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sudden missing ship

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I am not even sure what this is. I am building a base on the mun, and ya its had its issues, like one where I just launched a supply vehicle back off the mun after it brought some parts that made a flag launch into space. I hit quick load because a flying flag is fine if its rooted, but, it killed bill in the process. I check my tracking station to make sure that flag is back where it belongs after the quick save, and notice something. One of my ships that I had parked in LKO is gone. just flat out GONE. I did not deorbit and recover the crew, I did not recover the crew via ANY MEANS. I check the astronaut complex and the ONLY missing kerbal is Bill. That ship that vanished had 4-7 crew on it, and they are not listed as assigned or missing. I cannot remember their names, because I launched that ship in year 9-10 and its now  year 14 day 108. Anyone ever see something like this?

Edited by AlamoVampire
fixed to correct kerbal name lol
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How odd. I have heard about this happening but I haven't personally seen the problem or the solution. Hopefully you can get some good advice here in Technical Support. If you can supply a list of mods, it will probably help in finding a solution/cause.

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well, mod list is thus for KSP 1.1.3:

MechJeb2 2.5.8
Asteroid Day 
Kerbal Planetary Base System 1.1.4 
Chatterer 0.9.90
NovaPunch 2.09 <Tiberion still has yet to release a novapunch for above 1.0.2 or 1.0.5, only issue with it is an engine causing my game to lag, but, so long as i do not use said engine, game remains perfectly fine>
Reentry Particle Effects 1.1
Cacteye Orbital Telescope
KS 0.5.9
KIS 1.2.12
Procedural Fairing 3.17

i doubt its a mod conflict, as the Bill goes poof was as after a quick load and physics kicked in. I think a base module slammed down on bill. But, as to this missing ship, AND the fact the crew is NOT missing or listed as such, is odd.

Edited by AlamoVampire
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The closest to that which I've ever seen was an engine module that technically was all junk that was deleted because I went over the junk limit and didn't find out until I launched my crew into Duna orbit and their engine compartment was gone.

But I don't think that can apply to anything with crew capacity unless it's a modded part that's classified as junk and the vessel is without any control parts.

I'd open the save file in a text editor and see if the crew can be found on any vessels at all. And do you have any older manually created saves that they might exist on?

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39 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

@Starwaster Ive a copy of my persistent sitting elsewhere thats close to my current save. I may copy the current and reload the current backup just to look. But like i said that crews not listed as missing and the current assigned crews are accounted for.

And those guys are actually available in the astronaut center? If so then I misinterpreted the situation. I thought they were missing without being listed as missing.

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they are not listed as assigned nor are they listed as missing. and i just checked my persistent save copy and it was from about 3 hours prior to when i called it a night last night, and the ship and crew were not on that save either. They up and pulled a Flight 19 on me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_19 just so yall know what I mean. That ship is gone. the crew MAY be in available kerbals, but, like I said, I cannot for the life of me remember that crews name. But they are not assigned nor KIA/MIA.... 

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this post serves as an update to the issue at hand, of the missing ship:


I found an outdated persistent save file that I cannot revert back to because well, too much has been done in game to suffer that kind of set back. BUT, I did some digging and in THAT save the missing ship is very much in orbit. It had a crew of 4. I found their names and then loaded KSP and the current save. I did not deorbit this ship. I did not delete this ship from tracking station.  The ship simply  has ceased orbital operations. The crew as listed on that outdated save: Kathiel Kerman, Ferberry Kerman, Jenre Kerman and Bobdard Kerman. Upon checking my "employee" records at the astronaut complex a moment ago, records confirm that the following kerbal astronauts: Katheil Kerman, Ferberry Kerman, Jenre Kerman and Bobdard Kerman are alive, well and awaiting a new assignment. How they have returned to the planets surface in a vessel that was not designed for atmospheric flight is a mystery. 

As far as my sandboxes story goes, it will be written that a return mission was sent to the Titan Class Interplanetary Transport to return the crew home after it was determined that the mission was to be scrapped, the vessel will have been directed to make a terminal reentry to kerbin and scrap itself over the ocean.

As to the actual mechanics of KSP, I still have 0 clue what exactly went on here to return the crew to the Astronaut Complex OR cause the ship to just vanish in the first place, as again, no choice was made by me at any time to terminate or otherwise alter the mission.

I leave this here as a testament as to the Krakens very existence and its unusual mercy to return the crew home alive and safe. 

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