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Forum text censorship


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I find it incredibly inane and pathetic and I'm not the only one. Not only it censors filthy word, but it censors regular terms.

You can't write p-i-s-s. It will get censored to liquid and it's not a problematic word.

Today I saw the word N-a-z-i being replaced by "pedant". What the hell? It's a historical term. Writing a word isn't a crime. Sending a message can be, depending on the context.

(Word sex has been censored before, glad to see it's not anymore.)

Who wrote the script that does this? Who draws the line? Should we ban the words "gun", "sword", "enemy", "fat", "junk", "stupid", "invalid"? The politics of word management this forum conducts is contributing to perpetual word mincing. One word is used, then someone says they're offended by it. Another word is chosen as a replacement and it lasts for a while until another dumbass does the same. 

Why this nanny state distopian censorship? It does not protect anyone and it just looks incredibly stupid. What are you trying to accomplish? If someone writes something bad, do your job and correct it yourself, don't be lazy and throw some apologist explanations about "Google indexing our forum as a filthy place" cause it's a lie.

Don't contribute to the "culture of offendedness".

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Hello @lajoswinkler.

As KSP is intended for a wide age range there are certain words that are disallowed on the official Kerbal Space Program forums, so these are filtered to prevent their use.

This is no different to many other forums which serve a young audience.

Censorship of these words will continue at Squads request and most are not really required for discussion about Kerbals or rockets, so members are only likely to find themselves censored when they are deliberately posting content that can break the forum rules.

But if you would like changes to be considered then you are free to contact Squad at forum@kerbalspaceprogram.com


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