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Howdy all, first a little introduction,

I just installed the game a few weeks ago, I've made multiple munar and minmus landings put up a few science stations and spent a solid week getting an SSTO that can reliably put 30 tons into orbit.

So far I love the game and am really looking forward to some interplanetary missions.

Oh also I dove right into the mods and am currently playing with about 100 of them and kinda feel like the game is incomplete without at least a dozen of the mods. 

I don't have too many questions as the amount of information on the forums and YouTube is simply staggering, but I am curious if the game is still being developed and if there are and plans for dlc or other squad expansions?

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Hello Sresk and welcome to the KSP Forums!

You've made enormous progress in a very short time.

The game is still in development with work currently being done on version 1.2.  This is a huge update with enormous code clean up and optimization along with a new feature or two (the new comms system is on deck for the upcoming update, I believe.)

Happy landings!

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When I first started playing, I spent a while making small, suborbital craft while desperately trying to achieve orbit with a lvl 1 pad. Now, when I get bored with interplanetary expiditions, I make 200 meter long monstrosities and destroy the entire space center and about 1800 Kerbals with one crash. But I've been playing for close to a year now. And I had Scott Manley. I have to say I'm impressed.

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well being able to reset back to launch does kinda feel like cheating... there are missions where I'll reset half a dozen times just to get everything right, but I treat it like wind tunnel test and training simulation to prepare my kerbals for the real thing. But thanks for the feedback. It's funny I play alot of games and I'm good at all of them (board and pc) and I have to say the reason I've fallen in love with KSP is ive never been proud about anything I've done in games until now. When I put my first station in orbit I'll admit I had to take about 20 photos and then text my friends and post the shots on face book :)

This game is friggin hard and it gives you a real sense of accomplishment for successfully completing a mission.

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Oh yeah, you're an addict.  There is a mod therapy for that.

On the development front, as Starhawk said, KSP is still being actively developed although it is already more than Squad and Harvester ever imagined.  The mod/information most of us have asked for is deltaV in the VAB/SPH, even if not in-flight, as it's an essential design figure.  Squad aren't so keen because they don't want KSP to be 'just about numbers'.  More generally they're a bit reluctant to tell us too much about their plans because if they happen to mention they're thinking about something there's immediately a huge - and volatile - debate/argument/row about how whether it must/mustn't be done at all and in any case not in any way the community agrees on (thinking of you, crew specialisations and training!).

What we have just had is a change to the new(er) Unity 5 engine which, unfortunately for Squad, became available not long after the official 1.0 launch.  That made it look like Squad had stopped doing many updates, as an engine change is a huge undertaking and it look a long time.  New boosters are now strapped on, what happens if you press that Big Red Button  ...?

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Yeah the Delta v stats from kerbal engineer feal like a must have for the game. That and the maneuver node editor from mechjeb. I can see why so many people complain that mechjeb is cheating but I honestly think it does a poor job at landing most craft... but trying to adjust maneuver nodes with just the mouse controlled sliders is immensely frustrating. So mechjeb is my flight comp. I'm still planning the maneuver but I use it to fine tune the maneuver and then execute what I've planned. Those two features for me feal like how the game is supposed to be played. 


If I where the devs I would add those features to stock and then bury them in the tech tree. Learn to build and fly without computer assist but then add in computer assisted automatiob as those task become trivial for the player. 


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Funnily enough, I use MJ all the time but do edit manoeuvre nodes with the mouse.  One of the reasons I use MJ is for the deltaV stats so why use KER when you've already got that?  Rhetorical question as actually quite a few people use a combination of KER, MJ and VOID to provide different information or just for the different formats.  Probably the preferred mod for fine-tuning manoeuvres is Precise Node although I've never got on with it.

You've probably picked the two most widely wanted things there though; more information and better node-editing.  Next most popular would (probably) be more/more interesting planets and moons and then a whole raft of visual enhancements and gameplay features - from the commsats already mentioned to life-support and everything else mods have added.  [Not particularly sought-after by most people but my pet peeve is the lack of a sane tech-tree, without which I don't play outside my sandbox; you can't please everyone ^^]

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Well I'm playing with in excess of 100 mods so I have life support, solar lens flare, visual enhancmenta and the extra planets and the community tech tree etc. So with all of the fantastic mods the community has put out I can't really feel any gaps at all. I suppose if I was playing purely stock ksp the game might feel a little unpolished but the version I'm playing feels like a AAA game.


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