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Capturing Heat Shield

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I have a task to capture a 10m Heat shield from Kerbin Orbit and return it to the surface.

When I rendezvous with it, in a klaw-equipped craft, I can't grab it. I've tried all sides of the surface, even poking the klaw inside it and I just can't get a hold of it. I understood the klaw can grab anything but it doesn't seem to want to hold this. I have managed to successfully grab command modules and asteroids with it.

Is there something I'm doing wrong or misunderstanding?

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The claw part is a bit finicky about the angle by which it will attach, and you have to be moving VERY slowly, or it will just bounce off. The normally recommended speed is 0.1m/s for a grab attempt. Have you tried to come at the shield perpendicular to is surface? 

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Hi Vanamonde, thanks for your response.

I tried for longer than was healthy to pick it up from every conceivable angle I could try. I have successfully picked other artifacts - asteroids, cabins, tanks, etc but just not this shield.

I gave up trying it in space and built myself a rover with a klaw attachment and put the 10m heat shield on a stand at the KSC. I tried as gently as I could, I tried again from all angles, I rammed it at full speed. Nothing at all except some comical accidents.

I've privately concluded that it's a bug, but I'll be more than happy if it's confirmed that it is possible, and I'm just not getting it.

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I did a little testing with some stock rovers and for me it docked no problem. These two rovers are based on the same craft, which means the claw and the heat shield are at an identical height, which might make a difference.



EDIT: I tested further at a different height and to a craft with no probe core. No problems:


So you're facing a very strange bug, @FreddyB. What system are you playing on (console/PC etc?) and do you have any mods installed?

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Thanks for the screen grabs, Deddly.

Looks like a false alarm. I got inspired to go back and try following your post and I have done it. I can't get hold of it at any angle except the original frame hold you had, but I have managed it.

Thanks very much for the time taken to help


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17 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

The normally recommended speed is 0.1m/s for a grab attempt.

That used to be what I used as well, but in the last couple patches I've had problems coming in that slowly.  Seems like it doesn't grab it and just bounces off at that speed and I've had better luck at 0.3m/s lately, so might try that instead.

Edited by Hodari
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