Edited by DaCana
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I wonder if they've considered using a method other than the multi-10MB saves they currently use.  Does it write directly to disc instead of caching to memory and error checking first?  Could it be one single file instead of two or three?  Could the new save be put into a separate file, keeping the old one automatically as a backup?

Seems like if it's taking this long that they might need to try a different tactic entirely, rather than trying to 'fix' the current issue.  There are plenty of other PS devs out there who've had no issues with save curruption and would likely be more than happy to share what they know.  Naughty Dog especially has been known for sharing their knowledge about PS hardware.

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I disagree with the concept of releasing anything before a final fix is achieved.  Right now, I lose several hours worth of progress whenever my save data corrupts, which is by no means acceptable.  However, I don't want to be in a position where I will instead lose several days or even weeks of progress to the same issue.  If and when I begin the game all over again (for about the tenth time), I want to be certain that I won't have to go back and restart unless I choose to do so.

In my own humble opinion, I would say that the console port for this game is one of the worst that I have ever seen.  If my five year old PC (admittedly the video card was updated about three years ago) can handle the launch of a 250 part rocket at 60 fps, a PS4 should be able to accomplish at least close to the same.  At the moment, I get maybe 10 fps, which goes down to about 2 fps if there are any flame effects.  My guess is that they don't want to bring in a third party to help with the save issue because they are too embarrassed about the quality of their console code, and don't want anyone else to look at it.

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  On 9/4/2016 at 5:55 PM, Jumba83 said:

I disagree with the concept of releasing anything before a final fix is achieved.  


What I was getting at is that if they're having this much trouble fixing the existing save code, they should stop trying to make the existing code work and try a completely different method to save more reliably.

My guess is that they just ported the PC code over with as few changes as possible to make it work, not spending much time on optimisation.  It might be saving in a structure and method that works on the PC, but doesn't fly so well on the PS4.

Also, at this point, I doubt the embarrassment of having someone else look at their code would match the embarrassment of having a broken game still severely broken two months after release.

Edited by TesseractE
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  On 9/4/2016 at 5:55 PM, Jumba83 said:

My guess is that they don't want to bring in a third party to help with the save issue


FTE don't have any coders themselves, it's all farmed out to contractors in the first place.  My guess is that they are currently locked into a war of words with Squad demanding payment to get this bug fixed.  "What do you mean, we should do it for free?  You tested the code and signed off on it, if you want us to fix the bug you'll have to pay us".

Also who's to say that the contractors who originally worked on the port haven't already moved onto another project, delaying things further.

I mean, what did you expect from the guy who brought the world 'Johnny Turbo' ffs:


Edited by Sonny_Jim
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Someone on these forums mentioned it and it made sense to me.  If you look at their past releases it's over several different platforms, including mobile.  Hell they've even been credited with motion capture on a single game, which makes zero sense to me, unless they farmed out the work to a motion capture studio.  From their own LinkedIn page they have anywhere between 11-50 employees.


Switching gears from the PC update to the console patch, we’re testing the builds Flying Tiger is sending us for both the Xbox One and PS4 patches. We have tested near 20 builds so far but the problems are not completely solved just yet. We are giving them as much feedback as possible and testing as much as we can so they can find the solution to the remaining issues. The Xbox One patch is the closer of the two when it comes to being ready for release, but it’s not quite there yet. We won’t stop until these ports are perfect, hang in there!


So it appears that there's progress, but either they want to squash as many bugs as possible OR they still haven't managed to fix the savefile corruption.

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When Dev notes were 'switching gears from the PC update to the console patch' I think the clutch slipped.  Striving for perfection with this 1st update is a mistake.  Nothing's perfect - especially sandboxes.  Please just focus on basic functionality.  Attempt perfection in future updates.

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We are a lot more than one update away from "perfection" here. 20 failed attempts at making a game work as intended over two months after it was released has got to say something about Flying Tiger's competence to handle this efficiently. Also, what does this say about further updates or further complications at making this game work as intended? Getting really sick of Squad treating their console release like early access. Not what I signed up for. 

Edited by chimpbone
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I know people are getting annoyed by it being unplayable and no patch yet, but i'm still playing it and progressing. its strange, my Maneuver node issues stopped after about a week. and I haven't have a savefile rollback for about 9 days. (playing each night for 1-2 hours). I did post my personal workaround on the "savefile rollback workaround" thread and I have been sticking to it religiously with no issues. as such I'm at least able to do stuff and enjoy the game until its properly fixed. but I'm personally not attempting anything big like space stations or bases until Its patched.


Here is the link to the thread: 


Edited by AndyChilly
added a link to another thread
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Yeah, if you stay true to the "rules" of the workarounds, its possible to do some things in the game.

But you'd have to be carefull, not beeing able to do half of the "missions" given, or even less later ingame.


And good job on reworking the fixes @AndyChilly    :)  i gave up working on em after 2-3 seeks...    


When theres actually fixes for the friggin borked release you gave us (Squad), how about maybe "putting em up there" or somehow promote the somewhat workarounds. But naah, that would make them look bad, would'nt it. Cuz not all PR is good PR.


They could atleast make em Stickys...  :P 


They probably wont  tho....  i've asked earlier.

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Big thanks to the community and on the forums for finding work arounds and information on bugs. I would have deleted the game a month ago if it wasn't for you guys. But I want to build bigger a more complex things so I'm slowly losing interest. I'll think of this as a learning experience for my future gaming purchases. 


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  On 9/8/2016 at 5:05 PM, Red Iron Crown said:

Can you link the thread? If there's a viable workaround that mitigates the issue it should be stickied.


Check the post above mine, got a link too the thread. Named "... got a workaround"...  and theres more then one, named ".... got a workaround" in the forums...  I've made 2 myself...  

Edited by DaCana
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  On 9/8/2016 at 10:06 PM, DaCana said:

Check the post above mine, got a link too the thread. Named "... got a workaround"...  and theres more then one, named ".... got a workaround" in the forums...  I've made 2 myself...  


Can you link yours, too? I'd rather consolidate all this stuff together to make it easier for people to find.

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  On 9/8/2016 at 5:00 PM, DaCana said:

And good job on reworking the fixes @AndyChilly    :)  i gave up working on em after 2-3 seeks...    

When theres actually fixes for the friggin borked release you gave us (Squad), how about maybe "putting em up there" or somehow promote the somewhat workarounds. But naah, that would make them look bad, would'nt it. Cuz not all PR is good PR.

They could atleast make em Stickys...  :P 



I went back to my solution post. to re-read it and make sure it made sense and it was gone!!

Was about to complain and then I see its been Sticky'd to the opening post as the best solution. Wow I think that was my second post ever yay! I'm also still not having issues with the game as an update. No crashing, no maneuver node issues. But i still feel like the game is "fragile" and I dont like to push it which is a shame. but im slowly making my way up the tech tree and have just unlocked surface scanning and mining tech. (yay). Having only been playing this game since the release on Xbox I am truly loving it despite its faults.

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what will come first, the patch or christmas... I gave up on the game, been playing elite dangerous instead. It's a shame I had real high hopes and even with the bugs I still knew you would fix them as fast as you could, but that hasn't happened. It sounds like they are now doing to the patch what they should have done to the main game before taking peoples money, making sure it actually works.  Well thanks, I'll go play other games and maybe in a few years ill stick it on wondering whats new, i hope when i do it works..

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